“I will not, Dad. I don’t care if my words offend you or if my relationship makes you uncomfortable. I’m not changing just to fit the limits you want to trap me with.”

He smirks. “Okay, Maisy. Put on your big-girl panties and pay your own way through college.”

“Fine!” I shout back before the panic can set in about how I’m actually going to do that.

Gavin rescues me. “I’ll be taking care of her from now on. I’ll provide whatever she needs.”

Dad glowers at us both before shaking his head and turning his back to us.

He balls his hand into a fist but freezes short when Grandma speaks. “Peter, what the hell is wrong with you? Did you forget who raised you?”

His shoulders slump and he stands in place like a little kid taking a scolding. “What do you mean?”

“You act like you weren’t raised by Earl and me. He was twenty years older than me. If you’re going to talk down about Maisy’s relationship, just know you’re talking bad about your own parents.”

His shoulders slump even further. “I guess I didn’t think of that.”

“That’s because you aren’t much more than a child yourself most of the time. Stop stomping your foot and yelling at your daughter to grow up, and try to do a little of it yourself. Now give her a hug and tell her you’re sorry.”

Dad drags his toe across the carpet, looking like a six-year-old who’s been caught coloring on the walls. I’ve never seen my dad so flustered.

“I’m sorry, Maisy. You, too, Gavin. Just promise to treat her well or I will track you down and kill you.”

“Dude, I live next door.”

When the two men hug, it’s more of a chest bump, but the tension in the room disappears.

Mom and Dad both give me a hug. Afterward, I quickly return to Gavin and stay by his side for the rest of the party.

“Who wants to eat?” Grandma shouts.

After lunch when everyone is sitting around the living room and starting to get sleepy, Gavin makes good on his promise to make love to me in the spare bedroom.

Before dinner, I take him out to the garage for round two. I don’t know how he has the stamina to keep up with my cravings, but I definitely plan on taking advantage of his virility.

As the party winds down, we say our goodbyes and walk hand-in-hand to his pickup.

“Thanks for defending me back there,” I say.

“Your dad’s a pushover for you. He would have come around. Do you want to stop anywhere on the way home?”

I shake my head and slide into the truck after he opens the door for me. “Everything I want is right here. Take me home, Gavin.”

“Music to my ears, baby doll.”

Epilogue - Maisy

The next day, I wake up late on Christmas morning. Our bodies tangled together where we fell asleep after making love all night long.

Gavin is my perfect Christmas miracle.

The first thing I notice is his erection pressed against my thigh. I gently roll him onto his back and straddle him. With no need to rush, I slowly lower myself onto his girth, letting myself enjoy the pleasure of the way he stretches and fills me.

His hands grab my hips before his eyes even open.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” I say before leaning down to kiss him.

“Morning, baby doll. Merry Christmas. Is this my present?”