Gavin and I share a look of shock at how close we'd come to being discovered.

"Your damn cat keeps practically knocking over the tree," Gavin says in a loud, boisterous voice as he hugs my dad. "When are you going to get that thing under control?"

"Right after the wife and daughter," Dad replies, laughing at his own bad joke. Gavin smiles but doesn't join in the laughing. My dad continues with his bad humor. "You've met them. When do you think that'll be?"

"Cats aren't people, Peter,” Gavin says. “There's no reason to try to control grown women."

His defending me fills my heart with joy. He's chosen me over his old friend. Maybe there is a chance for us after all.

Dad rolls his eyes and punches Gavin on the arm. "You clearly need a beer or three to loosen up. Come on. I’ve got one waiting for you in the basement.”

He slaps Gavin on the back and pulls him away from me.

I grab my phone from the coffee table and send my two roommates a quick text.

OMG. I'm in love. Maybe lust. No, definitely lust, too. So fucking hot. I'm about to seduce my older next-door neighbor. How's your holiday going, bitches?

I put my phone on silent. Taunting them is plenty. I'll deal with their advice after I've found a way into his pants.

My heart flutters. I'm not this kind of girl. I'm the quiet, shy, good girl who never gets in trouble. I'm a million miles from anyone even considering I might be a slut, but I'll cross that distance in a hurry if it's what it takes for me to get my man.

When I make my way into the TV room in the basement, Gavin is hugging my mom. She kisses him on both cheeks which makes me want to slap her face to chase her away.

My man.

Instead, I flop onto one of the two couches and pretend to examine my fingernails.

Does Gavin like women with manicures? He probably doesn't like ragged nails. I'll have to stop chewing on mine. It's a bad habit I have when I'm stressed, and when am Inotstressed at college.

Daddy hands Gavin a beer. I don't even bother asking for one. Even though he let my brother start drinking whenhewas eighteen, Daddy would never let me. I hate the double standard, but rather than complain about it, I have a different plan.

I'm going to fuck his best friend, marry him, and then have dozens of babies.

From the other couch where he and my mom are sitting, Dad points at space on the couch next to me. "The old ball-and-chain says I have to cuddle next to her during the movie. Looks like you'll have to share the other couch with Maisy."

Gavin says, "That won't be a problem. Gotta take care of your women."

My dad thinks he's talking about him, but I see the hunger in Gavin's eyes and know he’s talking about me. The incredible stud wants to take care of me and my needs.

The tingle between my legs is unbearable. I quickly pretend to shiver and pull the blanket from the back of the couch over me while Daddy hits play on the remote.

I have no idea what we're watching. All of my focus is on Gavin. He smells fresh from the shower. I want to get him dirty again.

"Slide over, kid," Gavin says, nudging me to the middle of the couch.

He takes my spot and casually drapes his arm over my shoulder. The lights are off and my parents are too busy whispering at each other and sneaking kisses to notice us, so I lean against Gavin's chest.

Without taking my eyes off of the TV, I make sure the blanket is hiding us both and slide my fingers between the buttons of his shirt and play with his chest hair. I unbutton the shirt a little more so I can gain easier access to feeling the muscles of his chest and play with his nipple.

He leans over me and whispers in my ear. "Careful there. Don't start something you can't finish."

In reply, I continue working on his buttons, exposing his rock-hard abs. "I'll finish what I start."

His stomach tenses against my touch and he growls gently.

"What's that, Gavin?" Daddy asks.

My heart stops beating. We were so close to getting caught again. The thrill of the secrecy is a powerful aphrodisiac.