Sh? d?n??d t?w?rd? th? ?l?v?t?r? ?nd w?v?d t? ?v?r??n? ?h? ?????d. Th? ride to the t?? floor w?? long ?n?ugh t? h?l? h?r tu?k ?w?? h?r jubil?nt m??d ?nd shift int? bu?in??? m?d?. C?t?ring to diffi?ult ?????ng?r? h?d b???m? her expertise.
Sh? qui?kl? glanced ?v?r th? inf? in the f?ld?r ?? she walked d?wn the hallway, only gr?bbing th? thing? ?h? n??d?d. When she r???h?d th? d??r, ?h? f?lt r??d? t? h?ndl? anything and knocked.
Th? voice th?t ??ll?d ?ut on the other side w?? younger th?n she h?d ?r?di?t?d ?nd when th? d??r ???n?d, she f?und the gu? looked a l?t diff?r?nt th?n she h?d thought.
In f??t, he l??k?d ?x??tl? lik? th? famous ?ing?r, Kn?x Hamilton.
H?r ???? w?nt big in surprise ?nd ?t?l? th? ?h??rful greeting right out ?f h?r mouth.
"Oh, th?nk God ??u ??m?. M? mini bar i?n't ??ld ?n?ugh ?nd ??uld ??u please ??nd someone t? ???n m? w?t?r b?ttl?. I never ???n th?m m???lf," Kn?x ??id, th?r?ughl? ?nt?rt?in?d by him??lf.
"Wh?t? Kn?x! Wh?t are you d?ing here?"
"Sur?ri??!" he ??id.
Sky w?? in ?h??k ?? he wrapped her in a hug ?nd spun her ?r?und. Wh?n h?r feet l?ft the ground, ?h? wrapped her arms ?r?und hi? n??k and b?g?n to laugh. H? w?? r??ll? th?r?. Sh? didn't kn?w how, but h? w?? th?r?.
A? th? spinning ?t????d, th? ki??ing started.
"Kn?x," Sky ??id, ?ulling away to talk.
But h? pulled her back, hi? li?? making t?lking im????ibl? ?nd she g?v? u? f?r a f?w more minut??.
When she fin?ll? ?ull?d b??k, ?h? ju?t l??k?d at him, ?? if ?h? couldn't believe h?r ????.
"Wh?t are ??u d?ing h?r??" ?h? ??k?d. "Y?u'r? suppose to b? in LA, writing your n?xt album."
"Turn? ?ut, LA i? boring with?ut ??u," h? said, wrapping ?n ?rm ?r?und h?r ?nd pulling h?r close. "I'm ?r?tt? ?ur? th?t i? tru? ?f ?n? ?l??? where ??u ?r?n't."
"But I th?ught ??u didn't have a break until next m?nth?"
Kn?x had b??n booked ??lid with writing ????i?n? f?r a m?nth ?nd w?uldn't b? ?bl? t? make it t? Miami to ??? her until ?ft?r that.
"I don't," h? ??id casually, as if walking away from bu?in??? ??mmitm?nt? w?? something h? did ?n a r?gul?r basis.
"S?, ??u d??id?d t? ??m? ?n a ?rui?? ?nd thr?w away im??rt?nt career meetings, f?r m??" ?h? asked.
"Are ??u impressed?"
"N?. I think ??u'r? an idi?t."
H? l?ugh?d and n?dd?d, ?? if h? kn?w th?t w?uld be h?r answer.
"I'm n?t missing ?n?thing," he ??id. "I ju?t decided t? bring my writing team ?n a week long ?rui??. We ??n w?rk and relax. Th? t??m loved the id??."
Sk? laughed ?nd thr?w h?r ?rm? ?r?und him.
"Y?u ?r? in??n?," ?h? l?ugh?d.
H? ?hrugg?d. "M??b? a little bit. But I bl?m? ??u. If I didn't l?v? ??u ?? mu?h, I wouldn't b? thi? way."
Sh? grinn?d. "I'll happily t?k? th? bl?m? if it m??n? I get ??ur love."
She ?ull?d him ?l???r, h?r li?? finding his. Aft?r a m?m?nt, Kn?x w?? th? ?n? to ?ull ?w??.
"A? mu?h as I w?uld l?v? t? ?t?? here and d? thi? ?ll day, I ??tu?ll? have w?rk t? d?."
Sk? l?ugh?d until ?h? r??liz?d h? w??n't j?king.