My skin hurts and burns when I groggily wake up. I nearly scream when I find myself in a bathtub naked, Marco holding my head above the water while speaking to someone over his shoulder.

My hands grip the tub’s sides, and I try to sit up. The room spins, and my vision blurs at the motion as I reach for a towel, only for him to shove me back under. “You need Axton!” he snaps at me.

“You need to get out!” I tell him, horrified that I am naked in front of him, yet his eyes don’t leave mine, even when he reaches over to switch the cold water tap on and my mother rips the plug out of the bathtub.

She lets the water drain while cold water pours in. My mother chews her lip, staring at Marco. “Now she is awake; I can give her the pills?” my mother tells him, and he presses his lips in a line.

“She needs her damn mate. She can’t live on those pills. They will only hold it off, not stop her heat. She’s an Alpha. They’ll have barely any effect on her!” Marco snaps angrily.

“Listen to him, Louise. He’s right.” Comes Sondra’s voice. Yet the more they speak, the more distant their voices become and the harder it is to breathe.

“I can’t. She ordered me not to!” my mother argues, and I exhale, relieved to know they haven’t told him.

“It’s been three days, Marco can’t hold her in the water much longer, and we have nearly drained the tanks!” Sondra says.

“He knows something is wrong; he messaged me asking why she won’t reply to his text messages. Or let him video call the boys.”

“I won’t let you keep injecting her with that damn poison to numb their bond. It’s been too long. Any longer, Axton will start getting sick himself.” Marco growls.

“She’s my daughter--“ Marco cuts her off.

“And he’s my friend! I won’t risk her life any more than I would risk his, and leaving her like this, they’re both at risk!” Marco snarls, the points of his fangs jut out from beneath his top lip.

“I am doing what she wants; I can’t call Axton even if I wanted to!” my mother argues.

“Please, mom?” I hear Luke whimper distantly. Jeez, what is this! Is the entire damn pack in here!?

My mind races as I try to take in what they’re saying.

Three days? I must have misheard. There is no way I have been unconscious for three days.

“No, just leave me!” I murmur, feeling the sickly feeling sweep back over me.

“Pass me that ice bucket! Sondra, and call Axton!” Marco snaps when I pass out once again before I can argue.

Chapter Forty-Nine


Wiping the sweat from the back of my neck with my handkerchief, I put it in my pocket. I’ve been feeling under the weather for the last few days; some bug must be going around.

“Are you okay, Axton?” Alpha Soyer asks me, and I glance up at him.

“Yeah, just going to message Elena and see where she is.” I tell him. Khan paces in my head as I send yet another text to Elena. She still hasn’t forgiven me or appealed to the council’s court, which is driving me insane. All I get are short answers or photos of the boys, she rejects all my calls, but I know something is wrong because I messaged and emailed her yesterday to tell her the council meeting has been moved a day early. Elena knows she can’t miss these meetings.

Looking at the time, she is twenty minutes late already, and even Marco has been ignoring my messages. Not one reply from him in days. I know he is close with Sondra, but ignoring his obligations is out of the ordinary.

“Mindlink Eli.” Khan snarls at me. Sending the message, I open up the mind link feeling for Eli’s pack link.

“What’s up?” he asks.

“Has Elena left yet?” I ask him.

“No, I haven’t seen her in days, and the women won’t let us near the packhouse,” he tells me. “Why? Is everything okay?”

“I moved the council meeting a day early. She is late, and we are all waiting on her.”

“I can ask Michelle. She is on border patrol this morning.” Eli suggests.