Page 57 of Knot a Clue

I let out a low moan, enjoying the sensation. “Fuck, that feels good. They aren’t bothering me too much. Maybe a little sensitive compared to normal. But they’ve mostly healed since the ceremony.” The twins frown at the same time, but I distract them by asking, “What did you bring?”

“Nothing too fancy. I asked Chef LeBlanc if he wouldn’t mind putting a few things together for us. We’ll still have to play our part for the show. Our fans at home are expecting to see our date, and I, for one, don’t want to disappoint them. I have the top of the charts to claim.”

“Suck up,” Jedrik mumbles under his breath.

“What was that?” His brother leans forward so he can see around me. A challenging glint in his eyes.


“Huh,” Andrik hums. “That’s what I thought.” He then leans into me like he’s telling me a secret. “Jedrik has admitted he wants to make it to the top of the charts, too.”

“Oh, really?” I turn to the twin we’re talking about. “And what made you change your mind? I thought you didn’t want anything to do with omegas.” We haven’t talked about his shift in attitude, but seeing as the topic was brought up, I find myself curious as to his change of heart.

“Of course I changed my mind.” The rumble of his voice has me clenching my thighs together, or perhaps it’s the way he inches forward with each word. “You’re amazing, Verity. Your beauty, your designation, and my alpha instincts aside—“ His arms land on either side of me, stalking closer like I’m his prey, ”—your kindness made me realize I was wrong. I allowed my past trauma to trigger me every time I was around you. I pushed preconceived ideas of who you were onto you, which wasn’t fair. Now I see you’re nothing like I thought.”

As much as I want to recline on the blanket to let him continue his prowl, I fight my instincts and remain in place. His breath feathers across my lips. “Everything about you calms me. You’re a fresh breath of air, someone I never expected to find, but somehow you slowly chipped away at my walls and wrapped a comforting blanket around me. I’m hopelessly drawn to you, Ver. You’re mine, and I won’t stop fighting until I leave my bite on you.”

The mention of him leaving a mating mark has my neck tingling, and I naturally lean my head to the side, wanting him to do it now. Andrik’s hand quickly covers my pounding pulse point when he sees his brother staring at the spot hungrily. Instead of putting up a fight, he closes the distance to my lips, kissing me soft and languid.

I’m breathless by the time he pulls away.

“Okay, lovebirds.” Andrik distracts us before we have a chance to second guess stopping. “We asked the kitchen staff to make something special to bring.” He hands me a glass container that looks like it has pudding and Oreo crumbles in it.

“A dirt cup?” A happy laugh spills out of me. It’s so unexpected, and the chocolate scent reminds me of my forbidden doctor. Of course my mouth instantly floods with desire. For the dessert, obviously. Def not for Emmett.

“It was our favorite as kids,” Jedrik tells me, grabbing a spoon from his brother. He dips it into the cup I’m holding and holds a bite to my lips. Our eyes lock, and I slowly open my mouth, allowing him to feed me the chocolate pudding. The taste of it bursts across my tastebuds, and I can’t help the moan. It makes Jedrik’s eyes light with naughty thoughts of other ways he can make me repeat the sound. At the same time, his brother sucks in a sharp breath.

A second later, another container crosses over me for Jedrik to take. He accepts it with a chuckle and places it on the ground next to him, opting to continue feeding me small tastes of my treat. Andrik’s hand lands on my thigh, heating me further. We watch the sunset, enjoying our dirt cups as the sky changes to a deep orange color before dipping behind the horizon and allowing darkness to descend.

I know our time is coming to a close, but the small taste of freedom has me wanting more. I don’t want it to end, not yet at least. An overwhelming need to have more of my twins has a death grip on me, and it’s not the type of thing I want caught on the cameras.

“We should probably head back,” Jedrik says, swiping a hand over his head. There’s reluctance in his tone, but it doesn’t stop me from being surprised he’s the one who said it.

I let out a disappointed sigh. “Fine.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find other opportunities for us to evade the cameras. Now that you know our secret, we can sneak into your room. Spend some time with that beta you’re so fond of.” Andrik tries to cheer me up, and it works, kinda. I do want to be able to spend time with Ry too. Having them all together is a dream.

“I don’t know,” I drawl. “My nest is sacred ground. Do you think you deserve to be invited in?” My teasing turns into a half loaded question.

Chapter 31


“You better not be doubting we belong there, Verity,” I rumble, a threat of or else clear in my tone.

A devious glint appears in Verity’s eye as she jumps to her feet. She runs down the wooden dock back to the shore. Thankfully, Jedrik put her shoes back on after the foot rub or she’d be ruining them all over again.

Verity’s sweet laugh rings out, trailing behind her as she runs away from us. It immediately sparks my alpha need to chase, capture, and subdue. An amused huff comes out of my brother. “What is she doing?”

“Our sweet omega isn’t ready to leave yet. She’s challenging me to keep a promise I made.” My gaze is locked on her, watching every move she makes. She glances over her shoulder, checking to see if we are pursuing her yet. The smile raises her rosy cheeks, and I once again worry about how flushed she is. Maybe I should insist she get checked by the doctor before tonight’s taping.

Jed levels me with a glare. “What kind of promise did you make that has her running away from us?”

“The kind that could end up with me in a rut,” I reply ominously.

His head jerks back, unsure of what to make of my response. “What did you tell her?” he finally growls, angry I won’t simply say what it is.

I smirk at him, getting ready to pursue the woman I claimed as mine from the moment I found her. What’s the fun of a chase if she doesn’t have an ample head start? “I promised if she ever runs from me, I’d hunt her down until she’s safe in my arms again.”