Page 56 of Knot a Clue

Andrik leads me along, making his way to the tree line. “Where are we going?”

“There are only a few places they don’t have cameras hidden. They even have them set up in the gardens, including hidden microphones. It’s actually one of the worst places to try to get a private moment,” Andrik tells me over his shoulder. It makes sense. In seasons past, there’s been a lot of scandalous clips that have aired from the gardens. I wonder how the omegas cope with having such personal moments aired for everyone to see.

A shudder runs through me. Limelight is a bitch.

“That wasn’t an answer.” A trickle of sweat runs down the back of my neck. An odd sensation after the shiver that ran down my spine.

Jed laughs a few feet behind me. “She’s got you there, brother.”

Andrik releases an annoyed sigh at his twin before glancing at me. “There are only a few spots we’ve found for solace.” He slows our pace once the trees swallow us from view. He helps me navigate through the underbrush, which reminds me of when I first saw him. Camping in the woods feels like a lifetime ago. “There’s a rooftop area, the passageways, the omega wing, and the woods. Everywhere else has cameras, mics, or an abundance of crewmembers who will get footage with a snap of the fingers.”

It shouldn’t surprise me there are next to no places for privacy, but somehow I thought there would be more than that. Considering how few areas there are that aren’t recorded, it’s shocking they don’t have the omega wing wired up. Although, that would be asking for a huge lawsuit.

“So, your plan is for us to hang out in the woods?”

“Don’t sound so disappointed, Precious,” Andrik says, tugging on my hand until I’m tipping into his arms. He dips me until he’s hovering over my body, my back bent backward. “I promise you’ll still have fun.” The subtle huskiness in his tone has my core clenching again.

“I’d never be disappointed being able to spend time with you.”

My breath catches with the panty melting smile he gives me. “I love simply being around you too, beautiful.” He lifts me upright again, and the smile drops from his face, his gaze darting across my features. “You’re still flushed.” He lifts the back of his hand to my forehead before dipping lower to my cheek. “You feeling okay?”

“Yeah. The passageway was warm, and all the blood rushed to my head with you dipping me.” His hands cup both of my cheeks, and he studies me. Something tells me he doesn’t believe me, but after a moment, he sighs and presses a cool kiss to my forehead.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine once we’re able to relax and be ourselves for the first time this week,” Jedrik says, speaking up for me. I give him a smile and hold out my hand for him while scooping up Andrik’s with the other.

“I’m guessing you have no plans to tell me what we’re doing out here?” The sun will set soon, then it’ll be dark in no time, not to mention we’re supposed to have an official date in front of the cameras while having dinner. What will they do when we don’t show up?

“We thought you’d enjoy watching the sunset with us by the lake,” Jedrik says while his twin tries to shush him.

“Dude, it’s supposed to be a surprise,” Andrik chides.

His brother chuckles, deep and throaty. “What’s the fun in that? Now she can anticipate it while we make the trek.”

He wasn’t kidding about it being a trek. Last time I went to the lake, the staff demanded I ride along with the cameraman. “Next time we should sneak off with the golf cart,” I suggest as the lake spills into view.

“Wouldn’t look good if two enforcers start stealing Heat Paradise property.”

I roll my eyes. “I wasn’t suggesting we steal it. More of a borrowing situation. They never said I couldn’t use it.”

Andrik tilts his head, considering my words.

“She does have a point.” Jedrik once again sticks up for me, a conspiratorial smile on his face, and a wink that seals the deal. He might be one moody fucker, but he’s also the fun twin. The one who’s down to break the rules. I bet he would have let me run off instead of dragging me to the ceremony. But I’m starting to think things turned out for the best.

“You’re my favorite tonight,” I stage-whisper.

“That’s it, naughty omega,” Andrik growls, scooping me over his shoulder so my ass is next to his face. His hand playfully swats my butt, and I squirm in his hold, laughing. “Settle down, or I’ll spank you for real.”

Hmmm... maybe I’d like that. Before I can test him on it, we arrive at the short dock leading into the lake. The wooden boards creak as it takes the weight of all three of us. When we reach the end, my hair flips over in an arc as I’m set on my feet once more, and I comb my fingers through it to straighten it.

The sun is barely kissing the horizon, sparkling over the smooth glass surface of the lake. It’s so peaceful today. A few birds chirp in the distant trees, but other than that, it’s silent. “Have a seat, Trouble,” Jedrik says, patting the space next to him where he sits on a blanket protecting us from any splinters the wood might have. They must have brought it out earlier at some point.

While I settle myself next to Jed, Andrik reaches for a basket to the side of him. “I know we’re supposed to have dinner at the manor, but I thought you might like to eat here with a view.”

“One could argue I would’ve had a view at the manor, too.” I bite my lip and give him a wink, making his smile reappear. “But I can’t argue with eating now. I’m famished after that hike. Think one of you would like to give me a foot rub?” Matching growls vibrate on either side of me like it’s coming from a surround sound system.

“Your feet bothering you?” Andrik asks at the same time Jedrik lifts one of my feet and drags it onto his lap. He makes quick work of removing my shoe and sock and inspects my ankle.

“I don’t see any blisters,” Jedrik murmurs while sliding his thumbs along my arch.