Page 75 of Knot a Clue

I turn in his hold and face the enforcer twins. “Are you sure he’s comfortable? He’s safe while he’s locked up? The killer can’t get to him?”

Jedrik seems stuck in his pattern of pacing, but Andrik stands and swiftly ends up in front of me. His soft touch grips my chin, tilting my head back. “I promise you, Ryland is safe. We are working to get him exonerated as fast as possible.”

He bends to kiss me, but before our lips meet, there’s a knock at the door. It’s my cue that I’m supposed to head out for the next group date.

The men move to the side of the room so they won’t be seen when I open the door. Emmett gives me a sultry wink that sends butterflies into my stomach. I wish he was able to join us.

I find Rosey waiting for me to answer. When she sees me, she flashes a smile. “Ready to go, girlie? Do you need me to touch up your face at all?”

Having my hair and makeup done for me was fun at first, but constantly being poked and prodded is starting to wear on me. Why can’t an omega be dressed down sometimes?

“I thought tonight’s group date was a movie. Do I really need to be dolled up for that?” I mumble.

A laugh bursts out of her. “You know it’s for the cameras. Bitches at home are judgemental as fuck. Come along. Let me rose up your cheeks and make your lips more enticing.”

She crooks her finger at me from over her shoulder, and I follow with a slight huff. “So, how are you holding up with your bestie in handcuffs?”

The question has me bristling, and it’s at the bottom of topics I’d want to talk about. “He’s innocent, so not great,” I all but snap.

She gives me a sympathetic frown and runs the foundation brush over my face. It almost makes me feel bad, but my emotions are too shredded to care right now. “I didn’t mean to imply he wasn’t. But we always try to think the best of the ones we love.”

Her tone makes me believe she still thinks they have the killer. And a dark whisper in my mind says she’s trying to convince me to believe it. I don’t like thinking badly about someone who has been one of the few friendly faces so far, but my distrust seems to be lashing out. And now I’m scrutinizing her harder.

She doesn’t put too much makeup on and leaves my dark hair down with soft curls. The best part of all, though, is when she gives me a pair of yoga pants and a loose comfy sweater that hangs off one shoulder. It’s almost enough to make me forget my bad mood.

“Perfect as always,” she coos, admiring her work. “Don’t say I don’t do nice things for you. Now let’s get you to that date before the crew yells at me.”

“Hello, ladies. Mind if I walk with you?” Jedrik’s smooth voice washes over me, and somehow it relaxes muscles I didn’t realize were tight. Being without one of my guys while a killer is roaming the halls has me on edge. It’s constantly nagging at me in the back of my mind.

I smile as he holds out his arm for me to take. “I’d love that.”

“You won’t hear me arguing against it. I, for one, appreciate having an alpha enforcer around when the killer is still around.” Rosey motions for us to follow her.

She leads us through the halls and up a staircase to the other side of the mansion. I swear it would take someone days to explore every nook and cranny of this place.

“About time,” I overhear Mark grumble. “Forever waiting on the omega to show up.” Dang, who pissed in his Cheerios this morning?

Jedrik doesn’t appreciate the comment either if his growl is anything to go by.

“Stay safe, girlie. I’ll see you soon.” She squeezes my arm in comfort and leaves. I know everyone is a suspect right now, but I’m slightly worried about her roaming the halls alone.

Before I can dwell on it, Mrs. Violet pops her head into the hallway. “Oh, good, you’re here. Let’s get filming, shall we?”

Mark lifts his large camera to his shoulder and the red light comes on showing that he’s filming. My legs feel like I’m moving heavy weights with each step I take. The true killer could be in there.

“Don’t forget to smile, Trouble. Don’t want those at home thinking I’m the reason for your frown.”

I flutter my lashes at him and give my sweetest smile. “Better?”

He uses a finger under my chin to tilt my head back and nuzzles his nose against mine. It’s too cute of a move for Jedrik, but perhaps that’s why it works so well for him. “That’ll do.”

We walk into the theater and I’m instantly hit with the mouthwatering scent of Kyle’s decadent caramel. My gaze locks on him right away, and the urge to rush into his arms is overwhelming. I barely resist doing it, only because I know the cameras are watching and I can’t let my worry and fear show.

“Why is she always with one of them? It’s not fair. She’s not even trying to give us a chance.” I search the room, trying to figure out who said that. It’s a lot easier now that there are only ten alphas left.

I finally spot them when the alpha standing next to him responds. “I’m with you on that one, and I’m sick of it.” The way he says it sends chills down my spine.

The sharp clap of hands coming together drags my attention away from them and onto Mrs. Violet. “Welcome alphas to your next date challenge. We asked all of you to put together two items that you think your omega would like the most for her movie watching experience. We’ll have her pick two combinations, and the alpha who put the snacks together wins the spot on either side of her.”