“I thought it was mine.”

The temptation to ride him hard is just too much. My man is so strong and handsome. I can’t wait to show him off to my friends and make them all jealous.

Gavin grabs the headboard and flashes me a smile. He could thrust against my body, but he’s encouraging me to take things at my own pace.

I lean back and rub my pussy while continuing to ride his cock. The sensation of being in control of such a masculine man is overwhelming. I know he’ll bend me over some surface later today and fuck me roughly. I get the best of both worlds in bed with him.

“Got any big plans today?” Gavin asks.

“Can we go over to my parents’ to open presents later?”

“Whatever you want. That’s the rule forever. I’ll do everything in my power to give you whatever you want, Maisy. It’s my job to protect you and help you when you ask. Not that I expect you’ll need much help. You’re an incredible woman.”

“I want breakfast in bed, too.”


He pretends to try to escape the bed which just makes me ride him harder.

My heart is racing. I won’t last much longer. How could I? He’s magnificent in every way.

“I’ve got a special present for you that I’d like you to open before we go anywhere today. I’ll bring it up with breakfast.”

“Uh-huh,” I agree, barely able to hear his words now.

I’m so close to coming.

He grabs my breasts and plays with my nipples.

I can see in his eyes that he’s close, too.

It’s all the encouragement I need.

I fuck the love of my life harder and harder until we both explode within seconds of each other. I continue rubbing my clit and come again as I milk the last of his seed out of him. I’m on the pill but can barely wait until we can have children together.

As soon as I’m done with college.

It’s a bold assumption that we’ll marry and have children, but everything in my heart tells me it’s true. Someday. Until then, we’ll be together every second we can. I’m sure of it.

I collapse onto the bed.

Gavin rolls off and strides toward the bedroom door. I can’t help myself from staring at his taut, muscular ass. He’s incredible.

“I’ll be back in about twenty minutes with breakfast,” he says. “Take a nap. I’ll wake you.”

Sometime later, his butterfly kisses on my belly wake me again. I yawn and stretch. “Smells incredible. What did you make?”

“Chocolate chip pancakes, baconandsausage because I wasn’t sure which you preferred, some strawberries, and orange juice and coffee.”

My stomach grumbles, but there’s no way I’ll be able to eat all the food he sets down in front of me. “You’re going to help me eat this, right?”

“Maybe. I’m not really hungry right now.” His stomach grumbles, too, proving he’s lying.

“You okay?” I ask.

“I will be. Just nervous, I guess. Listen, I was going to wait a little while, but I just have to get it over with.”

My heart nearly stops. Is this where he tells me it’s all been fun, but we just can’t stay together? He’s too old and I’m too young? I’m a good fuck but not someone to settle down with?