Page 14 of Brennan

She gripped the edgeof the desk as he came around, a giant golden tiger with emerald eyesstalking her. She felt like a prey, standing there with nowhere torun.


“I love thesound of my name on your lips.” Pushing away the chair, hecaptured her face between his hands, expression intense. “I amnot going anywhere.”

“Please-”She broke off with a gasp when he swooped down to capture her lips.The kiss was rough and had her clinging to the lapels of his jacket.She felt as if she was drowning in liquid fire. The heat hadpermeated her entire being in a short space of time.

She wanted to forgetwho she was and give in to the desire raging through her body. Forthe first time in her life, she did not want to be sensible.

Lifting his mouthfrom hers, he cuddled her in his arms, his hands roaming down herback as he fought for control. He did not want to take her on thedesk, which would mean utter disrespect and was not how he wanted tostart their relationship.

Besides, a maid mightbe wandering the halls and realize he was spending an inordinateamount of time there with her. He would have to rein in his passionand give it a little time.

Easing her away fromher to look into her eyes, he smiled wryly. “Leaving you is themost difficult thing I have ever done. But you are right. I need toleave you alone for now.” His hands cupped her face gently.“But not for long, Madison; I need you.”

“You arecrazy.’ She whispered shakily.

“I think I amfalling in love with you.”

Chapter 4

She fully expected tobe called out by Elizabeth as soon as she stepped foot inside thefollowing day. She had spent the entire night tossing and turning andwoke up heavy-eyed and listless.

She tried to convinceherself that she had dreamt that the feelings he had evoked insideher had been part of her active imagination. But he had branded her.She could still feel his lips on hers, and the potent and evocativeemotions were still there.

It had not been adream. Worse than that, it had been a twisted and convoluted plan ofhis to get rid of her. He would run to Elizabeth and tell her whathad happened between them in the office.

Her aunt had preparedoatmeal, her special recipe, and she had not been able to eatanything. Her first day at the job, and she was on the verge ofgetting fired. She did not believe he was falling in love with her;now, that would be completely stupid to believe that.

Handing her jacket toanother maid, she made her way with trepidation to the office.Knocking on the doors, she waited for the summons before pushing itopen and stepping inside. Her heart slammed inside her chest when shesaw him seated on one of the chairs in front of his mother’sdesk.

“I am a littlelate-”

Elizabeth waved thataside. “I am the one who is late. I wanted to update you onsome changes for today. I must rush out for a series of meetings, butmy son will go through Morsely's document with you.” Picking upher pocketbook, she slid out from the desk. “Darling, I cannottell you how grateful I am that you are doing this.”

“Mypleasure.” Rising gracefully, he kissed her on both cheeks andwalked her out.

Going behind herdesk, Madison tried and failed to get the tremors under control.After a few minutes, he returned and closed the doors, leaningagainst them as he stared at her.

“Good morning.”His deep voice was husky and intimate, with her heart twitchinginside her chest.

“I have thefile here, and you do not have to stay-”

“I did not getmuch sleep last night.” He walked towards her slowly, and shefelt as if she was watching everything in slow motion and frozen inspace.

“Don’t dothis.”

“Don’t dowhat? Want you? Love you?”

“This iscrazy-” She broke off with a gasp when he hauled her into hisarms and crushed his mouth to hers. She melted, her fingers grippingthe lapels of his burgundy sports jacket. The kiss was so potent thatshe would have fallen at his feet if he were not holding her if hisarms were not wrapped so tight around her waist.

Her hands wanderedrestlessly up and around his neck, fingers toying with the fringes ofhis blonde hair. She could not think, did not have the strength topush him away.

Brennen’s handsdrifted up and down her back restlessly until he was molding heragainst him, capturing her moans deep inside his throat. The shrillringing of the phone had both of them springing apart. She would havepushed out of his arms, but he kept her there.

“Answer it.”

Reaching for itwith a trembling hand, she cleared her throat before responding.“Elizabeth’s office. This is Madison.”