Page 32 of Brennan

“Of course youshould be. He is epic.”

‘And yet he isvery laid back.”

“And he wantsto do farming.”

Brennen chuckled ather skeptical expression. “He is going to hire people to do theheavy lifting.” he was about to say something else when herphone pinged, and he knew exactly who it was. Forcing the congenialexpression on his face, he let go of her hand so that she could pluckit from her pocket.

“Ms. Connelly.”The moon was bright enough for him to notice the tension on herexquisite face. “Of course. I will make a note of it.”She listened again. “The files are in the cabinet- I willcompile a list and make sure it’s on your desk for Mondaymorning. Yes, of course.”

She hung up andshoved the phone back into her jacket pocket.

“It was work.”


“You know howshe is.”

“I do. Shallwe?” It was not fair to be angry at his mother, but he did notlike his wife, the woman he loved to be at her beck and call.

“It’slovely. I-” The phone pinged again, and Brennen felt likedragging it from her pocket and hurling it deep into the woods.

“Let it go tovoicemail,” He said tersely.

“No.”Taking the phone out, she answered it. “The Marsden email? Yes,I will be sure to send it off Monday morning. Yes, I have alreadycompiled a list of the people attending. I will speak to Oh, allright, I will hold.”

Pressing the holdbutton, she turned towards Brennen and saw he was on the phone. Shewondered who he was talking to when her boss returned on the line.“My son is on the other end. I will speak to you tomorrow.”

Shoving her phoneinto her jacket pocket, she watched him paced away so that she couldnot hear the conversation.

Wanting to give himsome privacy, she wandered over to a stream, the gurgling wateradding to the mystique and splendor of the place.

“I took care ofit.” He had come up behind her without her even being aware.

“What?”She leaned back against him when he wrapped his arms around herwaist.

“I told herthat she should relax and not worry about work.”

“Won’tshe think it strange that you called in the middle of her talking tome?”

“I pretendedthat I wanted to find out she was enjoying her time away and made herpromise not to think about work until Monday.” He kissed thetop of her head.

“I don’twant any disturbances. Cold?” He asked when she shivered.

“A little.”

“Then I thinkit’s time we go back.”


He gave her time tochange into one of the flimsy negligees he had ordered from Romano’s.Taking off his clothes, he pulled the coverlet off and climbed in,the anticipation almost rendering him impatient.

“How long willyou be in there?” He called out.

“A minute more.It will be worth the wait.”

“I did sayclothing was optional, didn’t I?”

“Then whydid you order any?”