Page 118 of Perchance To Dream

H? threw hi? ?h?n? b??k ?n hi? b?d as he m?v?d t? open th? d??r.

Sk? had wanted to end thing? clean ?t th? ?nd of th? ?rui??. Knox h?d come t? terms with th?t. But there w?? still a part ?f him w?nd?ring, wh?t ??uld h?v? happened if they h?d d??id?d it was worth it, t? steal a f?w minut?? ?f ??nv?r??ti?n here or there, until th?? had ?n?ugh tim? t? m??t u? in ??r??n.

It was thi? ?uri??it? th?t m?d? him k??? t??ing h?r numb?r int? hi? phone but it w?? all h?r reasoning that kept him fr?m ?r???ing call.

"Hey C?lvin," he said, l??ving th? door open as he walked b??k towards the b?d.

"I just w?nt?d t? go ?v?r the pre-show d?t?il?," Calvin ??id, f?ll?wing him int? th? room, but r?fu?ing t? ?it. "I h?v? ?v?r?thing f?r ??ur family in ?l???, they will b? m??ting u? there. Ryan will t?k? ??r? ?f th?m. We have ??m? int?rvi?w? t? d? b?f?r? the show, but th?t ?h?uldn't t?k? l?ng. Aft?r th? ?h?w, a ??r will be w?iting. T?m?rr?w morning w? h?v? a radio int?rvi?w ?t six, ?nd a m?rning t?lk ?h?w at nin?. We will l??v? directly from th?r? for N?w York.

"W? h?v? f?ur ?h?w? there. Y?u'r? ??rf?rming on GMA ?nd Liv?. W? will b? making th? rounds of th? usual t?lk shows. Th?n w? h??d to C?nn??ti?ut. Tomorrow ?n the w?? to N?w York, I'd like t? ?h?w ??u ??m? r??um?? of some ????ibl? ??ndid?t?? for ??ur new promotional manager. Ryan ?nd I h?v? both looked over th?m. If you agree I can ?t?rt ??tting u? interviews."

"Th?t ??und? good. L?t'? also find sometime t? fit in a Twitt?r Q&A thi? week," Kn?x ??id. "W? h?v?n't d?n? ?n? this week. Can you ?l?? check with R??n ?nd make sure film ?r?w i? getting ?n?ugh ?h?t? ?f th? b?nd. Also have him l?t them kn?w that the best time to catch m? thi? w??k f?r ?n int?rvi?w w?uld b? on th? bu? tomorrow."

Kn?x w?t?h?d ?? Calvin m?d? n?t?? ?f wh?t h? h?d said. Wh?n h? w?? d?n? h? ??k?d if there was anything ?l?? h? needed.

"Th?nk? Calvin," h? said, as Calvin l?ft the room.

Knox gr?bb?d hi? phone t? find ?ut the time ?nd r??liz?d h? h?d b??n about t? ??ll Sk?, b?f?r? Calvin h?d come in. All th?ught? ?f her h?d b??n wi??d fr?m his mind ?? h? h?d tried t? catalog ?v?r?thing C?lvin w?? t?lling him.

He studied h?r numb?r ?n his phone ?nd tried t? remember why h? w?? going t? ??ll her, but his h??d w?? n?w fill?d with a milli?n r????n? why h? ?h?uldn't.

* * *

Sk? gr?bb?d her ?uit???? ?ut of th? back of th? taxi ?nd tiredly m?d? h?r w?? into th? Mi?mi ?ir??rt.

Th? l??t two m?nth? h?d b??n l?ng ?nd ?h? w?? ready f?r a br??k. N?thing about the ??tu?l w?rk had tir?d her more than And?r? ?nd Jules ??n?t?ntl? bringing up Knox ?t any ????ibl? moment.

Wh?n she had t?ld th?m h?w she had left it with Kn?x th?? w?r? ?utr?g?d. Jul?? had thr??t?n?d n?t t? talk t? h?r unless ?h? ??ll?d Kn?x. And?r? h?d thr??t?n?d t? thr?w h?r ?v?r b??rd. Sk? h?d th?ught th?? w?r? b?ing ridi?ul?u? and waited f?r th?m t? ??m? ?r?und t? h?r ?id?. Anders h?d ?l?wl? stopped calling h?r ?tu?id. Jul?? ?v?ntu?ll? ?t????d ???wling every time ?h? ??w her, but th?? ??ntinu?d t? talk ?b?ut him n?n ?t??.

"Kn?x w?uld have w?rk?d out with m?," Jul?? would ??? wh?n Sk? d??lin?d a night tim? work out.

"Hey Sky, here i? that b?n?n? you ??k?d f?r ?nd you ?h?uld ??ll Kn?x," Anders would ???.

In the beginning the rest of the crew wh? h?d kn?wn Kn?x, had ?l???d ?l?ng with th?ir jokes, but when they quickly moved ?n ?nd f?rg?t, Jules ?nd Anders stayed ?tr?ng.

Sk? tri?d t? r?ll her ???? and laugh ?t th?ir ridi?ul?u? ?t?t?m?nt?, but th? constant r?mind?r of Kn?x w??n't making f?rg?tting him ?n? ???i?r. Sh? didn't w?nt to f?rg?t him completely, but she didn't w?nt t? be r?mind?d ?f him every wh?r? ?h? w?nt either.

The first tim? she went b??k t? get t???? fr?m M?nn? in Mexico, h? had ??k?d ?b?ut the h?nd??m? b?? and big m?n ?h? had been with th? last tim?. Aft?r a particularly l?ng d??, ?h? h?d tried t? go t? her f?v?rit? ???t, but ?ll ?h? did w?? ?it ?nd think about Kn?x. Sh? ?nd?d up l??ving, f??ling m?r? drained than when ?h? had g?tt?n th?r?.

As more tim? passed, Sky n?ti??d Jules and And?r?' ??mm?nt? b???m? l??? fr?qu?nt. When L?ui? gave her a ?h?n?? t? g?t ?n his good ?id? b? t?king over th? organization ?f the ?x?ur?i?n?, Sk? had w?rk?d ?? h?rd ?h? w?? t?o tir?d t? think ?f Kn?x.

N?w two months later, ?h? didn't r?gr?t ?nding it with Knox.

Sk? m?d? a n?t? t? h?r??lf t? pay ?tt?nti?n to which end she l?t th? taxi dr?? h?r ?ff ?t th? t?rmin?l n?xt tim?. The security guard h?d giv?n h?r a l??k of ??m??th? wh?n he h?d told h?r th? right ???urit? g?t? w?? ?n the ?????it? ?id?. But she didn't mind the walk, she was just h???? to b? ?ff th? ?hi?.

Sh? was thinking ?b?ut ?ll ?h? w?nt?d t? d? ?n h?r br??k, wh?n suddenly she was in th? middl? ?f a large ?r?wd. Sh? looked ?r?und, shocked and confused, until she n?ti??d n? one ???m?d t? b? m?ving. In fact th?? ???m?d t? be waiting f?r something other than g?tting in line t? go through ???urit?.

Reality fin?ll? hit wh?n Sky f??u??d enough to n?ti?? th? ?g? ?nd g?nd?r ?f the crowd. Sh? w?? hit b? a mix of emotions ?? h???in??? and dread fought t? be th? winn?r. Upon closer in????ti?n, she w?? able t? confirm wh?t ?h? had thought was tru?.

Sh? tri?d to b? as polite as ?h? could, as ?h? m?v?d thr?ugh th? large crowd of ??ung girl?, tr?ing t? g?t t? the lin? ?f security but m??t ?f them ???m?d unwilling t? move.

"Ex?u?? m?," Sky said l?udl?, tr?ing to ?u?h thr?ugh a gr?u? ?f girl?.

"W?'r? all h?r? t? ??? Kn?x. D?n't think ??u ??n ?u?h your way t? th? fr?nt," th? girls said rudely.

"I h?v? a ?l?n? t? ??t?h," ?h? ??id, fl?tl?.

Th? girl'? face fl??h?d with embarrassment as she m?v?d ??id? f?r Sk? t? ????.