Page 42 of Brennan

His eyebrows lifted.“You are just now discovering that fact?”

“Darling, I amserious. There was a big drug and human trafficking bust yesterday.Hundreds of underage girls - runaways, of course girls have beenpassed from man to man to be used in a despicable and horriblemanner. These girls are here in our city and are being processed aswe speak.”

“Let me guess,the mayor reached out to you.”

“And thegovernor. Some of these girls were abandoned for one reason oranother. They will be shuffled through the system, which will do moreharm than good.”

“And thegovernor wants you to do what exactly?”

“To adopt someof them. The ones who have nowhere to turn to. To find shelter, aplace where they could be comfortable - a home of sorts and somethingto do. I was thinking that the money Bart left in a trust that you orI have not touched would be a resource we could use. I have gottensome of my friends on board.

Millicent initiallybalked at the idea, and when I reminded her that it would make herlook like a saint, she jumped at it. That woman is unbelievable.”She shook her head.

“In themeantime, it would be positive press for the company.”

Elizabeth gave him asteady look that had him glancing away.

“I am going toignore that.”

“I apologize.Like I said, long weekend.”

“What do youthink?”

“It’s aperfect and humane plan.”

“It means morework for Ms. Hunt, but I believe she can handle it.”

“Doesn’tshe have enough already?” The words were out of his mouthbefore he could think about it.

“I pay her ahandsome salary for the work she does. She knew what she was gettinginto when she took the job.” Her voice had turned cool, warninghim that barking up that tree would be a mistake.

“Of course.”He rose and put away the glass, using the time to compose himself.Madison was his wife now, and his instinct as her husband drove thiscampaign, but he would have to let it go. She could handle herself,and he had to believe that.

“I am tired. Ifthere isn’t anything else, I am going up.” Walking overto her, he bent and kissed her cheek before heading out.

Elizabeth sat whereshe was, staring at the empty doorway. He did not seem himself -something was bothering him; she could see that. She could not forcehim to come clean; he was not her little boy anymore.

She brooded into herwine as she realized he had not been for a very long time. Not sincehe was thirteen years old. She had allowed Bart to manipulate theirson’s upbringing and stood by while he introduced women intohis life.

She knew what went onbehind the closed doors of his study. How he had initiated their sonsexually with his perverse and sick sexual activities, and she haddone nothing to stop it. Brennan had been a child who had been forcedto grow up because the ill son of a bitch thought it was amusing tothink that sex was a weapon to be used and abused.

Tossing back thewine, she picked up her phone.

“I need you.”

“I am in themiddle of something, and we spoke about this, Elizabeth. You cannotexpect me to jump when you say so.”

“I was away forthe entire weekend; surely you are longing to be with me.”

“No doubt Iwill see you at the board meeting in the morning. I am prepping for acase and in the middle of doing research.”

“I do nottolerate being refused Allan.”

“What are yougoing to do? Break it off?” His voice was harsh and unfamiliar.

“Are you withsomeone? Is that it?”

“Is that yourquestion? And if I am, what are you jealous?”