Page 63 of Perchance To Dream

"Did ??m?b?d? ?ut something in ??ur ??ff?? this m?rning?" h? ??k?d. "Your ????nt? are ?n ??int!"

"I'v? heard the b??t way to impress a b?? i? break out the ????nt?," ?h? j?k?d.

He gave h?r a ?uri?u? l??k. "Tr?ing t? im?r??? m?, huh?" He gave h?r a ?l??ful l??k.

"Elias," she r????nd?d fl?tl?. "Y?u'r? just my t??t ?ubj??t."

"Ouch!" H? put hi? h?nd? over his h??rt. "First, ??u use m? f?r m? b?l??n?, th?n t? ?r??ti?? ??ur ????nt?. Th?t'? harsh."

"Th? truth hurt?." She g?v? a ?m?ll laugh.

"W?ll, as l?ng as I'm h?r?, I ??n give ??u ??m? advice. I'v? h??rd Eli?? l?v?? G?rm?n ????nt?."

"Da? D?? g?ud!" She put ?n a h?rribl? German ????nt but l??t it l?ughing.

Kn?x l?ugh?d, w?t?hing h?r go br??thl???. H? liked th? w??? her ???? crinkled when she laughed. "Th?t will win hi? h??rt," h? said.

"So, you like Eli???" Kn?x asked. Hi? l??k w?? ?l??ful with a t?u?h ?f ??m?thing m?r?. Sky could ??? C?r? trying t? get her ?tt?nti?n. She was vaguely aware of ????l? coming into the l?ung?.

"No, I'm just tr?ing t? impress him." She ?t?rt?d to move away but turn?d b??k t? him. "I lik? ??u," ?h? ??id with a wink. She ??w a qui?k look ?f surprise ?n his f??? b?f?r? she w?lk?d to C?r?. Sh? gl?n??d t? the ?ntr?n?? ?f the lounge ?nd ??w a ?m?ll gr?u? of girl? w?lking in, led by Bi?n??.

"H?? wh?t'? u??" ?h? ??k?d C?r?. She w?t?h?d Bianca qui?kl? w?lk ?v?r to Kn?x. She wrapped her long arms ?r?und him in a hug ?nd gl?r?d ?t Sk?.

"I? it ju?t m? ?r did that girl ju?t give you th? ?vil ????" C?r? whispered, barely moving her li??.

"You ??w that t???" She turned ?w?? from th? group ?f girls ?r?und Knox.

"Wh?t happened?" C?r? ??k?d in an eager v?i??, digging for a ???nd?l.

Sh? laughed. "I d?n't think I'v? ?v?n ??id a w?rd t? her. I mean ?h?'? b??n ?n ?ll ?f Knox's ?v?nt? ?? I h?v? seen her ?r?und. Sh? is kind ?f hard t? mi??." Sh? turn?d around t? ??? Kn?x talking t? th? girl?, Bi?n??'? ?rm dr???d ??r??? his ?h?uld?r in a ???????iv? w??.

"Sh? probably ju?t h?d ??m?thing in h?r ???," ?h? ?dd?d. "Girl? lik? th?t, don't t?nd t? n?ti?? people ?? l?w as me."

"A littl? h?l? ?v?r h?r?," K?nn? ??ll?d ?ut. Sky ?nd Cara w?lk?d ?v?r t? wh?r? h? w?? r?m?ving guit?r? from th?ir cases.

"Did you t?lk to Kn?x ?b?ut th? lesson?" C?r? ??k?d.

"N?. I f?rg?t," Sk? ??id.

"S?ri?u?l?? Y?u w?r? ju?t ?v?r th?r? talking t? him," ?h? ??id.

"I'll go ?h??k with him r??l qui?k. H? doesn't n??d t? know much." Sk? w?lk?d ?v?r t? th? group of girl?. "Excuse, Mr H?milt?n. C?uld I get a m?m?nt of your tim??" She ???k? loud ?n?ugh to b? heard above th? ?th?r girls.

"Y??h," he said. H? gave h?r a big ?mil?. "I'll b? right back ladies." He ?li???d b?tw??n tw? girl? to f?ll?w Sk? b??k to wh?r? Kenny ?nd C?r? w?r?.

"Th? l????n is ??h?dul?d to l??t for tw? h?ur?," Sky said in a f?rm?l voice. Sh? t??k a ?m?ll ?t?? b??k when Knox stopped ?l??? to h?r, aware th?t ?ll th? girl? were watching. "Kenny, Cara and I ?r? h?r? t? help in any w??."

"An?w???" h? said ?l??full?. H? took a ?t?? towards her.

"We thought it might be h?l?ful if ??u wore a mi?," ?h? ??ntinu?d. She didn't show ?n? sign th?t ?h? h??rd him. She turn?d ?w?? from hi? approach, ???r?hing for th? mi?.

"K?nn? i? h?r? if you need any help with the mi?." Sh? turn?d back and h?nd?d Knox th? mi?.

"I think I can m?n?g?," he said.

"Good," ?h? ??id ??ri?u?l?. "Th?t is ?ll. Thanks f?r your tim?." A small fr?wn creased Kn?x'? brow as he ?t??d there with his h?nd ?till ?ut?tr?t?h?d, the mi? l??ing in it. "If th?r? i?n't anything else ??u n??d Mr Hamilton, then I'm sure ??ur f?n? ?r? w?iting to t?lk t? you." She nodded h?r h??d? t?w?rd? th? girl and th?n turn?d b??k to help bring guitars towards th? front.

"Th?nk?." He turned t? w?lk b??k t? th? girl?.