Page 17 of Vicious Kings

She takes the sandwich off the plate. “You think you’re special. I thought I was special too. But I’m not the little rich girl anymore, not when the campus is flooded with them. I’m going to tell you the exact same thing Asher will tell you if you keep pushing your luck. Mind your fucking business.”

I pluck a sliced tomato off her salad and pop it into my mouth. “Is that the only advice you have for me?”

“You’re not the only guy who wants a chance. Is that all you want? To hook up? Don’t waste my time trying.”

I scoff. “I’m not interested in hooking up, Charlotte. I’m interested in more. I might sound like a creep, but I’m the only one you should be with, Charlotte. Because we’re alike, same upbringing, same advantages, same class. Our parents bred children like us to mate. Asher will never understand our world, but we understand each other. And we can do a lot of bad things together. And some good.”

Charlotte looks at me and rolls her pretty blue eyes.

After she cleans her plate and mine, we walk back to the campus and avoid talking about Rockingham or Stonehaven. She doesn’t ask for a truce, and I don’t offer it. I have enough sense to know that I have to pull back, or next time, she’ll pour the soup in my lap and take off.

I wish she had remembered me. If Charlotte had, she would know how much I want to ruin her. It’s not much of a challenge, leading a clueless lamb to the slaughter.

Chapter 13


We part ways outside the dorm, and I head up the outer stairwell to my room. Maybe Charlotte had somewhere to go, or she doesn’t want people to think we were a couple. People are already pairing off or giving out benefits. And if people see us together too often, they’ll assume we’re hooking up later. I don’t really pay attention to rumors about me. Because there could never be other reasons for spending time with another person. Am I right?

I open the door to the double I share with Jaxon, and the first thing I see is Asher sitting at my desk. The chair is facing out toward the room, and Jaxon sits cross-legged across from him on his bed.

I’m not mentioning Charlotte unless they do.

“Asher and I are considering pledging a fraternity,” Jaxon explains as if I asked.

I sit down on my bed and try to look relaxed. “Which frat? But I’m sure I can guess.”

Jaxon chuckles. “Alpha, of course. In fact, I spoke to the brothers, and we’re invited to hang out any night. I was just asking Asher to DJ the next party.”

Asher eyes me as I lean back against the wall. “You think you might pledge Alpha too?”

Grinning, I nod. “It’s the only one worth the extra time.”

Jaxon smiles at Asher with encouragement. “Asher wants to ask you something, Hudson.”

Asher looks in every direction except mine, and I’m unsure of what’s going on. He stammers a little, and then he finally puts his words into a sentence. “I’m having trouble in a few of my classes, and since you’re in most of them, I wanted to ask if you could tutor me.”

“Yeah, sure.” I sit up on the bed and take his request seriously. “I’m sort of stunned. I didn’t think you could tolerate me.”

Asher shrugs. “Sometimes you get on my nerves, but you seem okay when you wanna be.”

Jaxon laughs at that backhanded compliment, but, frowning, Asher looks sincere. He’s an intelligent guy but lacks the necessary social graces. Of course I want to help him out. There are plenty of advantages to helping him out. Charlotte may hate the guy, but something is keeping them together, and now I’ll be able to find out what he must have on her.

Jaxon nods toward the window and smiles as if he caught me doing something wrong. “We saw you with Charlotte. Were you two hanging out?”

“Is that code for hooking up?” I look over at Asher, whose sullen expression becomes even darker. I’m tempted to have fun with his cave-dweller brain, but maybe not. “I’d like to hook up, but she’s not that eager. You know, she’s not like the virgins running up and down the hall, looking for someone to jump on.”

Jaxon laughs. “So, that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to try.”

Asher watches me so hard I can feel his eyes down my throat.

I smirk at him and wink. “I have a weakness for rich, uptight blondes. They have the most issues, especially daddy. She’s definitely a daddy’s girl. What do you think, Asher? You know her well.”

Asher looks at Jaxon and then at me. He shifts in the hard plastic chair as he clears his throat. “It’s none of your fucking business.”

I laugh, watching his hands clench on his knees, then relax. “So, is Charlotte a virgin? You have to know,” I scoff. “You haven’t had her yet. What’s wrong with you, dude?”

It only takes a second for him to lose his shit. “You are a stuck-up ass, and if you ask me again about Rockingham—”