Page 126 of Perchance To Dream

"C?m? ?n. She can mumbl? ?nd w?lk ?t th? ??m? tim?. It's h?r ?n? t?l?nt," h? said. H? led th? way t? th? main l?bb? ?nd tru? t? her word, Jules m?n?g?d t? keep u?.

Sky ??u??d wh?n th?? r???h?d the lobby. It l??k?d it'? n?rm?l bu?? hum it took on ?n?? the ?rui?? w?? und?rw??, but there was ?till excitement in th? ?ir. H?r ???? darted ?r?und, t?king in ?ll th? f?mili?r d?t?il?, until And?r? nudg?d h?r.

"Y?u mi???d thi?," h? ??id.

Sh? grinn?d. "All th? time," ?h? ?dmitt?d. "It's h?m?."

H? l??k?d around, but with?ut th? same f??ling?. "This is why ??u dum??d the rock ?t?r?"

Sh? ?mil?d ?nd continued moving. "I told you, I didn't dum? Kn?x. M? j?b ju?t ?nd?d. I n??d?d ?n?th?r j?b."

"Sur?. And I'm ?ur? Mr. Ri?h-?nd-F?m?u? ??uldn't h?l? you ?ut in the m?n?? department."

"He could. And h? ?ff?r?d t?, but I w?uldn't take hi? m?n??. B??id??, what w?? I ?u?????d t? do in LA?" ?h? ??id. "Y?u kn?w m?. I don't stay ?till for very l?ng."

H? l?ugh?d. "Very tru?. He ju?t l?t ??u g??"

Sk? ?mil?d, remembering Kn?x'? reaction wh?n ?h? had told him she w?? g?ing t? g? back t? work on the cruise ship. All th? ?rgum?nt? h? h?d made for h?r ?t??ing in LA with him h?d b??n ?ut?, but th?r? was ??m?thing deep in Sk?'? b?n?? th?t kn?w she couldn't ?t??.

T?uring with him had worked because th?? were ?lw??? b?un?ing from ?it? t? city. Sh? thrived ?n always m?ving and ?h? knew only b?d thing? would h????n if ?h? ?t???d. Sh? had made it ?l??r it wasn't a d??i?i?n u? for d?b?t?, but th?t didn't k??? him fr?m tr?ing t? ??nvin?? h?r ?th?rwi??.

He had ?till been m?king ?n ?rgum?nt ?? they h?d driv?n t? th? airport the d?? b?f?r?. Sh? had kissed him lovingly, t?ld him ?h? would ??? him again, and l?ft.

Sh? would b? l?ing if she ??id she didn't already mi?? him. Th?? had t?lk?d the m?m?nt ?h? l?nd?d, ?nd ?h? h?d ?r?mi??d t? call b?f?r? th? ship l?ft th? harbor. But she was ecstatic t? b? b??k. Thi? w?? where ?h? belonged, until Kn?x w?nt ?n hi? next t?ur. Th?n ?h? w?uld be b??k ?t hi? side ?? l?ng as he w?uld h?v? her.

"Kn?x might have m?d? an argument ?r two against it," ?h? t?ld And?r?, "but in the ?nd, I think h? ?lw??? kn?w I w??n't g?ing t? ?t?? in ?n? ?l??? f?r long."

"W?ll, that sucks f?r him, but I'm thrill?d ??ur w?nd?rlu?t h?? br?ught ??u b??k." H? l??k?d b??k at Jules f?r a moment. "Y?u were ??r?l? mi???d."

"Well, w?ll, well. L??k wh? ??m? b??k?" a ?m??th v?i?? ??ng fr?m ??r??? th? l?bb?.

Sk? ?mil?d as Ni?? ??unt?r?d t?w?rd? h?r, a ???k? ?mirk on hi? face. "Were ??u t?? mu?h f?r th? r??k?t?r t? h?ndl??" h? ??k?d.

Sh? just shook her head and hugg?d him. "D??? ?v?r??n? think I br?k? up with Kn?x?" ?h? asked. Ni?? ?nd And?r? both n?dd?d.

"Why?" Sky ??k?d.

Both gu?? l??k?d ?t Jul??, and ?h? turn?d very ??l?.

"Umm, wh?t? Yes?" Jul?? said, b?f?r? she turned ?nd walked in th? opposite direction.

"Jul?? might have told th? whole ?hi? ?h? r??d a g???i? blog ???ing th?t Knox br?k? up with you," Anders ?x?l?in?d.

Sky w?v?d her h?nd? in defeat. "Wh?t?v?r. If ?n??n? ??k?, I broke up with him."

Nice ??lut?d. "N?w, on to bu?in???. Ju?t b???u?? ??u ???nt th? l??t ???r tr?v?ling th? w?rld with th? r??k ?t?r, d???n't m??n you can ??m? b??k h?r? and ?l??k ?ff. We expect a high l?v?l ?f performance from ??u."

"Y?u f?ll ??l??? in the life-guard chair ?n a regular b??i?," Sk? ??id.

"Exactly," Ni?? ??id. "D?n't follow my l??d. B? b?tt?r. I ?m h?r? to b? th? example ?f wh?t n?t t? d?. And the fir?t thing ??u should be doing i? attending t? th? VIP?." H? h?ld out a f?ld?r. "Thi? ?n? in?i?t?d on pre-boarding ?????? and is already m?king ?utr?g??u? d?m?nd?. H? is ?ll ??ur?. H?v? fun."

Sk? ??uldn't muster a hint of annoyance ?t the h??d??h? th?t w?? ?w?iting h?r. She w?? b??k ?nd n?thing could ?h?ng? h?r m??d. Sh? took th? folder ?nd did a h???? d?n??.

"And?r?, d? you mind t?king m? b?g? t? my r??m? I h?v? w?rk to d?."

He ?mil?d. "Of course. But d?n't get u??d t? thi? kindness. In a few d??? it will be like ??u never left ?nd I w?n't b? in ?u?h a giving mood."

"I can't w?it," ?h? ??id.