“The doctorwould make home visits,” Elizabeth remembered, a smile playingaround her lips. “Jack was a family friend- it’s a pityhe died last year; he would have been an excellent choice. He wasvery thorough and supportive. He would call to check in on me, andwhenever I felt particularly down and out, he would talk to me.”
“He knewwhat was going on.”
She nodded. “Heeven tried to talk to your father to make him realize how importantit was for him to be here with me for support. It never made adifference.”
“Was there anypoint during which you had regrets?”
She stared at him insurprise. “None at all. Even when I was sick to my stomach andpuking my guts out.” Reaching across the table, she squeezedhis hand. “You were my absolute pride and joy. Even now, evenwhen we are at odds. I love you, darling. You saved me all thoseyears ago.”
“Hey, I thoughtI would have to come and find you.”
“I see you ateeverything.” He nodded to the tray and the empty bowl.
“The soup wasdelicious and just what I needed.” She watched as he came andsat on the edge of the bed. “I was also rummaging through yourthings.”
His eyebrows lifted.“Found anything incriminating?”
“Some oldfootball posters and a couple boxes of condoms.” She quirked abrow at him. “I know you never used any on me, so here is thequestion-”
“You caught me,darling.” Taking her hand, he linked their fingers. “Allthe times we were together, I was having hot sex with a couple of themaids.” He grinned at her.
“I might justbelieve you and make your life and the maids a living hell. And Imight just ask for names.”
“Eew. She isold enough to be your mother.” She poked him in the ribs. “SoI take it we are staying here tonight?”
“We are, andMother is over the moon.”
“I think I likeher.”
His lips lifted, eyestwinkling. “Do you?”
“When I wasworking for her, she was this scary diva type who rarely smiles, andI was afraid of making even the tiniest mistake.”
“But nowshe is different?” Kicking off his shoes, he climbed beside herand pulled her into his arms.
“She is.Tonight, she was charming and sociable.”
“I am guessinghere, but it might be because your status has changed.” Hewinced when she nudged her knee dangerously close to his groin.“Watch the package.”
“How about Iunwarp said package?” Her hand reached down to cup him.
“Darling, youemptied your stomach not quite half an hour ago. We are not doingthis.”
“Doingwhat?” He hissed out a breath as she straddled him and startedpulling at his belt. She was pulling at his zipper before he couldstop her.
“Wait-”His hands clamped down on hers as she reached into his underwear.“Madison, I mean it. We cannot- Oh Christ!” He bit off agroan when she started to pump him.
He was already hard,but there was no damn way he was going to make love to her. He hadknelt there behind her when she retched, and-” Darling!”he groaned deep inside his throat when she eased up and straddledhim.
“Give me aminute-” Lifting his lower body, he quickly got rid of histrousers and underwear, flinging them over the side of the bed. Nextcame his sweater, leaving her to run her hands freely over his nakedchest.
“You witch,”He whispered, hands gripping her slender hips. “Are you sureyou are all right?”