Page 49 of Drew

Sagging in her seat, Fredrica looked across at Alyssa. “I swear mating screws up your priorities. I’m still getting used to it. That man has my head in a fog.”

“Sexual bliss will do that.” Mason agreed before getting up to add more popcorn to the now empty bowl.

“Worth it,” Fredrica mouthed to Alyssa, which tossed them both into a fit of laughter.

“What did I miss?” Mason asked when he returned to the table.

Neither answered as Zelda breezed back in, collecting her purse. “I have to get back to the gallery. He’s messed up an entire wall.” She glanced at Alyssa. “I have someone interested in your apartment. I know you said you weren’t sure about moving out just yet, but I wanted you to know since you haven’t slept in it for weeks.” She winked. “And I don’t blame you one bit.”

Sheepishly, Alyssa glanced at Drew. His smile was wide as he shrugged. “Whenever you’re ready. It’s an open invitation.”

“It’s a safe bet, Alyssa.” Zelda nodded at her. “It’s okay to be happy.”

Rounding the table, Alyssa hugged her and whispered, “I’ll let you know soon.”

Seconds later, Zelda was gone. When the front door shut, all eyes turned to Drew. He set aside the salad container and joined them at the table. “Mitch is dead.”

Everyone was silent. Question after question floated through her mind. Who did it? How were they coping? Neither Maddox nor Callum seemed bloodthirsty, and she doubted they’d ever taken a human, or shifter’s, life before.

“What happened?” Mason’s question was solemn.

Drew’s gaze rose to hers. “You said Mitch was an online gambler?”


“Seems he enjoyed casinos as well. He tried to cheat one in New York. Turns out the security team at the casino are shifters. Mitch didn’t stand a chance. The boys are on their way back now.”

“Good.” Fredrica looked relieved.

“Is it bad that I don’t feel bad about it?” Alyssa cringed.

“The man tried to rape you,” Mason said, prompting Drew’s fists to clench. “I think you get a pass on this one.”

“His death was a forgone conclusion. The second he put his hands on you ensured that.”

“That’s sweet.” Alyssa chuckled. “In a morbid sort of way.”

“The important thing,” Fredrica jumped in, “is that he can’t hurt you or anyone else now.”

More often than she’d like to admit, she wondered about any potential victims Mitch may have left behind. Now, at least, justice had been served.

“They’ll be home tonight?” Fredrica’s tone was hopeful.

“Yes, but late.”

Before he finished his statement, Fredrica was already out of her seat. She barely waved on her way out the door, her platinum hair swinging at her enthusiastic pace. “Later!”

Shaking his head, Mason rose as well. “Well, I suppose I should head out, too.” He reached over to Drew and shook his hand. “It’ll be nice to have Callum back.”

Drew held his beta’s hand longer than necessary as he studied him. “Actually, Callum won’t be here long. He’s feeling the mating pull and will take some time off.” He looked at Alyssa, and she realized he was silently asking for her approval of Mason. She gave a nod. “You mind staying on as beta for a while?”

Mason’s smile grew. “Yeah. For sure. I’m up for the challenge.” Mason piled up the cards and returned them to the box before heading for the door.

Alyssa cleared the table, but she could feel Drew’s gaze watching her every movement. When she set the bowl Mason had been eating out of onto the counter behind him, Drew pulled her into his arms. His big hands settled on her denim-clad ass. “So you’re thinking of moving in?”

She could feel the blush staining her cheeks. Zelda giving him the news hadn’t been in her plans. “I was thinking about it.” Drawing a circle on his chest with her finger, she glanced up. “I practically live here anyway.”

Drew emitted a low growl. “Makes sense to make it official. No point in having a place you don’t use.”