Page 43 of Brennan

“I don’tget jealous.”

“Of course not.You are the great Elizabeth Connelly. I have to go.”

She could not believeit when she heard the dial tone and realized he had hung up on her.Putting away the phone, she told herself she was entirely in control.Her son was wrestling with a problem, and her lover dared to refuseto come over when she called—nothing to it.


“Hi.” Shewhispered as she let him in through the back door. She checked on heraunt to ensure she was sleeping before texting to say that it wassafe for him to come over.


“No.”She shook her head as he was about to reach for her. “Let’sgo on up.”

They made their wayquietly up the stairs and into her bedroom, where she locked thedoor. It was not something she had done in the past, but it wasdifferent now. She helped him take off his clothes, and they climbedinto bed. He reached for her as soon as that happened, cuddling heragainst him for a minute without saying anything.

“I missed you.”She whispered into his chest.

“The feeling ismutual. I have to leave very early in the morning to be there forbreakfast. And the mother has some extra work for you to see to.”

Easing back, shelooked at him. “She told you that?”

He nodded and gaveher an update.


“It’sgoing to mean more work for you.”

“I don’tmind. I was reading about the arrest on the internet.”

“She is on acrusade. The governor has roped her into his campaign.”

Lifting her head, shestared at him with a frown. “Nothing is wrong with that.”

“Do you haveany idea how much work this is going to be for you?” He askedher tightly.

“I am notafraid of hard work, which is what I signed up for.” Shereminded him.

“It’sgoing to mean longer hours. We-”

She stopped him byplacing a long, slender finger over his lips. “I can handleit.” She told him quietly. “I am not afraid of hard work,and we promised we would get through this.”

“My mothertends to work her assistants to the bone. You are my wife-”

“Stop.”She said firmly. “I was her assistant first, and she does notknow I am your wife. If you do anything to jeopardize my job-”

“You will dowhat? Never forgive me? Move out?” he asked her bitterly. “Oh,guess what? We are not living together.”

“You need tostop now before this turns into a real damn argument.” Shehissed. “You knew what you were getting into when you pressuredme into getting married and agreed to the terms and conditions. I amkeeping this job, and you will not do anything to make me lose it. Oryes, Brennan, I will make it very difficult for you. Is thatclear?”

His green eyessmoldered in anger. Pushing her away from him, he climbed out of bedand went to stand by the window. It was unfair to take out hisfrustrations on her, but he hated the arrangement and wondered whathe was thinking. He was not free to be with her and could notacknowledge her unless they were in private.

It was killing him.In the morning, he was going to have to sneak out of her room like agoddamned schoolboy who could not risk being caught by her angry dad.He was a grown-ass man and a married one who was not free to be withhis wife.

“Do you want toleave?”

“I should.”

“Then go.You are free-”