Page 45 of Dark Angel

Soulmate. The word echoes in my mind, igniting a deep, unsettled feeling. I try to shake it off. "And what am I supposed to do to help her?"

Nye's eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief. "Ah, laddie, that's a journey you'll need to embark on yourself. Just know that the bond between a Luminara and her soulmate is no trifling matter. It's got the power to break curses, mend hurts, and might even alter fate itself." She twirls her stick through the air, her expression turning serious. "Here's a wee bit of advice for ye."

I didn't ask for any advice, and my face must give away my thoughts. Nye, perceptive as ever, continues. “I ken you didn't seek my counsel, but I'm offering it nonetheless. If facing your own demons is too daunting, try seeing them through Rayne's eyes. Healing's a two-way street for souls like yours. There's no 'strong' or 'weak' between you, only equilibrium.”

She starts to fade away, but I can't let her go without one last question. “Hold on. What about waking Rayne?” I motion towards her still form, anxiety gnawing at me.

Nye lets out a sigh, her tone patient yet imbued with a firm resolve. “I've patched up her bodily hurts, but the drain of her power can only be set right by her soulmate. The key to replenishing her magical well, so to speak, lies with you.” Her figure becomes translucent, her presence diminishing as if melting into the air.

Left alone with her words, I’m forced to contemplate the weight of this newfound knowledge. The bond, the magic, our intertwined destinies—it's overwhelming. Yet one thing stands clear amidst the chaos: Rayne is more than just a woman in need of protection, and perhaps, I am also more.



I'm in this bizarre limbo, straddling the line between consciousness and something else entirely. It's like I'm watching myself from outside, a surreal out-of-body experience. And then, there's the trio that's right out of a Dickens novel, except it's Jaden, a younger Brad Pitt with wings—seriously?—and an old lady who could star in her own Victorian painting. Jaden's pacing, worry etched all over his face. I wish I could feel our connection, but he's been cut off from me.

As I scrutinize the room, my eyes keep darting back to my own motionless form on that grandiose bed. Jaden's the only one seemingly attached to the ground, the rest just floating around. Does he even notice them?

Brad Pitt with wings glides over to me, and despite the craziness, I can't help but take him in—black leather jacket, grey shirt, those jeans, and those wings. Indeed, he's got wings.

“Hey, there.” He’s all casual as if we're in a coffee shop. “Bet you've got a bunch of questions about your Jaden. I'm here to fill in some blanks while Anais handles him.”

I almost trip over the 'Jaden's mine' thought but push it aside. Focus. “Who are you?” I ask. Blunt, maybe, but hey, that's me.

He grins, and it's a panty-melter for sure. “Name's Bob.” He extends a hand. “Bob the Angel. Angel of Death, to be precise.”

I automatically reach out, expecting air but finding a firm grip. I shoot a quick glance back at my body. Still there. Back to Bob, I raise an eyebrow. “Angel of death? Really?”

Bob’s laughter is warm, echoing around the void. “Yeah, really. You're in Bardo, kind of a waiting room between life and what comes next. I help with the transition.”

His words sink in. Bardo. Transition. This is way bigger than any drama I've faced before. Standing—well, floating—here with Bob, the angel of death, it dawns on me that this is serious business. But a fire in me is not ready to call it quits. Not even close.

“So, I’m dead?” As the words come out of my mouth, I wonder why the idea that I may be dead and gone doesn’t bother me. Maybe it’s because I don’t think I’m dead. Maybe it’s because for the first time I’m certain I’m on this earth for a purpose. I might not know what the purpose is, but I know I haven’t fulfilled it yet.

Bob gives me that wicked grin, and I must admit it gives Jaden’s rare flashes of sunlight a stunner run. Bob’s grin widens as he says, “I’m taken, but thanks for the compliment. And I agree, your Jaden is a looker.”

“He’s not my Jaden.” I respond too quickly and hotly so am not surprised at the raised eyebrow I get in return. What is it with these guys and their eyebrows. . .

His clear blue eyes fasten on mine for what seems an eternity, and I’m about to cave when he says, “I understand you're feeling a bit overwhelmed and confused. It's perfectly normal in your situation. Let's start with the basics. You're currently in a state of transition, a place where souls often find themselves when they're not quite ready to move on. It's a place of reflection, understanding, and sometimes, healing.”

He pauses, letting the words sink in. “You've been through quite an ordeal, and it's important to process it all. I'm here to help you with that. To answer your questions, offer guidance, and maybe provide a bit of perspective. So, to answer your first question, you’re not dead, but you’re suffering a power drain so drastic it’s tricked the universe into thinking you’re dying. You won’t remember all this when you wake.”

I cross my spectral arms, still skeptical. “And you do this often? Help lost souls or whatever?”

Bob nods. “It's part of the job description. Helping souls transition, understand their journey, and sometimes, find their way back. Each case is unique, but the goal is always the same—to help and to heal.”

I take a deep, unnecessary breath. “Alright, Bob the Angel, let's hear it. What's the deal with Jaden and me? Why all this drama?”

Bob's expression turns serious. “Your story is unique, Rayne. You and Jaden share something rare—a soul bond. It's a connection that transcends the usual boundaries of human relationships. It's more than just emotional or physical; it's a deep, spiritual link that can be both a source of great strength and, at times, profound challenges."

His words hit me like a freight train. Soul bond. That's why I feel so drawn to him, why I can't seem to shake him off even when he's being an absolute ass. But it also scares the hell out of me. What does this bond mean for us? For our future?

Bob continues, "This bond you share, it's powerful. It has the potential to heal, to bring out the best in both of you. But it also requires understanding, patience, and a willingness to face some hard truths about yourselves and each other."

I frown, processing his words. Understanding and patience aren't exactly my strong suits and Jaden . . . well, he's a whole different story. But something in me knows Bob's right. This bond, this connection with Jaden, it's not something I can ignore or walk away from. It's part of who I am now, part of my journey.

"And before you ask,” Bob gives me a hint of a smile, "yes, you can find your way back to him. But it's going to take more than just wanting it. You'll need to confront your own fears, your own shadows. And so will he. It's a journey you'll need to take together."