I bite my lip while I decide what to do.

Should I give him what he wants and unlock the door or should I make him work for it?

I've already gone this far. I might as well take the game a little further.

I lean my back against the bathroom sink, hike up my dress and rub my fingers against my swollen pussy. "Oh, daddy. I'm being so very naughty. My pussy is tingling in the strangest way, and the only thing that seems to make it any better is to touch it with my fingers. What do you think is happening to me?"

I imagine him staring at me, panting heavily after breaking the door down, his giant erection held firmly in his hand as he orders me to my knees.

I'm practically gushing down my legs as I slide two fingers inside my greedy pussy. "My fingers feel so good, but they are so tiny. Do you know something bigger I can use to feel the empty space, Daddy?"

I flinch when his body crashes against the door, but it holds steady.

"There's a pressure building in my belly. My legs are growing wobbly. It feels like I'm going to explode. Do you know what could be wrong..." My breathing is growing ragged and it takes me a second to add the magic word, "Daddy."

There's another crash.

This time the door gives way.

He looks like a wild animal. His eyes practically burn with fire, and his nostrils are flared. I've never seen a man look so powerful and possessive.

And he's mine.

And he's possessive of me.

Before I can drop to my knees, pull down his jeans and start sucking his throbbing cock, he closes the gap between us.

With heartstopping strength, he spins me and bends me over the sink.

He presses one hand into the small of my back to hold me still.

He frees his dick with the other and without a word, thrusts the full length of his manhood inside of me, claiming me once more.

I grunt in ecstasy. "Wow."

He tugs my hair, pulling my face up so I can see his reflection in the mirror. "Don't ever tease your daddy when he's already worked up, baby doll."

I smile at the roleplaying before trying to look very serious as I nod at his reflection.

"You'll need a punishment, of course," he says.

I nod again.

His right hand explodes against my ass.

Delicious pain from his hand mixes with the pleasure of his cock inside me.

"Oh, Daddy. I've been so bad."

He spanks me again while his dick pistons in and out of my body. "No, baby doll. I don't think you could ever be anything but perfect."

"Should I come for you, daddy? Would you like to feel my tight little pussy milk your cock and drain all the cum from your balls?"

His dick seems to grow, stretching me even wider than I ever thought I could handle.

Before he can answer, the orgasm sweeps over me. I force myself to keep my eyes wide open so I can watch the smile that spreads across his face when he feels my juices coat his dick.

He grabs hold of my hips and slams his body against mine faster and faster. I’m breathless as my beloved Gavin makes his last thrust and overflows my pussy with his orgasm.