While he's vulnerable, I run to the shower and turn on the water. "Get in here, Daddy. Let me clean you up so we can do it again."

The next few hours pass in bouts of wild fucking alternated with passionate love-making until I don't have the energy to do anything besides collapse on the bed.

"That was the most fun I've ever had," I say.

"Me, too, baby doll. Next time, I'll be the plumber and you can be the one who needs your sink unclogged."

"Can we do pizza-delivery man instead? I'm starving." I ask.

When his stomach growls, we both laugh.

"Sure thing," he agrees.

After a quick rest, we go down to the kitchen to look for food. I see the flashing light on my phone and check for messages. There's one from my mom.

Where are you? We've looked everywhere? Why are you always like this? Why even come home if you aren't going to spend time with us? We're leaving now for Grandma's. Don't bother coming over since you clearly don't want to see any of us. I'll tell them you were sick.

"Shit," I say.

Gavin takes the phone from me and reads the text. "What's up her butt?"

"Baggage I created years ago." He gives me time to gather my next words. "I tend to provoke them, and then run away before we have a chance to talk things through."

"So what are you going to do now?" he asks. "Do youwantto spend the day with them?"

"I do, but not if it means I can't spend the time with you." Saying the words out loud emboldens me. "Come on. Let's get cleaned up for real and go crash a party. I'm not waiting one more second to tell the world we're together...that is, if you want that, too."

"Since the second you came home, baby doll. Let's go do this."


My baby doll is stressed. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to read the tension in her shoulders or her face.

When she starts to nibble on her fingernail for the third time during our drive to her grandparents' house, I reach out and grab her hand before it gets to her mouth.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing," she says, clearly lying to avoid saying it out loud.

"Maisy, please. I'm here for you. Let me help. Sometimes just saying what's worrying you is enough to make things better."

She stares out the side window for a few seconds before looking back at me. "What if they never talk to you again?"

I laugh. "Your dad has to. I'm the ringer for his softball team."

Maisy slaps my arm. "Come on. I'm serious."

At least I made her smile.

"Trust me. Things will work out. They will come to reason. Maybe not today, but soon enough. If you want, I can drop you off, you can enjoy the day, and we can deal with all of this later. I don't want anything to ruin your Christmas break."

She starts shaking her head before I finish talking. "No way. The only thing that would ruin my time home is going to any of the parties without you."

"That makes me so happy to hear. I'll stay glued to your side. You can decide when you are ready to tell them. It doesn't have to be today. As long as I know you're mine and you know I'm yours, the rest can wait."

It's Maisy's turn to laugh. "Like anyone won't be able to tell something's up when they see me undressing you with my eyes the entire party."

"Just with your eyes, huh? No spare bedrooms we can sneak off to?"