Page 55 of Perchance To Dream

"I lik? t? go ?x?l?ring ?nd I f?und thi? ?n? ?f those tim??," ?h? ??id.

"It's ?m?zing th?? l?t ??u u? here."

"Oh, th?? d?n't. We'll be ?rr??t?d if they find us," she said. Sh? watched Knox's ?h??k?d r???ti?n to h?r words. "I'm kidding. Onl? you will b? ?rr??t?d, I work h?r?."

"Funny," h? ??id flatly.

Sh? ?mil?d. "But in ?ll seriousness, k??? this ?n th? d?wn l?w," ?h? ??id. "It's n?t ?tri?tl? against the ship rul??, but my b??? w?uldn't b? thrilled ?b?ut it."

Knox ?tudi?d h?r f???. Sk? ??uld ??? he was trying t? t?ll if she w?? being h?n??t or n?t. He ??m? to a conclusion with?ut ??king a qu??ti?n ?nd turn?d b??k t? th? w?t?r, a small ?mil? in the ??rn?r ?f hi? m?uth.

"Y?u ????k Spanish, make ????r airplanes, r??d ?n?i?nt M?xi??n run??, ?nd explore ?hi??, but I don't r??ll? kn?w a l?t m?r? about you," h? ??id. He l??k?d ?t h?r.

"Th?t ?b?ut sums me up," ?h? ??id. Sh? didn't ?h? away fr?m his l??k, but stared right back, ?miling wh?n h? g?v? in ?nd looked down.

"And I kn?w you're a famous r??k ?t?r, ??u t?? h?v? th? gift ?f making ????r airplanes, ??u like tr?ing w?ird f??d?, ?nd you t?nd t? ?ttr??t screaming girl?," ?h? said b??k to him. "I must ?dmit I skipped over th? 'Tw?nt?-fiv? thing? you didn't kn?w about Kn?x Hamilton' in th?t m?g?zin? I was reading. I ??uld h?v? b??n so mu?h m?r? ?r???r?d for thi?."

Kn?x l?t ?ut a l?ugh, tilting his head back.

"Th??? are more fiction then f??t so ??u didn't mi?? mu?h," h? ??id. "But ??u ju?t ?? h????n t? b? sitting n?xt t? th? real Kn?x Hamilton ?nd h? might ju?t ?n?w?r your qu??ti?n?."

"R??ll?! Wh?r??" Sky said. She sat u? ?nd ?x?it?dl? l??k?d ?r?und.

He l?t out loud f?k? l?ugh ?nd g?v? h?r ?n un?mu??d look. Thi? time Sk? w?? th? fir?t ?n? t? l??k ?w?? and ?h? let a ?mil? ??r??d ??r??? her f???.

"Ask ?w??," she said, meeting his ???? ?g?in. "But..." she ?dd?d, cutting in before he ??uld ??? ?n?thing. "Y?u h?v? t? ?n?w?r your own question ?ft?r I ?n?w?r. I'll do the ??m?."



"Wh?r? did you grow up?" Kn?x ??k?d. Wh?r? th?? were ?itting protected them fr?m th? ?tr?ng??t wind, but th?r? w?? still a ?t??d? br??z? ?f w?rm air m?ving ???t th?m. Sky's hair w?? ?ull?d back in a ponytail ?nd it flew up in th? ?ir lik? flames, th? wind tr?ing to carry it ?w??. Ev?r? ?? ?ft?n, ?h? w?uld tr? t? ?in d?wn h?ir th?t h?d ?ull?d l??? ?nd k??? it ?ut of h?r face.

Th? m??n'? r?fl??ti?n ?tr?t?h?d ?ut long, running towards th? ?hi? on the d?rk water. Th? w?ll th?? w?r? l??ning against was ???l and it w?? ?lightl? humming.

"San Diego," Sk? ??id with a ?lightl? British ????nt. Her gaze was ?n th? w?t?r.

"I grew u? in Phil?d?l?hi?," h? ??id. He w?? answering his own question, ?? ?h? h?d dir??t?d.

"H?v? you had a Philly Ch???? St??k?" ?h? ??k?d. Th? qu??ti?n caught Knox off guard. He h?d ?x???t?d a ??r??n?l question.

"Y?u can't judge m? qu??ti?n?," she said when she ??ught the l??k on hi? f???.

H? l?ugh?d and had to think ?b?ut it f?r a m?m?nt. "Y?u w?nn? kn?w ??m?thing ?r?z?, I actually don't think I have h?d a Phill? Ch???? St??k."

"S?ri?u?l??" Sh? ??t u? from her ?light ?lum? ?g?in?t th? w?ll ?nd turn?d t? f??? him.

"N?," h? ??id, f??ling ?? if thi? w?? th? wr?ng answer.

"Well, I ?ugg??t the next tim? ??u vi?it h?m? ??u h?v? one. They ?r? delicious," ?h? said. She r?turn?d to h?r ?lum?.

"Sir, yes ?ir," h? said, saluting h?r.

"At ????," ?h? ??id.

Th?? r?turn?d to ?il?n??, l??king out ?v?r th? water ?? Kn?x th?ught of hi? n?xt qu??ti?n. "D? you h?v? siblings?" h? asked.

"Two." Sh? ??u??d f?r a moment, like she wasn't g?ing to say m?r?. "An ?ld?r brother, Tu?k?r, ?nd ?n ?ld?r ?i?t?r, Em?r??n."