Page 76 of Knot a Clue

While she’s talking, I take in the rest of the room. There’s a white screen covering one wall, and facing it are large reclining chairs, exactly like the ones you find at the movie theater. Hanging from the ceiling is a projector, already turned on with the menu displayed on the screen.

On the side of the room where Mrs. Violet is recording her spiel for the show is a concessions area. There are all the bright lights you’d expect from an old school theater with all kinds of goodies on display.

The first thought that comes to mind is why have they hidden this from me? Having my alphas around has spiked my sweet tooth, especially with Emmett smelling like decadent chocolate. I need to stuff my nonexistent pockets with goodies before I leave.

Upon closer inspection, I find the snacks she mentioned sitting on top of the counter, ready for me to choose which ones I want. I suppose it’s a good test to see which alphas have made an effort to get to know me, and which ones haven’t.

“Verity, would you like to come up here and pick your two favorite combinations?” Mrs. Violet asks with her camera ready grin.

I walk farther into the room, passing by a few of the alphas as I go. Suddenly, Chad reaches out and grips my wrist in a punishing hold, before stepping in my path, making me come to an abrupt stop. My gaze travels up his body until my head is tilted back so I can look him in the eyes.

“I’m sick of you picking the same alphas to win. This time you’ll choose me to sit next to you,” he hisses between his teeth. The order is accompanied by his alpha sass, triggering my omega instinct to crumble at his feet and do whatever he says. Thankfully, the treatment Emmett gave me ensures I don’t have to follow the command, and I stand my ground. It’s not like I’d know which combination is his, anyway, so how would I be able to pick him? He should have been more specific.

Before I can react, Jedrik is nudging in front of me, gripping Chad by the thumb that’s wrapped around my wrist, bending it back so he drops my arm. “Did you just try to alpha command her?” His voice has a slight shake to it, showing how much rage he’s hiding beneath the surface.

In a blink of an eye, Kyle and Andrik are standing beside me, and a few other alphas stand behind the man. Their hands land on his shoulders and tug him farther away from me.

“Oh, my,” Mrs. Violet mutters. “It seems we have a contestant with conduct unbecoming of an alpha worthy of an omega. Mr. Abbott, I’m afraid I will require you to hand in your knotted cord immediately, and you will be escorted to the eliminated bunkhouse.”

She strides over to us, a deep frown causing a wrinkle between her brows. When she reaches us, she holds out her hand expectantly, wanting the string to be handed over. She isn’t fucking around, and after everything that’s happened, this is the first time I feel like she truly has my interests at the forefront of her priority instead of the show. Although, I suppose this does make for some good entertainment as far as the show goes.

“I’m not giving you shit. This show has been rigged for the same alphas to constantly get more time with her. I deserve as much as anyone else, and I’m claiming my time now.”

Mrs. Violet’s spine becomes ramrod straight. “Mr. Abbott, when you signed up to participate in the show, you committed to a contract including expectations for your behavior. At the very top of that list, you were forbidden from using an alpha command on our omegas. You broke that rule in front of a room full of people. There’s no way out of this. You’re barred from the show, and will never be invited back.” Her words are sharp as a whip, allowing no room to argue.

His face turns beet red, and he clenches his fists at his sides. The room is fraught with tension, everyone waiting for the bubble to burst. Kyle bands his arm around my waist and draws me further away from the alpha. It seems everyone finds his use of a command distasteful if the numerous expressions of displeasure are anything to go by.

I hold my breath, waiting to see what happens. When he’s sure Mrs. Violet won’t back down, he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a balled up string that looks more like lint than the cherished strings my alphas have. He drops it into her hand and storms past her, barely avoiding checking her with his shoulder.

We all watch him leave the room, fury trailing behind him in the form of curses and something shattering in the hall. Andrik quickly cups my cheek, checking me over before quickly following the banned alpha. “I’ll make sure he is secured in the bunkhouse,” he calls over his shoulder.

“Let’s take a ten minute break,” Mrs. Violet says, before pulling out her phone and holding it to her ear. Probably already on a call with the rest of the council to update them on what happened. It’s rare for an alpha to use his bark on an omega, and especially rare to do it in front of the camera the way he did.

“You okay?” Kyle asks, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear.

“If you’re referring to what just happened, yeah, I’m okay,” I tell him as he leads us to the side of the room.

“I’ve been trying to see you for our talk, but they have staff guarding the door to the omega wing. I thought you were going to find me after the elimination.”

I wince and flash him an apology with my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I was exhausted afterward and could only think about making it back to my suite.”

His warm hand runs up and down my arm in a soothing motion, and I sink into his touch, wanting more. I know the others don’t trust him quite yet, but I do. I’ve never seen a single hint of Kyle being the type of person to kill in cold blood.

“Rumors have been flying around here like crazy, Peardrop, and I don’t like the sound of them.” The use of his nickname being so close to Ryland’s has my heart squeezing in my chest.

I open my mouth to respond, but my throat closes, not allowing anything to pass. Seeing the emotions crossing my face, Kyle reaches out and cups my cheek. “Hey, it’s okay.” He draws me into his broad chest, and I soak up the sweet caramel scent clinging to him.

After a few moments, the chokehold my emotions have on my throat loosens enough for me to speak. “I’m terrified, Kyle. Someone turns up murdered, and my best friend is being blamed for it. Mrs. Violet is going around like everyone is safe because she thinks they already caught the killer. But they haven’t.”

“Fuck. I knew about the murder, but not about Ryland. What proof do they have?”

“He got in a fight with Matthew shortly beforehand and doesn’t show up on the security footage after. Plus, there’s missing footage like someone messed with it. Ry wouldn’t know how to do that.” I take a deep, shuddering breath and blink my eyes several times, trying to clear the tears threatening to ruin my makeup.

“I’m sure things will get cleared up soon. We need to keep you protected.”

Before I can respond, Mrs. Violet comes back in, an annoyed grimace pulling at her lips before she replaces it with her normal over the top smile. Those ten minutes passed by quickly. By the time she’s ready to record again, the twins are walking through the doorway with matching scowls.

“I know stress is high right now, but let’s please remember to remain calm and wear our smiles,” Mrs. Violet calls into the room. She even uses her pointer fingers to draw a smile in the air.