Page 11 of Brennan

Madison consideredwrapping up the call. Something was happening between them, and shehad no idea what it was. Even though he was not inside the room, shecould feel the goosebumps on her flesh.

"No. We don'tmove in the same circle. Is that all?"

"No. This isfrustrating and confusing." his deep voice had lowered. "Ifeel as if I know you."

"You don't. Ihave work-"

"And I do notwant to keep you. My mother can be difficult."

"And I will dealwith it. I have to go." She hung up quickly and clapped herhands together to stop the shaking. This was ridiculous! Heaving outa breath, she got back to work.


Brennan pushed awayfrom his desk inside his newly appointed cream and blue office, afrown touching his brow. Striding towards the cabinet, he went topour a cup of steaming black coffee and stood at the window lookingout. The sky had cleared up, giving the February morning a crisp,cold look.

The sun hadfinally appeared, a watery facsimile of its usual brilliant gold, andwas doing its best to melt the snow. His hands were trembling, henoticed in surprise. He had been poleaxed; there was no other wordfor it. He had stepped into his mother's office, taken one look ather assistant, and had felt the punch to his gut.

He had not called tofind out about his mother's whereabouts but to talk to her. Even hername sounded like a musical note inside his head. He wanted to touchher, sit next to her, and hear her talking to him. It was ridiculousbecause he had just met her, and his mother would never approve oftheir relationship.

He did not considerthe possibility that she was involved with anyone. He was familiarwith the criteria of being employed as an assistant to his mother –the candidate had to be single. And even if she were involved, itwould not have mattered to him. He had to have her.

Finishing the coffeeand trying to dismiss her from his mind, he went back to his deskjust as Greta, his mother’s very efficient assistant, walked inafter a discreet knock. “You have two very important calls onthe line, and Mr. Erickson is waiting for you in conference room B.”A smile touched her lips. “Welcome back.”


“Chef Andrewould like to know if you have any preferences,” Elaineremarked as she wheeled in the tray.

“I am prettyflexible, thank you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, pleasecall me Madison.”

“Ms. Elizabethdoes not appreciate informality, so I am afraid it must be Ms.Madison.” The plump woman said with a friendly smile as she saton the table before the blazing fire. “There is a creamymushroom soup, sliced duck, and a bowl of wild rice with broccoli. Iwas unsure if you wanted tea or juice, so we included both.”

“Thank you verymuch.”

“You arewelcome. I will return to take the tray away as soon as you arethrough.”

“Elaine?”The woman turned at the door.

“Going onthirty years. I was hired to take care of Master Brennan.”

“I see. And youdecided to stay even after he was grown.” Madison had no ideawhy she kept the woman talking, but she wanted to be friendly withthe household staff. She was an employee and did not think she wasbetter than them.

“Yes.”Elaine nodded. “Ms. Elizabeth is an excellent employer, and Mr.Brennan is a wonderful man. If you would excuse me, I have work todo.”

“Thanks forlunch.”

With a nod, Elaineleft, closing the doors behind her.

Wandering over to thetable, she lifted the silver covers and sniffed in appreciation. Shehad waded through most of the correspondences, putting a questionmark on several of them to discuss with Elizabeth when she returned.

The amount of peoplesoliciting help was staggering. Not to mention the incredibly activesocial life surrounding Elizabeth Connelly. She was expected toattend functions almost every day of the week.

Picking up thenapkin, she unfolded it on her lap and started with the soup. He hadnot called back again, and she was trying to tell herself she washappy.

It was a naturalreaction to a man who looked like him. She had seen his photos invarious magazines and over the internet, but seeing him up close hadmanaged to unsettle her.