Page 12 of Brennan

Nothing more thanthat. It would, of course, be ridiculous for her to read anythingmore in it. Besides, she was not in his league, was she? She was alowly assistant, and he was Brennan Connelly.

She would do well toremember that.


"Darling, areyou listening to me?"

"I am."Moving from the chair he had been reclining on, he went to pour aglass of water.

"Is everythingall right?" She asked him with a frown. "Even in the boardmeeting, you barely contributed anything."

"I am trying toplay catch up." Taking the water with him, he sat back down."Everything was more laid back in Europe, and we moved slower."

"The hub of thecosmetic company is right here. Are you findin everything okay?"

"You are worriedthat I cannot cut it as your vice president?" He asked herteasingly.

"I have theutmost confidence in you." Reaching across, she touched his handbriefly. "We have that press party to introduce the new line."

"The models havebeen interviewed. I have seen the eight-by-ten, and they lookpromising. The billboards are getting many views and comments on thesocial media platforms." Leaning back against the cushions, hestretched his legs out.

"I have ameeting, or rather, we have a meeting with a manufacturing firm inChina. We have this new age-defying cream coming out in time forsummer."

"And you wouldlike me to get the advertising department on it."

"Precisely."She rose and came around to kiss him on the cheek. "It's sowonderful to have you back home. I will invite Ms. Hunt to most ofthese functions to get her acclimatized with the people in mycircle."

"Won't she beout of her depth?" He asked casually, even though his heart waspumping unsteadily.

"She will haveto get used to it. I will not be home for dinner, after all, darling.I am required to be at the museum. The company has donated a new wingdevoted to cultural history, and I have to cut the ribbon. I wouldask you to be there with me, but I do not want to bombard you so soonafter your arrival."

"And for that, Iam grateful," He told her with a smile. "I will hopefullysee you when you get back."


"I hope you didnot have plans for this evening." Elizabeth glided into theroom, her subtly expensive perfume wafting in her wake. The glitteryemerald gown directly contrasted her creamy complexion and broughtout the deeper shade of her eyes.

Her sable hair was inits usual elegant chignon at the nape of her neck. Emeralds were ather lobes and throat, a dark coat draped over her shoulders.

"I don't, no."

"Perfect. I wantyou to finish working on Adderly's proposal and leave it on my desk."

"I will. Youlook lovely."

"Thank you."She acknowledged the compliment with a regal nod of her head.

"My speech-"

"Was sent toyour inbox. I have printed out a hard copy." Picking up thefolder, she handed it to her.

"It seems youare working out."

"I hope so. Havea good time."

"If you are hereuntil much later, you may call the kitchen and request refreshments."

"I already had avery filling meal. Thank you."