“She lost muchblood, and she is suffering from a concussion.”
“Will yoube working on her?”
“I cannotstep foot into that OR because of my relationship with her, but I amwatching.”
“And thebastards who did this?”
“Are incustody. They are being held until she can ID them. She did a numberon them, too. I have a friend at the precinct, and he told me one ofthem had his eyes reddened by the pepper spray, and the other gotkicked hard in the nuts. Good for her.”
“And yet,she still got shot. The pilot said I should be landing in the nextfive hours.”
“I willkeep you posted. What about your mother?”
“I am going tokeep her out of this for now. I just want to concentrate on mywife.”
“Would you likesomething to drink, Mr. Connelly?” He turned at the smooth,cultured voice of the attendant.
“Yes. Scotch,neat.”
“Anything toeat?”
“No. Thanks.”
“The pilot saidto tell you that we are flying into some turbulence, and it’sbest if you buckled in.”
With a terse nod, hereturned to his seat and did just that. She returned the drink tohim, and he took a healthy sip, his fingers drumming on the armrestlessly. He was too far away, and he felt helpless.
He should haveinsisted that they go public with their marriage and damn theconsequences. He decided grimly that there would not be any moresecrets now. And if Mother did not accept that he was married toMadison, then hell with her.
He knew there wasgoing to be some entanglements with the damn lawyers, and as soon asthe press got hold of the details, they were going to have a fieldday.
But that was the lastthing on his mind. It was for the best. Now, he could own her as hiswife and insist she plays the part. She did not need to work as shewould be well provided for, and he was old-fashioned enough to wanthis wife waiting for him when he got home from a hard day at theoffice.
He did not need tohave her working for his mother. God knows he loved the woman, but hewas aware that she could be a slave driver at times. Indeed, shewould agree that having her daughter-in-law working for her would beinferior.
But he could notthink about any of it now. He just wanted her to be okay. He justwanted to look at her, touch her, and assure himself that she wouldbe fine.
He could not evenconcentrate on the bastards who had done this to her. Nothing mattersas long as she is okay. She has to be. They were still newlyweds andhad not spent enough time together.
He did not even knowher medical history or blood type. His was O negative. What was hers?He had never asked about her favorite fruit or meal or what she likedto do whenever she was not working. What her hobbies were. Did shelike the opera? What type of books did she read, if any?
Oh, good God! He wasmarried to her, and he knew nothing. Those were the kind of argumentshis mother would use on him. How much did he know about the woman hewas married to?
The sex was intense,so much so that he feared each time that it was going to turn himinto a puddle. He liked talking to her and had told her something ofhimself, not all of it. There were still parts hidden, parts he couldnot talk about.
He had listened toher happy childhood, how she had lost both her parents at a veryyoung age, and how broken up she had been. He knew she had a verygood relationship with her aunt and how the woman had taken her inwithout hesitation.
There was nothinghidden in her past. She did not have skeletons lurking around insideher closet. She was an open book, but he was the polar opposite.
He was damaged goodsand had misgivings about being a father for fear the bad genes hadpassed down to him. It was in his blood. His grandfather had been thesame way, so it stands to chance that he would be, too. He had nottold her that.
Of course, he hadkept it from her, and he was telling himself that it had nothing todo with them. He was a changed man, was he not?
Ever since he metMadison, he had not looked at another woman. He was not BartConnelly, who had not been in love with his wife. And he was not hisgrandfather. He was different from both men; he was better than theywere. He was in love with his wife, and she was with him.
Picking up his glass,he downed the drink and tried to drown the bitter thoughts crowdinghis brain.