Page 46 of Dark Angel

Together. The word resonates within me, filling me with a mix of dread and hope. Jaden and I taking on this crazy, mixed-up world together. It's a daunting thought, but deep down, I know it's the only way forward. The only way to truly understand this bond and what it means for both of us.

“I was just inside one of Jaden’s nightmares, except I think it was a flashback. Is that possible?”

Bob looks pleased as he nods. “You are very perceptive. Intuition is one of your many gifts. A defining trait of Luminara descendants is their heightened intuition. They possess an uncanny ability to sense energies and emotions, making them incredibly perceptive and empathetic towards others. This gift grants them an innate understanding of the world around them, which they use to navigate through life.”

“So, my powers have something to do with dreams?”

“Yes, but only with your soul mate. You have the power to slip into his dreams where your souls intertwine. Your link creates a bridge between your subconscious minds.

I guess that confirms what I know in my gut: Jaden is my soul mate because I was most definitely in his dream. “What else do I need to know?”

“White witches use music and movement as channels for their magic as a way to tap into their full magical potential and strengthen the bond with their celestial counterparts,” Bob says.

“This is a lot to unpack. Can you spill more about this soul bond thing? Am I stuck with it?” I can't help the edge in my voice, a mix of curiosity and fear.

Bob studies me, his gaze unnerving yet kind. “Do you really want to break it?” he counters, and damn, he's good at this.

A hot flush creeps up my neck, but there's no bullshitting an angel. “Maybe. He’s . . . broken. And I'm not exactly whole myself.” I swallow hard, the words tasting like acid. “What if I can't give him what he needs? Can you tell me more about our soul bond? Will I be able to dive into his nightmares again? I've only got a piece of the puzzle.”

Bob’s eyes hold a world of wisdom. “You might never have the full picture. Can you live with that uncertainty?”

That hits me hard. My instinct screams to drag every dark secret out of Jaden, to force him to face his ghosts head-on. But what if that breaks him even more?

“We've got to find a way to beat this shame thing. He can't keep drowning in it.” I’m trying to convince myself more than anything.

Bob’s wings flutter gently. “Sometimes, it's about learning from each other's scars. Are you ready to lay bare your own demons to him?” He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in. “Now, let your knight in tarnished armor care for you before he loses himself in his own abyss. You both can heal each other. Work through the shame books Aleah gave you and trust your gut. When you're ready, Anais will guide you to embrace your full potential.” He stands, a picture of otherworldly grace.

“Oh, and one final tip. Listen to what Jaden does, not what he says. And that's your cue for today. Remember, Rayne, the path to healing is never easy, but it's always worth it. Trust in yourself and in the bond you share with Jaden. You're stronger than you know. Those with extraordinary gifts rarely fit neatly into society's boxes.” His smile is slow, almost seductive. “Meeting you has been a treat, Rayne. I suspect it'll be a long while before our paths cross again.” He steps through a portal that materializes out of nowhere, leaving me alone with a whirlwind of thoughts and fears while I wait to see what happens next. It’s strange being in this kind of limbo, but oddly, I’m not reacting to it with my usual fear and anxiety. Maybe it’s because I feel safe.

When I look at my sleeping form, Jaden’s sitting on the rock ledge and has my head in his lap. He’s staring down at my face with a mixture of love and loathing, or at least that’s how I read it. I miss our link, that connection that let me know how he was feeling. Or is Bob right . . . Maybe it was my gift telling me. I have all kinds of time to ponder that. Jaden’s started murmuring in a low voice, and I drifted nearer so I can hear. Seems supersonic hearing is not one of my gifts.

“What am I going to do with you?” Jaden strokes the side of my face while I roll that very question around in my head. What is it that draws me to this man anyway?

His temper is like a storm brewing on the horizon, fierce and wild. But it's his withdrawal that really chills me to the bone. Seeing him so fragmented is like watching someone try to piece together a shattered mirror, knowing some pieces are too small to find. The jagged edges of Jaden's complexities are not just random anymore. It's like a puzzle slowly coming together, revealing a picture that's both heart-wrenching and awe-inspiring.

There's a resilience in him, something unyielding and stubborn that clashes with any logic. For some reason, he doesn’t see it, but it’s there. It's like watching a tree stand tall in the middle of a tempest, bending but never breaking. And then there's this unexpected tenderness he cloaks under his guise of apathy. I’ve seen the way he lights up around those kids at Harmony Hills, like a beacon in their stormy lives. Maybe that's what hooked me, this unspoken understanding between us. The world's expectations are twisted, punishing us for being what we're not. I'm branded as too tough, too blunt, and there's Jaden, always dodging bullets for being too 'sensitive.' Screw that.

Sensitive! I despise that word. It boxes you in and tags you as something fragile or in my case, not delicate enough. But there's nothing fragile about Jaden. He's like a fortress with walls too high for most to climb. But those kids, they see something in him. A safe haven, maybe. And I get it, I really do. Because underneath all that bravado, there's an innate kindness in Jaden that he suppresses but is as real as the scars we both carry. That rare glimpse of gentleness, hidden beneath layers of self-defense, draws people to him. It's what drew me to him.

In Jaden, I see a mirror of my own struggles—a reflection of what it means to be misunderstood and misjudged. We're like two puzzle pieces, fitting together in our misfit way. I can't help but wonder, though. Is this connection, this inexplicable pull towards each other, going to be our salvation or our undoing? The thought scares me more than I care to admit.

But one thing's crystal clear—walking away isn't an option. Not now. Not when I’ve started peeling back the layers of Jaden's enigma. I'm drawn into this emotional maze he's crafted, and damn it, I'm determined to see it through. Jaden's complexities are a challenge I can't resist.

He tenderly brushes my curls aside, his vulnerability laid bare in that simple gesture. “What am I going to do with you?” His voice echoes in the cavernous space. “You see me as this valiant hero, but the truth is, my armor's corroded, flawed.” His touch contradicts his often harsh exterior, a truth spoken without words. I realize Bob is bang on—with Jaden actions scream louder than any words he spits out. Listen to what he does, not what he says.

“I don’t know all the ropes of this soul bond thing, but I know you need to come back to me. You're like an escape for me, a break from the nightmares. From that cloying feeling of powerlessness. But damn, I can’t even admit how fucking scared I am. Scared of losing whatever semblance of control I have . . . and hell, scared of losing you.”

His head drops to his chest and the words are so faint I second-guess whether I heard him. “I’m terrified.” Two words spoken so softly they’re only an echo in my mind.

“Well, then haul my ass back from wherever this is so we can sort this mess out,” I shout, but my words dissolve into the ether, unheard by anyone but the ghostly Druid priestesses.

Jaden rests against the cold wall, his hand still cradling my head. “You’re tearing down the walls I’ve built, brick by brick, invading my every thought. It’s a chaos I’ve never known, but somehow, it feels right.” He sinks into a silence that tests my already thin patience.

Then, his face lights up. “I have an idea, a way for us to figure this out. But you need to come back first.”

That perks up my spectral ears. We're on the same wavelength, even in this bizarre situation. “I want to, Jaden! But how? We’re supposed to figure out this magic crap ourselves, right?”

Just as I'm about to explode with spectral frustration, Jaden makes a move. He lifts my limp form and strides into the shimmering water. His clothes cling to him, but he doesn't care. This raw, vulnerable side of him, which he guards fiercely, is now mine to witness.