Page 56 of Brennan

“Oh, I love itwhen they beg. And you will be begging us in a few minutes. We aregoing to have fun, right, Jake?”

“No names.”The one on the ground snapped at him. “My, my, my. What abeauty you are.”

“I havecash.”

“How much?”

“I thinkfive hundred. Just take it, and I won’t say anything toanyone.” She was reaching into her pocket when he grabbed herand shoved her against the hood.

“We will takethe money, but first, we will take something much more than money.”She bit off a scream when he grabbed her breasts and rotated his hipsagainst her, letting her feel his arousal. The sickness inside herchest magnified, and she could feel her heart quivering.


“Shut upbitch!” He backhanded her so hard that she fell heavily to theground.

“We will do herright here.” The one called Jake decided. “On the ground.Get on your knees bitch.”

She did not think.Her face was on fire, and she was sure her head had caught on a stoneprotruding from the dried grass. But she was not going to lie stillwhile they raped her. She would rather die first. Shoving her handinto her pocket, she dragged out the spray and aimed it.

The man’sscream split the air and caused enough distraction for her to jump onthe next assailant. Her foot connected with his groin and had himdropping to the ground. The gun he had trained on her went off, andshe did not even feel the bullet as it pierced her right shoulder.

Pushing him to theground, she fumbled to get into the vehicle and pushed the startbutton. Spinning the car around, she called nine-one-one and headedtowards Kyle’s place.

Chapter 12

“Please, juststitch me up, no hospital.”

“That’snot going to be possible.’ Kyle had no idea how she managed todrive the distance to his apartment, but in the process, she had lostmuch blood. “You should have waited for the ambulance; the copsare coming here.”

“I don’twant him to find out.”

“I am assumingyou mean your husband, well darling, it’s a little too late.’Kyle told her grimly. “I am pretty certain the bullet nicked anartery, and there is every chance you are going to need surgery. Whatthe hell were you thinking?”

“That I donot want to be raped by those pricks.” She bit into her bottomlip as the pain seared through her body.

“Good for you.Now we are going to try and stem the bleeding, and the ambulance, aswell as some detectives, will meet us there. I need your phone tocall your husband.”

“Can wewait-”


She handed him thephone reluctantly and passed out immediately.

She came to theambulance with the EMTs working on her.

“He is on hisway,” Kyle told her quietly.

“How mad washe?” She whispered.

“Fit to betied, and he is blaming his mother.”

“He cannot tellher.” She started to get up when the tech pushed her backgently.

“I have afeeling she will find out before the night is over.”


Brennan felt the icyfear settling inside his gut. She had been shot. The last thing hehad told her was that she should be careful. His hands balled intofists as he paced the length of the aircraft and willed it to gofaster. The last time he called, Kyle had told him she had beenrushed into surgery.