Page 12 of Entwined

I smack him against the shoulder. “Shut up!” I admonish, but can’t hold back the giggle catching me by surprise. How did my life change so much that I’m now laughing? Not just once, but twice now, I find myself having the thought.

“Let me in your club, Remi. Give it to me,” he growls, scooping me from the kitchen chair I’m sitting in to straddle him instead. My body presses against his until it’s cradled perfectly, like we were made for each other.

Without thinking, my hips shift, finding him already getting hard. We don’t even have to try much to get ready, it happens naturally when we’re together. His hand finds the base of my spine, forcing my chest to his, and he feathers a light kiss across my lips.

Grayson stares into my eyes, a seriousness making the blue flecks hidden amongst the green hard. “You should take him out.”

“What?” His statement comes out of left field, shocking me when I was expecting something sexy to come out of his mouth. Especially when he has me pressed against him like this, his now hard cock rubbing against my clit. I rock my hips, grinding on him, unable to help myself.

He grunts like I’m causing him pain, but it becomes evident that it’s really the words he knows he’s fixing to deliver. “You should take Cole out. Distract him. It’ll give the other two time to flesh out the plan and hopefully, clear Cole’s head so he can come back and crack the code or whatever the lingo is that he needs to do.”

It’s a good idea. One I wish I had thought of myself. But I still find myself pouting my lip out. It feels like forever since I’ve had a dose of my golden sunshine. Which is a weird way of putting it when he’s all dominance in bed…

“Shh,” he coos, gripping my chin in his unforgiving hold. “We take care of family over our own needs. But know this, I fucking want you. So much so that when you walk out that door, I’ll be having some private time with my hand. Thinking of the way you clench around my cock with that perfect little pussy.”

I suck in a sharp breath. “Grayson.” My voice has taken on that desperate whimper I get when I’m horny and being teased by one of my men. The voice that’s reserved only for sexy times.

“Get off my lap, Remi,” he orders. “Go take care of your man.”

His hand dips to my neck, his fingers wrapping around and squeezing, not even giving me a chance to listen before he pushes me off his lap. I’d be dumped on the floor if I wasn’t prepared to stand on my own. As it is, I still end up stumbling as I find my footing, gaining everyone's attention.

“You okay?” Vander instantly reaches for me. He shoots a glare at Grayson, and I know he’d be more than happy to punch him if I asked. I give him a reassuring smile, enough to put him at ease and to stand down from his bodyguard nature. I really wish I took advantage more back before everything started.

Oh, the fun I could have had exploiting him.

I grip the front of his shirt and drag his hulking frame down until I’m able to graze my lips along the outside shell of his ear. “I need you to do me a favor.” He grunts, letting me know he’s listening. “Someday soon, I want to roleplay back to the days when you were my bodyguard.”

He huffs out a disbelieving breath and returns to his full height. His eyes scan the room like he’s done countless times since the moment I met him, always making sure the area is safe for me. But in the process, his gaze lands on the others. He cocks his head to the side and says, “Only if they’re the ones I’m guarding you from.”

Eyeing the reactions from my other men, I bite my lip. Perhaps not now, because the ties binding us together as family have been tested enough lately, but at some later point… yeah, I’d enjoy that.

Cole narrows his eyes at Vander. It’s easy enough to read his expression right now. He’s deciding if he wants to make him pay for the comment, telling me I need to step in quickly if I don’t want to break up another fight.

“Hey,” I call softly, making them all look at me. But Cole knows it’s him I’m wanting when he finds me watching him. I reach a hand out for him, and he doesn’t make me wait, stepping toward me right away.

He grips my hand, drawing me into his chest and wrapping an arm around my waist. “Yes, Luv?” His eyes dip to my lips where they pause for a second before meeting my gaze once more. It causes a flutter in my stomach and the strange desire to shoot him in the leg again, simply so he can brag about a second wound.

The man has fucking warped my mind.

“I’m tired of being cooped inside like a naughty little child. Take me out.” I don’t ask. I tell him. This isn’t up for debate. Of course, Jasper doesn’t seem to get the memo.

“No,” he grunts.

I whirl around to face him. All the while, Cole keeps his hold on me, not letting me leave the confines of his arms. “Yes.”

“Remington, I said no.”

My jaw drops, and I stare at him. The room is quiet, so quiet I wonder if everyone has the same reaction as me. If he’s used my entire first name before, I can’t remember. It shocks me to my core, making me speechless for so long I can hear the hands ticking on a clock somewhere in the house.

“Jasper—” I start, but he doesn’t let me continue.

“It’s not safe. I won’t risk your safety when we’re so close to TP.” He clenches his jaw, tension riding in his shoulders with how close they are to his ears.

“TP?” Grayson questions.

The corner of Jasper’s lips twitch, the only sign of his amusement. “Honestly, I meant to say TB. You know, his initials. But TP came out instead. But it fucking works, calling him toilet paper. His name should match the only thing he’s good for—wiping shit off someone’s ass.”

“It is a stupid fucking name,” Vander mumbles.