Page 95 of Perchance To Dream

H? g?v? Marcos a fri?ndl? pat ?n th? back b?f?r? h? h??d?d in the ?????it? dir??ti?n.

He w?nt?d t? find Sk? and find ?ut wh?t w?? going ?n. It was h?rd for him t? b?li?v? th?t ?h? r??ll? didn't want t? see him, but h? couldn't help r?m?mb?ring h?w flirt?ti?u? ?h? had ???m?d with ?ll th? guys from Last C?ll. H?d he been stupid t? think ?h? r??ll? liked him ?r h?d ?h? ju?t b??n int?r??t?d in him because he w?? Kn?x H?milt?n, int?rn?ti?n?l ??? ?t?r.

Kn?x forced him??lf t? f??u? ?n where h? w?? going ?nd w?it until he found Sk? t? g?t ?n?w?r?. H? ??uld ?v?rthink th? ?itu?ti?n, but it wouldn't do him ?n? g??d. H? g?t an ?v?nt? ??h?dul? and f?und th?r? w?r? only tw? ?v?nt? ?urr?ntl? g?ing ?n. There w?? a v?ll??b?ll g?m? g?ing ?n ?t th? ???l and bingo in a l?ung?.

The ???l ?r?? w?? crowded, every lounge chair and table filled. Kn?x hoped th? ?r?wd w?uld k??? ?n??n? from n?ti?ing him. He w?lk?d ?l?ng th? ?id? ?f th? ???l, l??king f?r any ?r?w m?mb?r h? r???gniz?d. H? paused t? w?t?h th? v?ll??b?ll game and recognized C?r?, the girl l??ding the game.

"H?? Cara," h? ??id ???u?ll?.

H? ??m? to ?t?nd n?xt t? h?r ?t the side ?f the pool.

"H?? Knox," ?h? said ??unding ?ur?ri??d. "How are ??u?"

"I'm good, h?w ?r? ??u?" h? ??k?d.

Th?? watched th? ball clumsily bop fr?m ?n? ?id? ?f the n?t t? the ?th?r.

"Oh, you kn?w, ju?t w?rking," ?h? said. "Can I h?l? ??u with something?"

"I was actually looking f?r Sk?," h? said, k???ing hi? f??u? ?n the game. H? could f??l C?r? giving him a ?uri?u? l??k.

"I don't kn?w where ?h? is. I th?ught ?h? w?? w?rking ?ll ??ur ?v?nt?."

"No, ?h? must h?v? g?tt?n reassigned."

"Sorry, I can't b? ?f m?r? h?l?."

"Th?nk? ?n?w???," he said, ?li??ing ?w?? ?? Cara called ??m?thing ?ut.

H? m?v?d briskly along, d??iding to l??v? the ???l ?r?? ?nd l??k ??m?wh?r? ?l??.

"H?? Knox," Ni?? ??id, h?ving ?lm??t run into him as h? ?u?h?d thr?ugh the door l??ding ?ut to th? pool.

"H?? Ni??, wh?t? u? man?"

"N?t a l?t. Ar? you l??ving?" Nico ??k?d, r??lizing Kn?x w?? h??ding away from th? pool.

"Y??h, I'm ??tu?ll? looking f?r Sk?," h? said. "I h?d a question f?r her," h? ?dd?d, doubting this would extinguish any th?ught? people were ?t?rting t? f?rm ?b?ut wh?t was g?ing ?n b?tw??n th?m.

"I h?v?n't ???n her ?ll d??, sorry man," Nico ??id, ??unding g?nuin?l? ???l?g?ti?.

"N? w?rri??," Knox ??id, with an ???? ?mil?, "I'll ??t?h you l?t?r."

"Y?u going to be u? on d??k t?night?"

"I'm n?t ?ur?."

A large gr?u? of people m?v?d past th?m to g?t t? th? pool ?nd they g?t ????r?t?d.

Kn?x w?? ?t???ing off the elevator int? the m?in l?bb? wh?n h? ???tt?d Anders w?lking away ?nd h? ??ll?d ?ft?r him.

"And?r? w?it u?," he said l?ud?r, ru?hing to ??t?h him.

"Kn?x," And?r? said curtly, b?r?l? giving Knox a head nod.

"H??," Kn?x ??id, thr?wn b? And?r?'? cold m?nn?r. W?? h? acting thi? way because ?f ??m?thing Sky had ??id? "I was ju?t l??king for Sky."

H? w?t?h?d Anders r???ti?n.