She held the d??r t? the b?l??n? open wid? ?n?ugh for the girls t? ?n??k thr?ugh. Th?? stopped ?t th? t?? of the ?t?ir?, ?bl? to ??? th? whole stage, where ??untl??? bright light? w?r? dir??t?d ?t the ?t?g?, illumin?ting the wh?l? thing.
She smiled ?? she watched Kn?x m?v?d around th? stage, hi? m?v?m?nt ???u?l and ?ur????ful ?t th? same tim?. His voice ??m? out ?l??r ?nd warm ?? it fill?d the whole auditorium.
Sh? ??uldn't h?l? th? flutt?r in her ?t?m??h ?nd ?h? f?und herself breathless ?? ?h? w?t?h?d him perform. Ev?n b?f?r? she h?d kn?wn him, w?t?hing his concert DVD ?h? had known h? was a g??d ??rf?rming. But n?w that he meant something t? her, it made him ?v?n b?tt?r. H? w?? ??r??n?bl?, whi?h seemed impossible wh?n you ?r? ??rf?rming t? a r??m filled with people, but someone how h? ?ull?d it off.
"H?'? amazing!" Jul?? squealed.
"He i?," Sk? agreed. Sh? l??k?d ?r?und ?t th? crowd in th? th??t?r and w??n't surprised t? ??? nin?t? ??r??nt w?r? girl?. Sh? w?t?h?d th?m ?? th?? m?v?d th?ir hips t? th? beat, ?inging ?ut ?v?r? w?rd t? ?v?r? song.
Sh? tried t? get a better view ?f the l?w?r l?v?l but kn?w ?h? didn't need t? ??? it to kn?w it was th? ??m? d?wn th?r?. There w?r? hundreds ?f ????l? here t? ??? Kn?x sing ?nd ??m?h?w, this f??t seemed to break th? m?gi? ?h? h?d f?lt.
Sh? l??k?d back ?t th? stage, tr?ing t? ign?r? th? n?rv?u? f??ling she f?lt washing ?v?r her. Knox fini?h?d a ??ng and the theater ?ru?t?d into cheers. Sky j?in?d in as th? girl? jum??d u? ?nd d?wn.
"Thanks ?? mu?h f?r b?ing here with m? t?night!" Kn?x ??id. Sky w?t?h?d th? girls closest t? h?r m?lt at his w?rd?. "This cruise h?? b??n an ?b??lut?l? amazing ?x??ri?n??. I h?v? m?t ??m? ?m?zing ????l?."
Th? words didn't sink in until Jul?? ?in?h?d h?r arm. She jum??d ?nd l??k?d ?t Jul?? ?l?rm?d but Jul?? was smiling.
"I w?nd?r who he is t?lking ?b?ut?" B?? asked playfully.
"It h?? b??n gr??t to b? able t? m??t my f?n?," he said. "L??rn about who th?? ?r? and wh?t they t? d?. I'v? b??n ?bl? t? see ?m?zing places and have ?x??ri?n??? with people I now consider fri?nd?."
"And m?r?," C?r? l?ugh?d. Sk? ignored the ??mm?nt? as ?h? watched the girl? around her m?lt at hi? w?rd?. Jul??, C?r? ?nd B?? thought h? was t?lking ?b?ut her, but w?t?hing th? girl? around h?r, Sk? ??uld t?ll th?? ?ll th?ught h? was t?lking ?b?ut th?m.
"T? ?ll those people out th?r? wh? I'v? h?d th? pleasure of meeting and spending time with, this ??ng i? f?r ??u." Kn?x ?ign?l to P?t?h ?nd h? ?t?rt?d a slower beat. Th? ?udi?n?? started ?inging ?l?ng with him with?ut missing a word. Sk? couldn't help feeling a littl? l??t in the ??? ?f v?i???.
Sh? w??n't ?ur?ri??d t? ??? that Jules, B?? ?nd C?r? knew th? w?rd? ?nd ?h? let Jul?? take h?r ?rm joining as they b?g?n t? sway. But ?t h?r ??r?, ?h? ??uld f??l ??m?thing ??ttling. S?m?thing ?h? h?dn't th?ught ?b?ut but n?w was there. She kn?w it w?? in?vit?bl?.
"That w?? ?m?zing!" all thr?? girls ?qu??l?d as th?? l?ft the theater after a f?w songs. Sk? b?r?l? paid ?tt?nti?n, h?r mind running ?n a different tr??k. She h?d always known th? ?rui?? would ?nd. She w??n't n?iv? ?n?ugh t? think ?n? fri?nd?hi? ?h? h?d with Kn?x would l??t past th? cruise but ??m?h?w, it h?d still ?nu?k up on her.
Kn?x b?l?ng?d t? a diff?r?nt world. Between the night b?f?r? ?nd the morning spent ?n the b??t ?h? h?d f?rg?tt?n th?t. But it had ???il? come back t? h?r wh?n she w?? ?urr?und?d by girl? ?inging out hi? ??ng?, ??nvin??d h? wr?t? th? ??ng f?r th?m.
"Hi? voice is just ?? ?m?zing!" Jul?? ??id. Sh? followed after Sk?, h?l?ing ?ut candles in every gl??? ??nt?in?r Sk? ??t on th? t?bl??.
"Yeah?" Sk? ??id di?tr??t?dl?. She thr?w ?ut r?nd?m words to k??? Jules talking while h?r mind was ??inning.
Th? r??liz?ti?n that she h?d l??t ?ight of th? end h?d ?ur?ri??d her m?r? then th? f??t th?t th? ?nd was f??t ???r???hing. But th? m?r? th? id?? ??ttl?d, the less surprising ?nd ??d it became. Sh? h?dn't even kn?wn Knox f?r a w??k. Who knew wh?r? ?ith?r ?f th?m w?uld b? in ?n?th?r week? M?ving on was part ?f th? job ?nd Sk? knew it w?? ultim?t?l? f?r th? b??t.
"And the easy w?? h? t?lk? and moves," Jul?? continued. "Kenny did ??u h??r w? g?t to ??? Knox ??rf?rm?" she ??ll?d ?ut.
"Lucky ??u," K?nn? ?n?w?r?d fl?tl?.
"And wh?t he ??id b?tw??n ??ng?! H? w?? totally talking ?b?ut you," Jules said.
"Jul??, you kn?w th?t i? wh?t ?v?r? ?ingl? girl in that th??t?r i? thinking," Sky ??id.
"But you were the only girl who w?? actually right!"
Sk? rolled h?r ???? ?t Jul?? ?nd ??ntinu?d ??tting u? th? t?bl??. But h?r w?rd? w?uldn't g? ?w??. Sh? was trying t? w?g? a b?ttl? over h?r sudden awareness of th? ?rui?? ending ?nd th? h???? m?m?ri?? fr?m th? m?rning ???nt with Kn?x.
The m?r? ?h? th?ught about it, the m?r? ?h? r??liz?d she w?? thinking more about th?ir tim? together ?nd h?w ?h? w?? g?ing t? ??? him l?t?r th?n w?rr?ing ?b?ut what w?uld h????n t?m?rr?w.
L?ui? w?? h?ving the whole ??v?nth floor turn?d int? a party z?n?. There w?r? l?ung?? on b?th ?nd? ?f the floor with th? m?in lobby with th? ?r??t?l ?t?ir???? in th? ??nt?r. Th?? had ?l??r?d th? l?ung?? of t?bl?? ?nd turn?d them int? d?n?? fl??r?.
Th?? h?d m?v?d a m?j?rit? of th? t?bl?? into the main l?bb? ?r??, where d????rt ?nd drink? would b? served ?ll night. There was a ?h?t? b??th setup in one ?f the w?lkw??? l??ding off the main l?bb? where th? passengers could h?v? their pictures t?k?n ?nd ??v?r?l m?r? fun ??tiviti??.
Sky w?? g?th?ring th? last ?vid?n?? of tr??h wh?n there was a rush ?f ????l? and ?h? kn?w th? concert must be d?n?. Sudd?nl?, th? air w?? filled with ?x?it?d ?h?tt?r. Sh? tri?d to ?v?id th? crowd, du?king behind th? ?u?t?m?r services d??k.
"Sky, ??v? m?," Johnny said. H? ?i???d out of th? ?ffi?? d??r? and dr?m?ti??ll? thr?wing him??lf ?n her.