Page 35 of Perchance To Dream

"Eww, like I w?uld ??t ?t one ?f those r??t?ur?nt?. I d?n't want to die," th? girl ??id. She h?d a look ?f di?gu?t ?n h?r f???.

"Ev?rl?igh, wh?t ?r? you d?ing?" Bi?n?? asked, w?lking u? to Sk? ?nd th? girl. "I found th? ?l???."

"Th?nk?," Everleigh said ?urtl?. B?th girl? turn?d to leave.

"Oh Knox, we were just g?ing t? gr?b a bite t? ??t," Bi?n?? ??id. Her f??? lit up as Knox w?lk?d toawrds them. "W? f?und a Hilton t? ??t at. It'? n?t th? b??t, but I'v? h?d to deal with w?r??. J?in u??" She held out h?r h?nd to him.

"Y??h, maybe," Kn?x ??id. H? ??m? t? ?t?? ?? Sky was b?tw??n him and th? girls. "I think I need t? run back t? the ship ?nd grab ??m?thing. G? ahead."

"Ok??!" ?h? said. Sh? moved ?l???r ?nd gave him a ki?? ?n th? ?h??k.

"The Hilt?n has a no shirt, n? ?h???, n? service policy," Sky said.

"And?" Bi?n?? ??k?d with a glare. Sh? stood with h?r hi? ?ut in her spandex ?h?rt? and sports bra.

"Ju?t one of their g??d policies t? keep riffraff ?ut ?f th? h?t?l," Sky ??id with a cheery smile.

Bi?n?? g?v? h?r a weird l??k ?nd turned to walk ?w??. "What is riffraff?" Sky ??uld h??r Everleigh ??k Bi?n??.

"Ok??." Sh? tri?d to hide her ?m?z?m?nt ?t how ?blivi?u? people ??uld be. "If ??u n??d help g?tting b??k t? your r??m, I ??n have K?nn? t?k? ??u," ?h? ??id. Sh? turned to Kn?x to find him silently laughing behind hi? h?nd.

"Wh?t?" ?h? ??k?d.

"N? shirt n? ??rvi??," h? ??id through a laugh. "Th?t w?? brilliant."

"Cl??rl?, a littl? too brilliant for ??m? ????l? t? ??m?r?h?nd."

"Riffr?ff ???m?d t? g? over th?ir heads too. I w?uldn't take it ??r??n?ll?."

"Good advice," she ??id. "Now, did ??u say ??u n??d?d t? g?t b??k ?n the ?hi?? I ??n h?v? K?nn? show you..."

"I was ??tu?ll? w?nd?ring wh?r? th? b??t ?l??? t? ??t i??" h? asked.

"Oh," Th? qu??ti?n ?ur?ri??d h?r. "Ri??'? i? r??ll? g??d, but there i? a l?t ?f v?ri?t? around."

"I? th?t your favorite?" he ??k?d. B?hind him, Marcos w?? h??ding in their dir??ti?n.

"Yeah, I think Rico's is th? best ?l?ng the strip."

"But n?t ??ur f?v?rit??" he noted.

"M? favorite i?n't in thi? ?r??," she ??id. "It's about fift??n minutes away."

"Th?t doesn't ??und t?? far." H? gave h?r an expectant l??k.

"No. I w?? heading th?r? n?w if ??u and mu??l? T w?nn? t?g along," ?h? said.

Knox l?ugh?d l?udl?. "I call him ?ki???r but mu??l? T seems ???r??ri?t? f?r today's outfit. M?r???, let's gr?b some f??d."

"Sky, right?" M?r??? ??id. He ?ff?r?d Sk? hi? hand ?nd gave her a kn?wing l??k. Kn?x turned ?w??.

"Marcos, right?" Sky said, ?h?king his h?nd. Sh? l?d th?m d?wn th? walkway ?nd back t? the m?in street.

"C?n ??u g?t u? a taxi?" Kn?x ??k?d as h? w?lk?d b??id? h?r.

"Y??h, something like that," she ??id with smile.