“But the bond is intact. We never accepted it,” I remind Khan, trying to calm my angry wolf.

“She doesn’t know that. Our mark is not on her neck. We may be able to feel her, but that doesn’t mean she can fucking feel us. It is severed on her side,” he snarls at me.

My entire body trembles with that realization and his fury. She rejected me, as in she has no ties to me. None. Yet I can feel her perfectly, and unless I reject her, the bond will remain. What if she does get rid of them?

“Alpha, what do you want me to do?” Eli asks nervously.

I grip my hair in frustration, trying to think of where she would have gone. “There is no way she left the city, right?” I ask Eli, looking up at him.

He swallows and shrugs. “I don’t know. We don’t know how long she was gone for, only the sighting on the train, but we searched every station. She never got off. I am pretty sure it was wrong information. We couldn’t even find her scent anywhere.”

I growl and look up at him as he tosses the folder on the table and leans against it.

“So, she jumped?” I ask incredulously. Given her state, I can’t see that being possible without severely hurting herself.

“Possibly. We have no way to know for sure.”

“Get a hold of the supernatural council. She has to register somewhere. Also put out a missing person alert,” I tell him, leaning back on the couch and staring at the ceiling.

We have not seen her with anyone besides Alisha, her brother, or her family. She has no life outside of her father’s rule except the few times she’s snuck into the club. It makes no sense. Her life is purely mapped out by the schedule her father’s made. Where he goes, Elena goes, and she even works at the same place. He has tabs on her wherever she goes, so if anyone knows, it’s him.

She never left the city when we were watching her, she also never missed pack meetings except for that night. Besides, our insider’s told us she isn’t in pack territory, but then again, he is only one of Derrick’s pack members. He holds hardly any significance within the pack ranks, so I doubt our informant would have been told if they were indeed hiding her.

“And then what? We fucking wait?” Khan growls at me, making my already pounding head throb more.

“Do you have a better fucking idea?”

Khan growls angrily, pacing back and forth, waiting for me to let my guard down so he can hunt her down himself.

If only I had marked her and made her mark me. If I had, I would be able to find her. Our link would lead me straight to her. I click my tongue. I should have marked her at the hospital and forced her to mark me in return.




Two days later

Alisha is our eyes and ears in the city. She says Axton has turned the entire city upside down. She has also been under surveillance and can’t make it back here. Our only communication is her using the phone at her work. We have a sneaking suspicion with everything going on that Axton may have done something to her phone, judging by the strange buzzing she noticed when calling in late to work the day after she left.

Hearing that, I’ve decided to hunker down in Jake’s apartment. I am going stir-crazy and can’t go anywhere because alerts have been placed in every shifter-populated city. My only chance right now is to stay in this human town and hope no one has access to the supernatural news.

“Come to work with me. It’s a slow day today. Hardly anyone comes in on Wednesdays. Besides, no one here will question you. You know how superstitious this town is,” Jake tells me as he pulls on his work shirt. Jake works at the café he owns. It also has an arcade attached to it where the local kids come in to play after school.

I shake my head, worried about being spotted. No doubt Axton is still looking, and I know he has probably expanded that to the neighboring towns.

Jake sighs. “You can’t stay in the apartment all the time. You haven’t been outside since you got here. It isn’t healthy,” he tells me as he wanders over to where I sit on the bed. He drops his hands on either side of my hips and presses his forehead against mine.

I let out a breath, knowing I would lose my mind if I spent any more time here. Shifters are pack creatures, and being unable to leave is like locking a dog in a cage. Every day, I am becoming antsier.

“How about you come to the commune with me, then? We can stop by the shop quickly; I just need to pick a few things up and do a delivery.”

“Commune?” I ask him, having never heard of this commune in the three years I have known Jake.

“The rogue settlement. They will not care who you are. They’re outsiders, too. And they are far enough away from the town that no one would see you. No one really goes out there besides me, anyway.”

“Wait. Why do you go out there? And how do you know about it?”