"Kn?x Hamilton kn?w? Sk?'? name," Bee told Kenny.
"Wh?t?" Kenny ??k?d. He looked ?t Sky.
"And?r? ?nd I helped him find his w?? last night ?nd And?r? invit?d him t? play ?ing pong," Sky ??id.
"That's right," Kenny said, "I r?m?mb?r And?r? m?nti?ning ??m?thing ?b?ut it thi? morning."
"H? kn?w? h?r n?m?!" B?? r????t?d in disbelief.
"I think it might ?ur?ri?? you how m?n? ????l? kn?w m? n?m?," Sky j?k?d. "B?tw??n ??w?rk?r? and family, I think the number i? pushing fift?."
"Th?t'? b?ing ?r?tt? g?n?r?u?," Kenny ??id.
"Ju?t because ??u ?r? n?m?d after a d??d president, d???n't m??n you h?v? to rub it in m? face K?nn?d?," Sk? said.
"You hung ?ut with Knox last night?" B?? ??k?d, still ?tu?k on th? ?ubj??t.
"Bumbl? B??'? a littl? slow on the uptake this m?rning," K?nn? ??id. "Did ??u mi?? ??ur morning coffee?"
"I think ??u m??n nectar," Sk? ??id.
"Sh? hung ?ut with Knox Hamilton last night!!" Bee ??id. "H?w ?m I the ?nl? ?n? ?m?z?d ?t this?!?"
"Y?u hung out with the M?rg? J?nning?," Sky said.
"No. I f?ll?w?d her ?? ?h? b????d m? around. W? didn't ?l?? ?ing ??ng."
"Really? I thought I r??d somewhere M?rg? was a gr??t ?ing pong player," Sky ??id.
"I think she ??tu?ll? ??m??t?d in the ?ing ??ng ?h?m?i?n?hi? l??t ???r," K?nn? ?dd?d.
"Y?u gu?? ?r? ridi?ul?u?," B?? grumbl?d. Sh? m?v?d a f?w r?w? back t? ?it b? herself.
"Ouch, that ?tung," Sk? ??id with mock hurt.
"On n?, w? pissed ?f th? queen Bee," K?nn? ?dd?d.
Sk? l?ugh?d.
"W?'r? ?? punny," K?nn? l?ugh?d.
* * *
Sky's cheeks ?t?rt?d t? hurt fr?m ?miling ?? th? last girl g?t ?ff th? bus. They w?r? b??k ?t the port ?nd it w?? ?r?wd?d with other gr?u?? of people, returning from th?ir ?x?ur?i?n?.
"Excuse m?," ??m??n? said.
"Hi, h?w ??n I h?l? ??u?" Sk? ??k?d. Sh? turn?d to find ?n ?ld?r couple.
"W? w?r? w?nd?ring wh?r? th? b??t ?l??? t? ??t was?" the w?m?n asked.
"There ?r? a t?n of gr??t places r??ll? ?l??? to h?r?. If ??u f?ll?w this walkway d?wn, past th? buses you will hit the Main Str??t that h?? a v?ri?t? of diff?r?nt r??t?ur?nt?," Sky said. "M? f?v?rit? it Rico's. Th? owner, Ri??, i? great and ?? friendly. He has th? best gu???m?l? and ?hi??."
"Th?nk? so mu?h," th? w?m?n said.
"Where's th? nicest h?t?l?" a girl ??k?d Sky. Sh? w?? ?b?ut Sky's h?ight and her brown curls w?r? in a m???? bun on th? top ?f her h??d.
"If ??u g? down thi? w?lkw?? ?nd go left it is t?w?rd? th? end of the r??d," Sk? answered. "But the r??t?ur?nt? ?r? in the other dir??ti?n, if ??u'r? looking for somewhere t? ??t."