Page 31 of Brennan

Grabbing two cups,she poured the hot beverage and turned as he entered the room, armedwith several packages.

“Our weddingcake.” Dumping the rest of the stuff on the counter, he placedthe small cake with the fluffy pink and white icing in the middle.“Shall we?”

“We need aknife.”

Turning around, hetook one from the drawer. “We did not have a big wedding andwere denied the reception, but I prefer it being just us.”Coming around, he stuck the knife into the cake. Taking her hand, heput it on the handle before covering it with his. “Ready?”His green eyes were twinkling with mirth.

“Why not? Arewe going to count?”

“Of course.One, two…” She burst out laughing when he pressed downat the count of two.


“Did I?”Slicing into the cake, he took the fork and cut into the creamypastry. Scooping it up, he offered it to her. “No.” Heshook his head when she started to chew. “That’s not howit works.” Lifting her chin, he closed his mouth over hers, histongue, just the tip of it, tasting the cake in her mouth.

“It’sperfect,” He whispered.

“I agree.”her arms came around his neck, and the kiss took on a life of itsown. Putting her away from him, breath heaving, he had to take a stepback to steady himself. “We eat, and then we walk.”

“Walk?”She stared at him frowningly.

“Yes.” Hesmiled slightly as he cut several slices and handed her a plate.“It’s a beautiful night; the moon is one big orb in avery velvety sky. So we eat and then go for a walk.”

Sheeyed him for a moment as she tried to get her galloping desire undercontrol.

“You are astrange guy.”

“I am yourhusband,” He told her hoarsely, emotions coloring his tone.“And you are my wife.”

“I know.”Her heart hitched and shuddered.

“Mrs. BrennanConnelly.”

“Mrs. MadisonHunt-Connelly.”

“Is that right?And if I demand that you drop the Hunt?”

“I would haveto remind you that I am not a puppet and happen to have a mind of myown.”

“And I lovethat mind along with the rest of you.” Picking up a napkin, hedabbed the sides of her mouth. “I had to try.”


The air was crisp andclear, the moon a giant orb of silver in a sky so dark, it was almostblack. Stars completed the pretty picture, and the breeze played abrisk musical note in the trees. He held her hand as they strolledalong the narrow path leading to the thick wooded area.

“It’snew,” He murmured after they had walked for a few minutes. “Itbelongs to an actor, a guy I grew up with. He wants the place toretreat when he wants to get away. He will purchase horses and farmanimals and try his hand at it.”

“An actorhoping to be a farmer.” She mused. “It’s usuallythe other way around.”

“Elijah is froma wealthy family of actors. His dad has been married three times andnow lives with a woman young enough to be his daughter.”

“You aretalking about Elijah Simms.” She stopped abruptly, forcing himto do the same.

“I am, yes.”

“He is huge. Heis your friend.”

“He is.Darling, I do believe you have stars in your eyes. Should I bejealous?”