Page 15 of Brennan

“Ms. Hunt. Ismy son still there?”

Closing her eyesbriefly, she took a breath. “He is. Mr. Connelly, it’syour mom.”

He waited a fewseconds before taking the receiver. Resisting her efforts to pullaway from him, he kept her in his arms. “Mother, what is it?”

He listened for aminute, his eyes holding hers. “Of course. We already compileda comprehensive file on the entire matter.” He heard again.“It’s on my desk, yes, we will discuss it further. Getthe legal team on it right away. I will let her know.”

Hanging up the phone,he turned toward her.

“What did shesay?”

She is expecting somedeliveries, and you should thoroughly review them.” His handsframed her face.

“Let go ofme.”

“I amfinding it rather difficult to do so.” He started to lower hishead again, but she pushed hard this time.

“If this issome sick joke you are playing-” She gasped as he hauled herback into his arms, eyes blazing.

“Sick joke?Want to elaborate?”

“Brennan, letgo of me. This is my job, where I work, and I cannot have you tryingto destroy it.”

“You think thatis what’s happening here?” He asked her incredulously.

“What elsecould it be?” She demanded.

“I am fallingin love-”

“No, damnyou. Stop!” She closed her eyes briefly and took a breath.“Just stop.”

“I can’t.”he shook her slightly. “I blew off work to be here with you toprove that this is not something I dreamed up. I spent the night in acold sweat and could taste you each time I closed my eyes.”

“It's justlust.” She whispered.

“You know thatis not the case. I will let us finish the work, and then we willtalk.”


“I want to seeyou later.”

“No. That’snot a good idea.”

“Let merephrase that. I need to see you later, and if it’s not here,it will be at your place.”

“You thinkyou can dictate-”

“That’snot what I am doing.” Shrugging into his jacket, he cametowards the desk. They had spent the last two hours trying to get thework done while ignoring that they were acutely aware of each other.

He was finding itmore challenging to stay away from her, and working here in the sameroom with her had been pure torture. He had never felt this waybefore and could not believe this was happening to him.

“We need totalk about this.”

“Or we couldignore it and hope that it goes away.” She had been so aware ofhim, the subtle scent of his cologne, the lock of blonde hair thatkept falling over his forehead, that it had taken a lot for her toget anything done. She could not afford to mess up with this job.

“You knowthat’s not going to happen.”

“I need thisjob-”