Page 64 of The Gamble


The phone has rung three times, one right after the other. I frown at the display. The number isn’t familiar to me. I’m about to call them back when it rings again. I pick up. “Hello?”

“Is this Carter Hughes?” It’s a woman, one whose voice I don’t recognize.

She sounds stressed. “Yes, it is,” I confirm. “Who am I talking to?” That’s probably direct to the point of rudeness, but in my defense, I was in the middle of dinner, and this mystery woman has called me four times.

“My name is Samira Khan,” she replies. “I’m Ed’s neighbor. His son is the same age as mine, and I watch Noah when Ed has to work.” She hesitates. “He gave me your number in case of an emergency.”

My blood runs cold. “What’s happened to Noah?”

“Noah? Nothing. Noah’s playing with Salman. It’s Ed. He was supposed to pick up the child five hours ago, but I haven’t heard from him.”

“You’ve tried calling him?”

“Yes, of course I’ve tried calling him.” She sounds exasperated. “The phone keeps ringing.” Her worry seeps through her voice. “Ed always calls when he’s running late, and he always calls Noah to say goodnight. He’s done neither today. He’s not picking up his phone either.”

The fucker. I clench my hand into a fist. He’s taken off. I’m sure of it. Perhaps the reality of taking care his son didn’t quite match the fantasy. Perhaps he decided again that he wasn’t ready to be a parent. Perhaps he’s drunk in a ditch somewhere. I don’t know what his story is, and I don’t care.

I went to mediation. I tried playing nice. And the asshole took off, abandoning Noah with a neighbor.

He couldn’t even make sure Noah was with family.

Ed Wagner better make sure I don’t find him, because when I do, I am going to beat him to a pulp. My nephew deserves so much better than his deadbeat of a father.

Was Chloe much better?

“Of course, Noah is welcome to stay over,” she continues. “Salman will be thrilled to have a friend spend the night.”

“I’ll come and pick him up,” I cut in. Noah’s going to be upset when he finds out Ed’s gone. He should be with family. Belatedly, I realize I’m being rude again. Damn it. “I’m sorry. I’m being abrupt. Thank you for watching Noah. He loves sleepovers. But—”

“If something has happened to Ed, you want to be with Noah. I understand.” She gives me her address, and I promise to be right there. Then I hang up.

Judge Bass thought Ed was ready to be a parent. Megan Noura told me that my insistence on sole custody wouldn’t go well. Renata Causi didn’t think the court would rule in my favor. Dr. Kang, Noah’s therapist, thought that Ed was a positive presence in my nephew’s life.

They were wrong, all of them. I’ve always known better. I’ve always known that Ed Wagner is a terrible human being.

Noah loves him. This will break his heart.

My anger fades into anxiety. I make my way back to the table. “I’m sorry, I have to go. Ed’s missing, and Noah’s with a neighbor.” Then I register Gabby’s face. She looks pale, and her expression is dull. “What’s the matter?”

“What do you mean, Ed is missing?”

“What happened?” I insist. “What’s wrong? Was it me tripping Norris?” Shit. I mean, the guy deserved far worse. I agree with Dominic—Gabby shouldn’t have to work with people like him. Still, I didn’t mean to make trouble for her at work. “The guy was wasted, Gabby. I’m willing to bet he’s not going to remember anything tomorrow.”

“It’s not Norris.” She doesn’t meet my eyes. “Look, it’s not important. Tell me what happened to Ed.”

Something’s wrong, but I don’t have time to probe—I have to get Noah. “He’s gone,” I say flatly. “Took off, most likely. His neighbor called. He was supposed to pick Noah up from her house five hours ago.”

“Five hours?” She sits up. “Carter, Ed could have been in an accident.”

“Or he realized that parenting isn’t as easy as he thought.”

“Carter.” Her gaze rests on me, steady and serious, seeing so much more than I intended to share. “Stop for a second and think. Really think. Search your heart. Ed loves Noah, you know that. Why would he leave without a word?”

I take a deep breath.

Because she’s right.