Page 35 of Knot a Clue

“After what happened the last time we were here, I’d say Jedrik has reason to be a little reserved, don’t you?” He pauses and an audio clip of someone sighing plays in the background. “We were sent home right before the finale and that can really mess with an alpha’s mind, you know? To dream, and hope, and want only to have something like that ripped away at the last second… is devastating. I truly believe he’s only protecting his heart from that kind of pain again.”

Mrs. Violet wipes a fake tear from her eye. “That was beautifully put, Andrik. I can’t imagine the pain the two of you went through, but I’m glad you’re getting your redemption season.” She switches focus to a different cameraman. “Jedrik, care to share your thoughts on the matter?”

Jedrik’s jaw clenches before he tilts his head and a coy smile graces his lips. The movement is so subtle, I’m sure I’m the only one who notices the irritation that he briefly showed. He turns his focus to me, watching my reaction as he answers. “It’s hard to trust after something like that, but I’m willing to try for the right omega. I’d love to spend more time with Verity to find out if she’s the one.” He turns to the camera pointed at him and gives it a sweet smile. These men of mine sure can act. “Maybe your votes can help me out with that,” he says to the viewers, playing up their part in keeping him here.

Mrs. Violet nods like she’s captivated by every word. “After that first night, it seems pretty clear that you two are quite possessive with her. Do you think it’s purely instinctual, or is there something more simmering between the three of you?”

Andrik looks directly at me when he says, “Not to speak for my brother, but I’m extremely attracted to Verity, if that’s not completely obvious. Her scent is like a drug to me.”

Mrs. Violet perks up with his admission. A bright smile takes over her face, and a sparkle enters her eyes. That same look she gets when she thinks she found something juicy. She leans forward like the motion will take her closer to the answers she’s seeking. “Like a drug, you say… Powerful comparison for an enforcement officer. How are you able to smell her? We keep the dampeners on full blast. You shouldn’t be able to catch a whiff.” She pauses dramatically, as if thinking, before adding, “Or is it that you caught her scent at the ceremony?”

In a similar move to Mrs. Violet, I lean forward too. Wanting to pull the answer from him. I knew I shouldn’t be able to smell the twins. I thought it was all in my head. But if the guys are experiencing it too…

I expect Andrik to answer, but it’s Jedrik’s mumbled words that come out first. “Damn honeyed pears haunt my dreams.”

“You smell her too, then?” Mrs. Violet questions, chasing the answers like a dog with a bone.

The twins share a glance, and a twitch in Jedrik’s jaw tells me he won’t be saying anything else about it. Andrik’s brow settles into a determined line. “I don’t think there’s anything powerful enough that could ever come between us. I’d be able to find my omega anywhere. I’m drawn to her just as much as she is to us. I’m not sure why we can smell her through the dampeners, but I’m not one to question such a gift.”

“Quite the powerful statement there, Andrik. Sounds like you’ve already claimed her as your own, and you haven’t even reached the end of the show.” She glances at the tablet in her hand and gives a pleasant nod of her head. “It seems your fans at home like it, though. You’re rapidly climbing the charts. Your competitors will need to up their game.”

“Let them,” Andrik responds, metaphorically throwing down the gauntlet. “Let them try. Because I know at the end of this, it should be me and my brother in Verity’s nest, our scent clinging to her skin. There’s more than biology at play here and I hope the viewers can see that.”

The cameraman smirks as he catches my face flush.

Mrs. Violet turns to another camera, gleaming at the viewers. “On that note, let’s call up the next alpha, Charles.” She shakes hands with the twins and they leave the stage area. I watch as they head for the dressing room door off to the side where the alphas wait until the vote comes through. Before he passes out of sight, Andrik turns to look at me one last time. Finding my gaze firmly on him, he gives me a roguish wink that gives me butterflies.

The door doesn’t even close before it’s swinging open again, allowing Charles to saunter out. He lightly jogs to the interview area and hops up the few steps, a real pep to his step. “Welcome to the live interview, Charles. Please take a seat. Get comfortable while we ask the questions the viewers want to know.” He gives the camera a douchey head nod. “Let’s jump right into things. How do you feel about your chances of making it through the vote?”

An overconfident grin splits his lips. “There’s no question I’m making it through. Every omega deserves an alpha who can take care of her every need. And I’ve got the bank account to ensure that happens. My omega won’t want for anything.”

Oh, great. Throwing around mentions of how rich he is. Unfortunately, the world is brainwashed by the color green. I bet he’s right and no matter what he says tonight, he’ll make it through based on that alone. It seems Mrs. Violet seals the deal when she says, “An alpha who wants to spoil his omega. A girl couldn’t ask for more than that. Did you have anything specific in mind?”

“Lavish dinners, grand vacations, designer clothing. You name it. She can have it. Not to mention I’ll have her dripping in diamonds,” he announces in a smug tone.

“How do you see life going with the other alphas in her pack?” Yeah, I’d like to know the answer to that too. Because I’m not sure there’s enough room for an omega in his life, much less other alphas with how big his ego is.

“My estate is big enough to house them, too. She can spend time with them whenever we’re not jetting off to remote destinations or cruising on my yacht.” Sounds like he doesn’t plan on sharing… fuck. I really don’t want to be with someone like him. I doubt he would know how to take care of an omega’s needs.

“Sounds like you have the wanderlust bug.” She glances at the tablet in her hand before continuing. Probably finding the next question she wants to ask. “If you could have dinner with anyone, anyone at all, no strings attached, who would you choose?”

He doesn’t take long to answer, like he’s thought about it before, and had a name ready on the tip of his tongue. “No question about it. I’d choose Sydney Carrington.”

“The actress Sydney Carrington?” she clarifies. “And why would you pick her over the omega you’re competing for?”

He scoffs. “A woman as hot as that? Who wouldn’t want to have dinner with her? She seems like the kind of girl who knows how to have some fun.”

Yuck. I don’t know why I’m paying attention to his answers. He has tiny dick energy written all over him, especially with the way he mentions his money, like he expects it to get him through life. The way he talks about the famous actress, Sydney Carrington, how he’s more interested in her than me… It adds to my dislike of him and doesn’t inspire any romance.

Mrs. Violet continues going through the men one at a time. Asking some repeated questions, but there are also questions unique to each man.

Matthew was asked how long he’s been waiting to join the show, and my skin itched with the uncomfortable feeling of having his eyes trained on me. He smirked, but unlike when Andrik does it, it makes my gut turn. His answer came across as scripted for the audience, lacking sincerity, but at the same time sounded as if he’s desperate to claim his mate. I pray to a god I’m not sure exists that society sees through him.

I don’t pay much mind to many of the men. There simply hasn’t been a connection between us, so they don’t hold my attention. That is, until Kyle’s called to the hot seat. He’s the one who swept me into his arms on the first night here, and his energy is contagious. His boisterous personality never fails to put a smile on my face, no matter how nervous I’m feeling, or how much trepidation I have for the show. He’s been an unexpected spark of sunshine.

Not to mention, he’s always felt completely genuine. Something I can’t say about anyone else other than the twins. We haven’t had a date yet, in fact, I haven’t been willing to give anyone but the twins my time. But now I’m suddenly regretting that. Kyle has my full attention and I have his. Those caramel eyes of his are locked on my face, and he shoots me a nervous grin.

“We have one last interview before your final votes need to be locked in,” Mrs. Violet says, before turning from the camera to face the man sitting in the seat. “Kyle, it’s so nice to have a moment with you. How are you doing today?”