I check to see if anyone can hear me. “It’s fake. You should get one. They card the students in every bar in town.”
She looks a little more interested. “Tell me why I should remember you.”
Something’s wrong. I can tell when her eyes widen. I realize that I’m clenching my fists, and my jaw aches. Charlotte eyes me as I crack my knuckles in an attempt to relax. I get up from my side of the booth and slide in next to her. Charlotte scoots away.
“Seriously, why are you so sensitive about it?” she asks. “No one remembers every single person they meet.”
The waitress returns with my beer and Charlotte’s soup. The older woman doesn’t lift her eyes as she places them on the table in front of us. Maybe the waitress thinks she’s interrupting something, and she is.
As soon as she leaves, I box Charlotte in. “Why are you lying?”
Her lips narrow, and then she speaks. “You really are a conceited douche. Why must I remember you?”
I drape my arm on the back of the booth, boxing her in more. “I’m glad you don’t remember me. You’re better off not knowing who I am. But that’s not what I’m talking about. You didn’t graduate from Stonehaven.”
Her lips twist into a scowl. “You never went there; that’s why I don’t remember you. How old are you?”
I take a swig of my beer and make her wait for an answer. “I didn’t graduate from there either. You know where I graduated from?”
She glares at me with a heartless stare.
“Stonehaven High,” I reply, “and I didn’t see your bestie Asher there either. Why are you two lying? And why for each other? Do you like him or something?”
Her cheeks turn pink as she looks at her soup. Charlotte squirms when I move in closer; my leg presses against her thigh. I move in more, and she places her hand against my thigh. I grab her hand and place it on my inner thigh, holding it near the bulge in my jeans. She tries to pull away, but I hold it there as I grow stiff for her.
“He told us a secret about you,” I whisper
Charlotte goes pale as she stares straight ahead.
“He told us you give good head.”
She looks at me as if she’s waiting for something else. Something that makes her hold on to her breath. We stare at each other in silence, and she looks relieved when she realizes I have nothing else to say.
“Is that all he said about me?” she whispers but doesn’t sound afraid.
I nod, moving her hand off my thigh. The chase isn’t exciting unless she’s petrified. “Yeah, that’s all he said. You two definitely have a secret,” I scoff, “But you don’t seem to like him much. What does he have on you?”
“I’m not talking about him.” She reaches for her bowl of soup and slurps it out of the huge mug. She waves her hand over her mouth. “That’s fucking hot. You’re an asshole, Hudson, but Asher is the devil. I’d be careful prying into his past.”
“I’m only interested in what he has on you.”
She eyes me again and then swallows down more of her soup. The waitress walks over and places the rest of our meal on the table along with the bill. Charlotte drags the salad bowl over and then sips her soup again.
I start to laugh, and she gives me a dirty look. I grab half of my sandwich and take a bite. “I always pictured you as a dainty eater. You’re ripping into that like you’re starving.”
She swallows hard and slows down.
“I’m not criticizing,” I tell her. “The real thing isn’t exactly matching up with my fantasy. But I like this version better. Not so boring, and a little wicked?”
She watches me, but I can’t provoke her into saying anything. I push my plate with half a sandwich left over to her.
“You’re a cheap date, Charlotte.”
“You have a pencil dick, Hudson.”
“You could barely wrap your fingers around it, baby.” My finger touches her shoulder, sweeping along the curve, and Charlotte stares at it and then at me.
I lean in. “When it happens, because it will, you’ll want it, and you won’t ever forget me again.”