Page 36 of Knot a Clue

He rubs a hand over his trimmed beard, and his leg bounces with uncontained energy. Which he seems to be full of. The other night during the nightly meetups, he even dropped to the ground and did some pushups. I have to admit, the way his arms bulged was a big turn on.

“To be honest, I’m nervous,” he says with a wince. An adorable shade of pink blooms on his cheeks, something I can relate to. I more than understand the embarrassment of sharing something personal with the camera. If it was one of the other guys, I’d think he was playing up for the audience. Kyle is a sweetheart, though. He’s not the type to do something like that.

Mrs. Violet gives him a small pout, and my hackles slightly rise. The gesture seems a little flirtatious for my taste. She can’t have Kyle. But I’m also not willing to dissect my reaction right now. “Why is that, Kyle?” She places a hand on his arm and I have to dig my nails in the arms of my chair to keep myself here. I want to scratch her eyes out and rub my scent all over him.

Holy shit. Why am I acting this way? I’ve hardly spent any time with him.

His gaze lands on me, and his eyes soften, almost as if he can see my inner struggle and wants to soothe me. The smile he gives makes my heart flutter, and the way our eyes connect… it makes the rest of the room fade away. “Because I’m worried I won’t get the votes I need to stay today. There’s something brewing between Verity and me, and I want nothing more than to explore it.” He might be answering her question, but his words are for me alone.

“Oh. And why do you think you won’t get the votes?”

Kyle spares her a quick glance before his focus returns to me once more. I catch the cameraman zooming in to get my reaction out of the peripheral of my eye. They noticed how we’re locked on each other.

He lets out a small sigh, prepping himself for giving another honest answer. “Because it’s only the first week and I know how crucial it is for the Heat Fiends to see the chemistry between alphas and our omega. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten the alone time with her like I’d hoped—“ He seems to stop mid-thought. A realization washes over him, and he suddenly stands to stride toward me. “Fuck it. I’m not wasting another moment.”

He reaches me and holds out a hand. I’m too shocked to do anything other than put my hand in his, allowing him to help me to my feet and lead me back to his seat. “Do you mind?” he whispers, but I know the mic attached to his suit jacket will pick up the words.

To be honest, he’s completely caught me off guard, quite literally swept me off my feet, creating a swarm of butterflies, and I don’t trust my words. I choose to answer by sitting on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he pulls me close. His warm hand rests on the crest of my hip. Not quite possessive, but leaving no doubt his alpha nature needs me in his arms. I catch the barest hint of his scent and it’s enough to make my head spin. Caramel. Exactly like his eyes. So my nose wasn’t playing tricks on me that very first day.

An intensity builds between us. This is the first time we’ve touched, aside from that day, when he scooped me into a hug and twirled me around. Somehow it’s intimate while remaining entirely innocent. Maybe it’s the soft circles he’s tracing on my hip bone, or perhaps the soft brush of his breath against my cheek, the warmth like a soft caress.

“Well, this is a charming development.” A part of me wants to blurt, you’re telling me, but that probably wouldn’t be wise. “None of the other contestants thought to invite Verity into their interview. We were hoping someone would think of it, having her so close and within view.” Mrs. Violet certainly seems pleased with the turn of events. “You were saying something about being nervous because you haven’t had much time with her?” She tries to prod, encouraging the conversation to continue.

“I know we haven’t had a moment alone yet, but I would love to get to know you better. Deep down, I know there’s a spark between us, and I want the chance to explore it. I know we don’t have a say in whether or not I get to stay, but if I make it, can I have the honor of you joining me for a date?” Gazing into his golden eyes from this close is much better. A warmth envelops me, one that has nothing to do with his hold. It squeezes my heart and I feel like I’m falling head over heels for him, like I have no control over it and it’s completely unexpected.

The warm sugary notes of his caramel surround me, making me relax as unexplainable happiness bubbles inside me. Much like Ryland’s champagne.

I’m not sure I can trust this yet, but I’m willing to give it a try. He’s the only other alpha besides the twins I’ve felt a true connection with since I’ve been here. I wish Andrik was within sight to gauge his reaction. I trust his gut.

I only have myself right now, and the way he’s gazing at me like I’m the most important thing in the room, the way he doesn’t care about the cameras, and asked me on a date even though it’s out of his control… yeah, I wouldn’t mind spending some time getting to know him. “I’d like that. A lot,” I finally answer.

Mrs. Violet claps her hands together. “Oh, I love this! Romance blooming right in front of us. We’re running out of time, but I have one more question. It’s the same one I’ve asked everyone else, and I’m curious what your answer is.” She moves to the edge of her seat and Kyle’s fingers flex against my hip. “What does Verity smell like to you, Kyle?”

Ever since the twins told her they could smell me through their fancy, high-tech dampeners, she’s asked every alpha on the show if they can smell me too. Most laugh at her and say I smell like nothing, but they look forward to making it to the compatibility test where they’ll take away the dampeners and see how I react to their pheromones. Others have thrown out a wild guess, but it’s obvious they didn’t know.

Kyle’s smile grows, and he lightly holds my chin. I could fall into the depths of his gaze and get lost there. He gently tilts my head to the side, running his nose along the curve of my neck, taking in a deep breath. A zing of pleasure shoots down my spine and I stifle the resulting shiver. My perfume fills the air—something only I can smell with the dampeners, and apparently a select few alphas—but thankfully, the cameras won’t give away my squid moment. “Verity smells like the sweetest pear. Like I plucked the fruit directly from the tree and took a refreshing bite. She smells like fall mixed with honey, like a dessert I want to savor.”

Mrs. Violet leans forward in her seat, her eyes alight with curiosity. “This is interesting indeed. Nobody since the twins have answered correctly.” She focuses her attention on me. “I’m dying to know, Verity, can you pick up his scent?”

His move was calculated, ensuring he rubbed his caramel sweetness onto my pulse point, and now it’s time to return the favor. I mimic the move, and as I near him, the butterflies get out of control. My nose runs along the smooth curve of his neck and I take in his scent, leaving behind my pears, marking him like I wanted to when Mrs. Violet touched him.

“Kyle smells like the caramel drizzle I add on top of my coffee in the mornings when I need a pick-me-up. He smells like happiness.”

Chapter 20


Verity’s statement plays on repeat in my head. He smells like happiness.

At first, I thought I’d have no chance with the season’s only omega. Fear gnawed at me the whole flight to the mountainside manor. I’m not the type of man to put myself out there. The type who stands out on camera and plays to the audience. I’m more of a behind the scenes, shy guy that tries to spark a glimpse of joy wherever I go.

So hearing her say my scent alone makes her feel happiness… it’s like a dream come true. I’m never the center of anyone’s attention, but staring at her, perched on the edge of her seat like she genuinely wanted to hear my interview answers, I couldn’t not bring her up here with me.

The impulse to hold her and mark her with my scent was almost overwhelming. My alpha nature rose to the surface for one of the first times in my twenty-five years, and it makes me want to claim the shifty little omega. I know she’s trying to hide it for the cameras, but her ass has repositioned on me several times during the duration of this interview.

With her pears clinging to me, there’s no way the costume department is getting this suit back. They won’t notice one missing set, right?

Can’t really say I care if they do because I never want to be without Verity’s intoxicating scent ever again. I can already tell the alpha in me will be restless unless I have her pears close to me. Tucking my pants under my pillow each night will have to do until I can have her in my arms forever. This interview has lit a fire in me and I’ll do everything within my power to stay here. If that means stepping outside my comfort zone, so be it.