I collapse onto his chest and play with his chest hair. "That was amazing."

"You’reamazing, baby doll. You're everything I've ever dreamed of in a woman."

I bask in the glow of his attention. "Weare amazing," I correct. "I'm not half the woman I am without you."

"I was a lost, miserable man until you showed up at my house yesterday. I'm never letting you get away again."

We kiss passionately, but both freeze when the door at the top of the basement stairs opens.

"Maisy, I’m making pancakes and eggs and bacon for breakfast. Do you want any?"

Shit, shit, shit.

If only I hadn't been so desperate for his dick when I awoke. We hadn't meant to fall asleep together. Without the sex, we would've had time to get dressed and have him out of the house before Mommy and Daddy ever knew he'd spent the night.

We throw our clothes at each other and hurry into them. I race up the stairs and hear him following more leisurely. I realize that's probably good. Mommy and Daddy definitely aren’t ready to learn that I've been fucking their best friend. Him coming up a little later will make it seem more innocent, I hope.

Although, how anybody could look at me and not tell I’d just been fucked by the most amazing man, I don’t know. It had to be obvious based on the glow on my face.

"Good morning, sweetheart," my mom says as I kiss her on the cheek and lean my back against the counter next to her.

"Smells great," I say.

I don't have to work hard to make myself sound perky. After the night I’ve just spent with Gavin, everything is perfect in my world. Sure, I'll have to figure out what we’re going to do when I go back to college, but people have survived long-distance relationships in the past.

The thought of sexy Skype conversations with Gavin as we slowly remove our clothes and tease each other makes me blush.

"Sleep well?" Mom asks.

I nod but before I can reply, a practical river of Gavin's cum slides down my leg. I hurry to the kitchen table and sit, reaching for a thick stack of paper napkins so I can discreetly clean myself before Mom notices.

Fortunately, she keeps her back to me while she works on preparing breakfast.

Gavin smirks when he catches me, though.

That cocky attitude right in front of my mom makes my nipples hard. He’s such a confident bad boy which only makes me feel even more attractive when I’m around him.

Mom turns and gasps when she sees Gavin standing in her kitchen. "Dear God! You scared the shit outta me."

"Sorry. I should have announced myself, huh?"

"It's fine," Mom says. "I just didn't expect you over here. Did you spend the night?"

If I were a brave woman, this is when I would tell Mom exactly what happened last night. When Gavin shoots me a glance that tells me that I’d better answer before he has to, I quickly say, "Gavin had me marathoning these dumb old horror movies. We both fell asleep somewhere along the way."

Mom turns back to the stove to flip the pancakes. "Well, I made enough for an army over here so grab a plate and I'll serve you both in a minute or two."

Gavin continues staring at me but tilting his head toward my mother as if expecting me to tell her we’d fucked just seconds ago.

In the light of the day, I realize I can't do that. My mom still thinks I'm her innocent baby. And he's their best friend. What have I gotten myself into? I need more time to decide how to handle the reality of the situation. If Mom wasn't being so nice to me, it would be easier to break her heart, but the way things are going, it's like she's forgiven me for all the grief I put her through when I was in high school.

I shake my head at Gavin. When he frowns, I look away. I hear him sigh from across the room.

"No thanks,” he eventually says, his voice a low grumble of disappointment. “I should be going home. I've got plenty of things to do over there, and I certainly wouldn't want to interrupt you and Maisy catching up."

His words sound friendly, but I can read between the lines.

I’ve pissed him off with my cowardice.