Page 65 of The Gamble

It isn’t Ed I’m angry with.

It’s Chloe.

I lost Chloe. First to the drugs, and then, when she overdosed. For so many years, I blamed Ed for the choices my sister made. I was so angry. So lost and betrayed when Chloe died, and for so many years, I’ve been raging at Ed.

The anger keeps the loss at bay.

Well, damn. Noah isn’t the only one who needs to see a therapist. “He probably wouldn’t,” I admit. “It doesn’t seem right.” Shit. Five hours. Unease swamps me. That’s a long time to go without checking in.

Dominic comes back just then. His face is pale. “Mitchell’s goons ambushed Zack Hewitt on his way into work,” he says tonelessly. “He’s in emergency surgery right now.”

Oh fuck.

“His kneecaps were smashed,” he continues. “He might never walk again.” He finally takes in our expressions. “What’s wrong?”

Fresh unease churns through me. “Ed is missing.”

“What?” Dominic’s eyes narrow. “Is Noah—”

“He’s fine.” So far. If Mitchell’s thugs are targeting the people closest to us, I need to get Noah right away. “He’s at a neighbor. I thought Ed took off. But now…” My voice trails off.

“Deal with Noah,” Dominic says soberly. “I’ll start a search for Ed.”