“I can put her on my insurance.”

“Again, she would be located by the supernatural council and forced to register. Axton has access to those records. Especially now that he owns the city.” Alisha shakes her head. “I gotta go. We can discuss it when I get back. For now, we need to buy time until we think of something,” she says, rushing out the door before stopping.

“Keys are on the counter. Park it by the old silos. The car won’t be seen there,” Jake tells her.

“Love you!” she tells him.

He chuckles, and I lie back down.

“Wait, you know where the tunnels are?” I ask him.

“Ah, yeah, I picked Alisha up from there before,” he says, draping his arm across my waist and burying his face in my hair.

“Hmm, you smell like me,” he laughs, snuggling closer, his hand sneaking underneath my shirt and caressing my stomach when his alarm goes off. It blares its annoying tune loudly, and he smacks it to shut it off. “Argh, no. I might not open today and stay home with you.”

“Go to work. I am fine on my own,” I tell him.

“Or you could come with me,” he tells me, sitting up and wandering to the bathroom.

“Is he acting strange to you?” Lexa asks me when the bathroom door closes.

I shrug, pulling the blanket back so I can get up and help him at his shop. He seems normal, though he is a bit more touchy-feely than usual.




Tossing my jacket on the back of the couch, I plop onto it. Eli follows me into the room, and I can feel our entire pack’s nervous energy around me. Khan has had them searching all night. My men are exhausted, and Khan is becoming a raging beast at the thought of losing his mate, so Eli’s forced us home while our patrols keep searching. Not knowing is driving me crazy. I need to find her, or Khan will become untameable.

We have searched everywhere, every corner of this damn city except her old pack. There is no way Alpha Derrick will allow me on his territory without a fight, not that he is in much of a position to fight right now. Yet, at the moment, I hold no power to storm onto his pack territory and demand to look around for his daughter. This twenty-one day suspension is becoming a hindrance.

“What about her friend, the purple-haired girl?” I ask Eli, and he flicks through the list of all her associates.

“Already accounted for. She hasn’t left home or made any phone calls to her. Elena’s phone also appears to be switched off,” Eli tells me, and Khan growls menacingly in my head.

He is furious with me, and I know I won’t get anywhere with him anytime soon. As far as he is concerned, I should have forcibly marked her. Khan is unforgiving that she’s managed to slip through our fingers. He blames me because of the leaked video, yet it was the only way to get Derrick tossed out of the council. When I find her, I will be handcuffing her to the fucking bed; she won’t be escaping me a second time.

Only problem now is locating her and dragging her back here.

“Send out an alert to the neighboring cities. If she enters or tries to join another pack, I want to know about it,” I tell Eli.

“For what? She hasn’t done anything,” Eli says.

I rub my temples and curse under my breath. This is so fucked up. I can’t believe she has taken off like this. And with my twins. “I don’t know. Kidnapping! Something.”

“You aren’t thinking about this, Axton. How can she have a warrant placed on her for kidnapping? She can’t kidnap herself,” Eli tries to reason, but at this point, I am becoming unreasonable.

If I don’t find her soon, I don’t trust Khan not to steal control from me, and if that happens, we are going to have a serious problem on our hands.

“What if she aborts them?” Khan growls at me, pacing inside my head. My minuscule control over him is waning with every second.

“Don’t be stupid. Why would she?” I snap at Khan.

My head is pounding from stress, and I am now exhausted, which is not helping at all. I doubt I will get to sleep anytime soon with Khan snarling in my head and trying to overthrow me for control.

“You’re forgetting, numbskull. She fucking rejected us,” Khan snaps at me. My aura presses out with his anger, and I hear Eli take a step back from me.