Page 74 of Brennan

“I am great.Now stop talking.” She whispered, leaning forward to take hislips with hers.

He wanted to begentle; the Lord knows he tried. But with her gripping his cock, thewarmth of her hugging him like a glove, he knew he was lost. Draggingher lips from hers, she moved her hands from her hips to cup herbreasts. “They are so sensitive.”

“What doyou want me to do?”

“What you dobest. Touch them-” Her head drifted back as she undulated herhips slowly.

“Don’tstop, darling.”

“As if Icould.” Lifting his body, he took a tight bud into his mouth,pulling it into his mouth until he was suckling hungrily. Thesensation was so unbelievable that she could barely stand it.

“Brennan - Ican’t-” She whispered brokenly. She felt as if her bodywas being pulled from all directions simultaneously. It was not longbefore she came, the climax so intense and powerful that she couldnot control her reaction.

Leaning forward, shedug her fingers into his chest, her body trembling. Flipping her overwithout breaking the intimate contact, Brennan lifted her left footand bent it at the knee, his eyes holding hers as he drove into herslowly, drawing out the climax that still had her imploding!

Chapter 15

He had found hisbalance, and the months had flown by so quickly, with several tripsto the ER because of the amount of nausea that seemed to become apattern for the first six months.

A pattern that hadhim on edge as he accompanied her on every trip. No amount of threatsor pleas had stopped her from working with his mother on her numerouscharitable projects, and he had given up in frustration.

“You mustrealize that your wife is strong and knows what she is doing,darling.” His mother had tried to reassure him.

“And itcertainly does not hurt that she is making strides in being yourassistant.”

“She is notoverworked, and I insist on her having regular breaks.” Sheadded. “She is my daughter-in-law, and I care about her. She isalso the woman carrying my grandson.”

They were having aboy, something he was up in the air about. But his wife and hismother were thrilled with the news, and rooms at the manor and theapartment had been decorated with his wife’s supervision.

“I amlooking forward to putting down the load.” She said laughinglyas she patted her bulge. She was happy. She had become friends withseveral of the ‘wives,’ and the press was finally leavingthem alone.

“You have tocome and see the warehouse that has been transformed into a home forthese children, darling. It’s equipped with all the modernconveniences and the library is filled with books. The children aresettling in nicely, and we are working with the various lawenforcement agencies to sort out immigration status.”

“I hope I donot have to remind you that you are close to your delivery date andshould be taking it easy.”

“I am fine. AndI promise that after this last visit, I will stay home like an oldpregnant woman and enjoy being catered to. I just have to deliversomething I promised one of the girls there.

Her name is Maria,and she is from Cozumel. Darling, she has been badly bruised andabused and, for some reason, is taken with me. I am taking her somedrawing pads and pencils. She is quite talented.”

“You are muchtoo involved.”

“How can Inot be?” She asked, placing her hand on her stomach. “Iam going to be a mother, and the thought of anything happening toBrennan junior here is unthinkable.”

“We are not goingto name our son Brennan Junior, and we need to come up with a name.”

“How aboutNathan?”

“No. A guy inmy senior class had that name and was a complete jerk.”

“Our son isgoing to be sweet and caring-”

“Nathan is offthe table.” He told her firmly.

Forcing himself toconcentrate on the meeting, he mentally shook himself to payattention.

“What you areimplying is that the number of models we have on the project are-”

“Would youexcuse us? I need to speak with my son.”