“Yes, leave the mind link open, so I can hear what she has to say. Khan is convinced something is wrong,” I tell him, and he groans. It is considered rude to eavesdrop because it is not only using the mind link but also Eli having to let me entirely in his head, meaning I can hear his thoughts which is a major invasion of privacy. Eli groans loudly.

“No, I'd rather walk up there and risk being shot by Sondra!” he whines.

“Just do it; I already know what sick thoughts run through your head; I have seen your magazine stash!” I snap at him. Nothing was more disturbing than finding out my Beta has some bizarre kinks.

“Fine,” he huffs, opening the link further and letting me in his head. I can hear everything around him, hear his breathing when he hums loudly. La la la.

“What are you doing? Stop that!” I tell him, but he continues humming and chanting. Eli ignores me and continues.

“Michelle!” he suddenly calls out, making me jump. A few council members look over at me, but I wave them off, returning my attention to the mind link.

“Ah, what do you want? And stay on your side of the fence unless you want my damn claws in your ass and my teeth in your throat!” Michelle snarls at him.

‘I wouldn’t mind sinking my teeth into your neck!’ I blink at what I heard of his thoughts.

“Axton wants to know if Elena is going to the council meeting today. They are waiting for her?”

“Ah… Elena is… she is…” Michelle pauses for a second, and Khan comes forward, also invading Eli’s thoughts. “Get out, Khan. It’s bad enough having Axton in my head!” Eli snarls through the pack link.

“Shut up; I don’t care if you have the hots for Michelle. Where is my Luna!” Khan snarls at him.

“I don’t have the hots for her!” Eli argues back with him, and I am about to lose my damn mind as they start arguing when Michelle speaks, shutting both of them up.

“Elena is sick… ?” Michelle offers.

“What, she has been sick for days?” I question, and Eli asks her.

“Um…yes, she has a bad case of…..” Michelle pauses.

“Runny bum!... Yeah, she got the shits real bad, been stuck on the toilet for days!” she tells Eli.

‘Well, that was far too much information!’ Eli thinks.

“Yeah, so tell your Lupha she is fine. We’re all fine!” she tells him.

‘Yes, you are,’ Eli thinks, and I suddenly get images of Michelle sitting on his face.

“Eli, focus, head out of the gutter! Tell her to tell Elena to call me!” Eli’s embarrassment hits me loud and clear. He does what I ask, and Michelle leaves to tell Elena.

“Well, that was fun!” Eli says, feeling embarrassed that I know he likes Michelle.

“Why are you embarrassed she is single? So are you!”

“She has a mate.”

“Had! She killed him, remember? Marco said they were all from that dead pack. Therefore she is single, so feel free to date crazy pants, and teach her how to say alpha. For god’s sake, if I were Elena, that would drive me insane.”


“Lupha, it’s not even close to alpha,” I tell him, and he laughs.

“But that’s what you are; all the women call you that,” Eli tells me, and my brows furrow.

“Pardon?” I ask.

“They made it up; I asked Michelle the other night because I thought I was hearing things. It turns out you are their Lupha since they already have an Alpha, and you’re Elena’s mate.”
