Page 13 of Entwined

The turn of conversations suddenly catches up to us, and we slowly succumb to laughter. It’s so juvenile and unlike Jasper that I think it caught us off guard. But I guess family will do that to you. One thing is apparent, though. Jasper isn’t willing to make claims of him being a brother anymore.

“Jasper,” I try again, taking a step toward him only to be stopped by an unyielding grip.

“Mine now,” Cole hisses, like I tried to take his favorite toy away. Which, I guess I did.

Rolling my eyes, I move again, at the same time saying, “Then come with me.” This time, he moves with me until I’m sandwiched in the middle between him and Jasper. It brings to mind quick flashes of the several other times we’ve found ourselves like this. So not the time, although I wouldn’t say no if they wanted to…

Simmer down, bitch. For fuck’s sake. I need a cold shower.

“Here to ask for some more cuddles?” Jasper teases, drawing me out of my lust filled memories and making me scowl at him.

“No. I don’t like—” His finger presses against my lips.

“Don’t lie to me, Little Bird. You know how much I hate it.”

“But,” I mumble around his finger.

“You do. We all know it. You’re just being stubborn. And I swear if you roll your eyes at me I’ll smack that ass until it’s blistering red,” he threatens, making me pause. After all, it would make killing a little uncomfortable.

Ignoring the topic entirely, I continue with what I originally wanted to say. “I promise we’ll be safe. Cole will even preemptively turn off any security cameras. Please,” I beg, giving him my best give in to whatever I want eyes. “I need this.”

“Fine,” he huffs. “But if one hair on your perfect head is out of place, he’s fucked.”

“Ohh,” I excitedly coo, barely holding myself back from clapping my hands together. “Can I watch?”

Chapter 8


Cole and I walk into the bar, music blaring the moment he opens the door. When picking the location, I hadn’t realized it would also have a dance floor, making it a much larger location than I was bargaining on. There’s even a large outdoor area, too. More entrances and exits to keep track of, but that also means more options for an escape if we need it.

We show our IDs to the bouncer right inside and continue toward the bar. “Wait here,” Cole says into my ear. “I’ll take a pass around. Make sure everything is safe.”

He adds a little extra swagger in his step, knowing I’m watching, and I bite the side of my thumb. He’s ridiculous. And yet I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world. He’s a perfect match for my crazy. My partner in crime.

I make my way around the bar and find a spot with two stools, taking one and propping my leg on the other to save it for him as more people crowd around. I’m not sure when I let the day of the week slip from my memory, but this kind of crowd is born from weekend revelry. Had I realized, I might have reconsidered.

It’s been several minutes, and Cole still isn’t back. I try to find him through the crowds of people gathered all over the room. The dance floor isn’t packed, but there’s not much elbow room either. The pool tables are all claimed, and there are only a few bar tables along the outer edges of the room that aren’t taken.

A glass lands on the bar top in front of me, startling me out of my search for my date tonight. “Excuse me,” I call to the bartender. He turns his gaze from the shaker he’s already moved onto, mixing another drink without missing a beat. “I didn’t order this.”

“Some guy did,” he answers, tossing his head toward the other side of the U-shaped bar top. Suddenly, I feel it. Eyes watching me. It feels as if it’s been forever since I’ve sensed the caress against my skin, the heat trailing behind Ravenmaster’s gaze. I should have realized sooner, but now that I have, now that I know all the men who make up the persona so viscerally, I’m able to lift my eyes and find him immediately.

The moment he knows he has my attention, he nods to the drink like he’s some stranger flirting with me. Trying to seduce me by buying me a drink. It would never work, but I’m enjoying his game.

Cole is fucking sex on a stick. Ticking all the right boxes that any woman would be insane not to appreciate. He’s wearing his glasses that he doesn’t actually need, giving him the nerdy vibe I love while giving him instant access to his computer. I still don’t know how that works, and I’m not sure I’d have the patience to follow his explanation if he tried. It doesn’t matter though; I find them hot as sin and that’s what counts.

He holds up his own drink, prompting me to do the same like we’re toasting across the space. I smile into my drink, finding he ordered me a Moscow mule. The fresh drink dances over my tongue, and when I glance up again, he’s gone.

I find him just as quickly, navigating around the hustle and bustle of the bar area. He’s almost to me when his path is abruptly blocked. Standing before him is a blonde wearing short denim shorts with her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom. Her long hair hangs down her back, the ends brushing the top of her waistband.

That’s all the details I’m able to get with her back to me, but I can imagine more than enough on my own. I’ve spent years people watching, after all.

Above all odds, I’m able to hear her over the surrounding noise. “Hey, handsome. My name is Madaline. Care to have a drink with me?” She holds up two bottleneck beers, her hands covering the labels, but it doesn’t matter. I know Cole wouldn’t want whatever she’s offering.

“Actually,” I say, cutting in. I’m clearly too possessive to wait and see what Cole’s response would be. “He’s with me.”

She glares at me from over her shoulder. “I got here first, bitch. Find someone else.”