As the l????n b?g?n, all th? girl? sat whil? Sk? and C?r? handed ?ut guit?r?. Th? ?rui?? lin? had b?ught up cheap guit?r? wh?n th?? knew th?t Kn?x w?? going t? be ?n the ?rui??. E??h guit?r was a bright color with ?h??? ?tring?.
"That ?n? d???n't work with m? ?utfit," Bi?n?? said. Sh? l??k?d ?t the bright blue guitar with a l??k ?f disgust. Sk? thought about r?fu?ing to giv? h?r ?n?th?r color ?f guit?r but kn?w some b?ttl?? weren't w?rth fighting.
"H?r?." Sh? ?ff?r?d h?r a bright red guitar, the color fitting right in with h?r whit? crop t?? ?nd ?m?ll blu? shorts. Bianca t??k th? guit?r ?nd made her w?? t? th? front ?f th? crowd.
"And the third chord we will be w?rking with is a D. Th?t l??k? like this." Knox's h?nd ?lid d?wn t? a ?lu?t?r ?n th? higher strings. The l?ung? w?? ?r?wd?d with girl?. H? had r?turn?d t? th? group ?f girl? ?ft?r t?lking to Sk?, a bit di?tr??t?d.
It had thrown him ?ff to have h?r be ?? flirt? ?nd th?n turn ?r?und and b? ???ll? ?r?f???i?n?l. H?r last ??mm?nt h?d br?ught hi? ?tt?nti?n b??k t? hi? f?n? ?nd he und?r?t??d wh?t ?h? was g?tting at. H? h?d di?tr??t?dl? li?t?n?d t? the girl? t?lk ?? he w?t?h?d Sky out ?f th? corner of hi? ???, t?lking ?nd un???king guit?r? in th? b??k ?f the r??m. L??king ?v?r every time h? heard h?r laugh.
On?? everyone h?d a guitar in th?ir h?nd?, he ?t?rt?d th? lesson. H? went ?v?r th? basics of a guit?r before introducing ?h?rd?.
"Excuse me," Bi?n?? ??id loudly. He w?t?h?d ?? Sk? made h?r w?? over to wh?r? Bi?n?? w?? ???t?d. "Th? ?tring? ?r? t? rough ?n m? hands."
"Ok??, ?v?r??n? try a G ?h?rd," h? said. "I will ??m? around ?nd h?l?." H? ?ut hi? guitar d?wn ?nd stood. H? watched ?? Sky gr??i?u?l? took the guit?r fr?m Bianca ?nd switched it ?ut for another ?n?.
"Th?t looks r??ll? g??d, just k??? th?t top finger from ?li??ing," Kn?x t?ld Liz. He could see h?r blu?h as h? h?l??d m?v? her finger u? ?n th? ?tring.
"Have ??u played guitar b?f?r??" Kn?x ??k?d a girl. Sh? l?ugh?d. "That G ?h?rd i? looking gr??t." H? w?und hi? w?? thr?ugh th? girl?, ?h??king on th?ir chords.
"H?w thi??" Bianca ??k?d loudly ?? he got closer.
"Pr?tt? g??d," h? said. "Ju?t m?v? up a fr?t ?nd move ??ur two t?? fingers d?wn a ?tring."
"It's this ?tu?id guit?r," ?h? grumbled. Sh? whi???d her head around. "Ex?u?? m?!" Sh? ??ll?d ?ut rud?l?, trying t? g?t Sk?'? ?tt?nti?n. Kn?x moved t? th? next girl, h?lf li?t?ning in as Sk? ??m? ?v?r.
"How ??n I h?l??" Sky ??k?d in a cheery v?i??.
"Thi? guitar isn't w?rking," Bianca ??id, with?ut ?n? m?r? of ?n explanation.
"Okay..." Sk? ??id. "What's wr?ng? Just ?? I kn?w h?w t? b?tt?r h?l? you."
"It'? t?? b?lk? ?nd th? ?tring? ?r? ?till r?ugh."
"W?ll, unf?rtun?t?l? ?ll th? r??t ?f the guitars we h?v? ?r? th? same. I ??uld g?t ??u a baby guit?r," Sk? ?ff?r?d. "It'? ?m?ll?r ?nd the ?tring? ?r? ??ft?r."
Kn?x turned t? see a h?rrifi?d l??k ?n Bianca's face. "Thi? will b? fin?," ?h? said ?ngril?. She turn?d away fr?m Sky.
"Th?t'? great," Kn?x t?ld a girl, b?f?r? h? returned to th? stage again.
For th? next f?rt? five minut??, he w?nt ?v?r m?r? ?h?rd? ?nd showed th? girl? a simple ?trum. He was u? ?nd d?wn, showing a chord ?nd then w?lking ?r?und t? make ?ur? ?v?r??n? g?t it.
"I? thi? right?" Bi?n?? ??ll?d ?ut as h? w?lk?d b?.
He ?t????d t? l??k. "Almost. Ju?t move th?t fing?r u?."
"Will you ?h?w m??" ?h? asked. Sh? h?d a w?? t? make the simple w?rd? ??und ??du?tiv?. H?r h?nd dr????d ?nd Kn?x ??m? around t? her l?ft ?id?, bringing his fingers u? t? th? guit?r neck.
"The pinky finger h?? t? ??t?h th? top ?tring," h? said.
Bianca ?l???d h?r h?nd on top ?f hi?. "That m?k?? ??n?? now," ?h? ??id. Her v?i?? was l?w. Sh? turned ?nd brought her f??? close t? hi?.
"Great. Pr??ti?? that and I'll b? b??k ?r?und," h? ??id. H? stood ?nd pulled his h?nd ?ut fr?m und?r h?r?.
Sk? ?l?wl? ????d u? and down th? ?id? of the r??m, ???nning the crowd f?r ?n??n? who might n??d help.
"I broke a string!" Bianca ?ri?d. H?r eyes zeroed in on Sk?. Sk? ?l??t?r?d ?n a ?mil? as ?h? t??k th? guitar ?nd m?v?d to the back ?f th? room t? replace it.
"What's wr?ng with thi? ?n??" C?r? ??k?d, rolling h?r eyes.