"I'm ?? l??t," h? ??id, ?? th?? w?lk?d past th? main l?ung?. "H?w did w? g?t here?"
"Tru?t m?, ??u work on a ship l?ng ?n?ugh ?nd it b???m?? your ????nd h?m?," ?h? said.
"A home ??u g?t l??t in?"
"Isn't it a littl? l?t??" a guy ??ll?d ?ut ?? th?? ?????d th? fr?nt desk.
"Th? night i? ??ung Charlie!" Sk? ??id. Sh? twirl?d in ?ir?l?? ?? ?h? ?????d him.
"H?ld u?," Knox said, ?? she pushed thr?ugh ?winging doors.
"Wh?t?" ?h? ??k?d. She l??k?d ?r?und for a ?r?bl?m.
"It ???? employees only," Kn?x ??id with a ?h??k? grin. He pointed to the ?ign on th? d??r.
Sk? rolled h?r ???? and gr?bb?d hi? h?nd. "C?m? ?n," ?h? said, dr?gging him after h?r.
Th? glitz of th? ?hi? imm?di?t?l? di??????r?d ?? they ?????d thr?ugh th? d??r?. Everything b???m? metal ?nd whit?. Knox followed her d?wn a l?ng hallway, th?ir f??t?t??? echoing off th? w?ll?.
"Thi? is where the magic happens," Knox ??id.
"More lik? where th? l?undr? g?t? ?l??n?d," ?h? ??id.
"Y?ur f?v?rit? ?l??? is th? l?undr? r??m?"
"I ??n't g?t ?n?ugh ?f th?t fr??h lin?n smell." Sh? ?hrugg?d, turning a corner ?nd ?t?rting to ?limb a flight ?f ?t?ir?.
"I d?n't think I can go ?n," Kn?x ??id. He hung ?v?r th? r?iling ?ft?r th?? h?d ?limb?d ??v?r?l flights ?f ?t?ir?.
"Come on, ??u ?limb?d t? the t?? of th? runes t?d??," Sk? said.
"Ex??tl? my point. I already did th? whole ?t?ir thing today," h? ??id, thr??t?ning t? sit down.
"Ok. Stay h?r? and die." ?h? ??id ?v?r h?r shoulder ?? ?h? continued t? ?limb.
"I? th?r? a choice th?t i?n't so deadly?" h? said. He g?t t? his f??t ?nd f?ll?w?d h?r.
He ?ull?d him??lf u? th? rest of th? ?t?ir? ?nd j?in?d h?r, where ?h? waited for him, h?r h?nd r??ting on th? h?ndl? of a d??r.
"Y?u good?" ?h? asked. H? r??liz?d ?h? wasn't out of br??th? at ?ll.
Th?r? w?? a bur?t of wind ?? Sk? pushed th? door open and ?t????d through, holding it f?r Kn?x. H? f?ll?w?d ?nd stopped ?? he l??k?d b?f?r? him.
Sk? l?v?d th? whi??ing sound ?f the wind ?? she ?u?h?d the door ???n. Th? fir?t tim? ?h? can ??m? u? h?r? it had t?k?n h?r by ?ur?ri?? ?nd thrown her back. But now she anticipated it, even ?nj???d feeling the f?r??, trying t? topple her ?v?r.
She ?t????d ?ut?id? into th? warn ?ir ?nd h?ld the d??r ???n f?r Kn?x. A ?mil? ??r??d across her f??? ?? ?h? watched hi? r???ti?n as h? t??k in th? ?ight. They w?r? high u? on th? ship. The high??t ??u could r???h, right und?r the ???t?in? r??m, ?nd ?ll ??u ??uld ??? was th? water and th? ?t?r?.
"This is amazing," he ??id l?udl?. Th? l??k of ?w? w?? ?till in his ????.
Sk? shut th? d??r ?nd w?v?d h?r hand, l??ding th? way ?r?und the ?dg? of th? curved w?ll. A f?w f??t t? the right a w?ll jutted ?ut. It bl??k?d m??t of th? wind, m?king it ???i?r t? h??r ????l?. Sh? sat d?wn, her b??k against the ???l m?t?l w?ll, h?r f??t n?t r???hing the r?iling. Kn?x j?in?d h?r. She watched ?? he ?tr?t?h?d hi? l?g? out ?nd hi? f??t hit the r?iling.
"Thi? i? m? favorite spot," she ??id. A ?mile involuntarily ??r??d ??r??? her f???.
Sh? could ?till f??l r?mn?nt? of th? m?gi??l f??ling that h?d ??ught h?r by surprise the fir?t tim? ?h? had ?tumbl?d ?ut here. With th? waves b?l?w ?nd th? ?t?r? above being ?lm??t th? only thing in view, ?h? h?d never f?lt ?? fr?? in her life.
"I can ??? why," h? ??id. Hi? ???? were fix?d ?n th? view in front ?f th?m. Th?? f?ll silent, the hum ?f th? ?hi? b???ming l?ud?r ?? it ?u?h?d through the water.
"H?w did ??u find it?" h? asked.