Maisy moans and plays with a strand of hair that's fallen loose. "God, could you imagine? We'd have to pay for therapy for the whole family when they heard me screaming when you made me come again."

Talking has done the trick. Her tension has washed away.

She looks hot as hell in the little black dress she changed into before we left.

I adjust the mirror to make it easier to sneak a peek at her bountiful breasts.

She finally notices. Instead of complaining, she spreads her legs and lowers her hand to her lap. "Maybe I should have an orgasm before we get there. Something to hold me over until we get back to your place."

"Our place, Maisy. It might not be much, but if you're stuck with me, you're stuck with it."

"Our castle is perfect," she says as she hikes up her dress to expose her pink panties.

She's already soaked through the front of them with her need for me.

It makes my already-hard dick throb with anticipation, but I can’t just pull the truck over and fuck her in the middle of the highway.

Instead, I reach over and push her hand out of the way. Keeping my eyes firmly on the road, I slide my fingers down her panties and between her slick pussy lips.

She purrs and slides her hips forward in response. “Mmm. That’s what I needed.”

“You like being played with in the middle of traffic?” I tease.

As if just now realizing how exposed she is, she lowers her dress down over my hand. “Shut up and make me come before we get to the party.”

We only have a few miles until the exit, and the house is only a few blocks from there. “We’ll have to work fast.”

I slide my fingers deep inside her.

“I miss your dick already, Gavin.”

“You can have it whenever you want from now on. Forever.”

“That sounds nice, but make sure you don’t get gabbing so much at the party that I can’t drag you away to take you back home for more fucking.”

Her eyes shoot open wide when I pull my hand away from her and pretend to zip my lips. I don’t leave her waiting long because I love the feel of her too much.

Using a firm stroke, I work her clit until she’s panting and bucking her hips. She starts moaning and squealing so loudly it drowns out the radio.

It’s sexy as fuck. She’s making my dick strain painfully and I can feel the wet spot forming on my underwear. By the time we arrive, I’ll probably need to tell everyone I spilled coffee on my pants to explain the stain.

But the threat of a little public embarrassment won’t be enough to make me stop taking care of my baby doll’s needs.

I rub her bud harder and faster.

She grabs my wrist and lifts her hips to increase the friction.

As I pull onto the off-ramp, she reaches for the safety grip above the door as her body starts shaking as she comes right there in my truck.

When we turn onto the country road leading to her grandparents’ house, she pulls my fingers into her mouth and sucks them clean.

“Fuck. You’re going to make me ruin these pants.”

“Pull over and I’ll suck you dry so you can survive the party.”

I pull over and slam on the brakes, skidding to a stop in the shoulder, and unbuckle my seat belt.

By the time I have my dick out of my pants, Maisy is ready with her pretty lips. She is wearing bright red lipstick which turns me on even more.