Page 75 of Brennan

“We willcontinue this sometime in the afternoon.” Brennan rose andwaited until the team members had filed out of the room. He noticedthe strained look on his mother’s face for the first time.

“What is it?”

“I am sosorry.”

His heart took adownward dive, and he just stood there staring at her for a fewseconds.


“Yes.”Elizabeth came forward, her steps halting. “They have beentrying to get you on your phone-”

“It was onmute. The meeting- Is it the hospital?”

“No.”Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth decided that the best thing was torush into it. “There is a hostage situation at the center-”

All the color leakedout of his face as he stumbled backward.


“The police andSWAT teams are there-”

“My wife!”He whispered harshly. “Where is she?”

“In thebuilding. Brennan-” she broke off as he rushed out of theoffice at a run.


She could notconcentrate on the pain. It had started as a faint irritant when shegot to the center, but the doctor had warned her that the closer shewas to her due date, that would happen. It was getting steadilyworse, but she was in a crisis and could not think about it now.

The man had a gun toher head, and the memory of her assault was trickling back. She couldnot concentrate on that either. She had to stay focused.

“Now, Miguel, Iwant you to think about your actions. There is police presencesurrounding the building-”

“Shut thehell up!” He shouted, jamming the gun into her side. “Ordo you want me to shoot the brat out of you?”

“No,please. I know you are not going to hurt my baby.”

“Lady, you donot know me.” His hand tightened her neck, almost cutting offher air. “I am here for my girls and am not leaving withoutthem.” He pointed the gun towards Maria, who was cowering inone corner. “Get the phone and tell them I am not leavingwithout my girls and have demands.

Also, tell them Ihave the charming Mrs. Brennan Connelly at gunpoint. I am demandingten million dollars in cash. I am sure that’s a small changefor her old man. I will also need a private plane and safe passagefor me and the girls. Put the phone on speaker.” He ordered.

Madison felt the painswamping her again and had to take a deep breath. Forcing herself toconcentrate on what was happening, she knew she had to find a wayout. The administrator and her staff were weeping in a corner of theroom, and the girls were huddled together, saying some sort ofprayer. She was going to have to get proactive.


“What’sthe status?” Brennan headed for the officer in charge.

“He is makingdemands.”

“Who the hellis he, and what does he want?”

“His name isMiguel Santiago, a Mexican-American who has been on our radar forfive years. Somehow, he found out where the girls are being kept andis now-”

“He has my wifeat gunpoint.”

“I am afraidso.”

“My verypregnant wife. What is he demanding?”